We call this plant lemongrass, the Chinese – “wu wei ji”, which translates as “a plant with five tastes.” In the berries of lemongrass, you can really taste the classic tastes: sour, bitter, sweet, spicy and salty, and the oriental sages associate them with 5 elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Hence the belief in the magical properties of this plant.
In Chinese tradition, lemongrass is used to treat the kidneys and lungs, it is useful for removing excess fluid from the body, calming the nerves and increasing fertility. Oriental herbalists usually use only 50 plants in their practice, referred to as “basic”. And lemongrass is one of them. By the way, wu wei ji is as respected in the East as the famous ginseng.
Botanical characteristics
Lemongrass is a deciduous plant in the schisandra family, typically found in sandy soils, mixed forests, and near streams. “Wu wei ji” – a light-loving plant, feels good on moist soil. It is a woody vine dotted with clusters of small bright red berries. Its natural range is the east of China and the adjacent territories of Russia and Korea. Liana can grow up to 9 m, wrapping around a tree trunk, like ivy. The thickness of the creeper rarely exceeds 2 cm. In April-May, the first fragrant white, pink or yellow flowers appear on it, in place of which berries then flaunt. And at this time the plant looks very attractive.
It is interesting that the plant that we know as Chinese magnolia vine is called northern in China itself, since it grows mainly in the northeastern provinces of the country. And “wu wei ji” with orange fruits, common in the southwest, is called southern in the Celestial Empire.
Useful components
Lemongrass fruits are a good source of organic acids, lignins, phytosterols, vitamins A, C and E, essential oils, healthy fats, chromium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon, nickel. More than 30 different substances have been found in berries that are primarily beneficial for the liver. Vitamins contained in fruits are known for their powerful antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties.
Benefits for the body
Not so long ago, researchers determined that Chinese lemongrass is useful for diabetes. In addition, it is known that the extract of this plant protects the cardiovascular system, prevents inflammation, and inhibits the activity of free radicals. I wonder what else useful berries?
Restorative remedy
This is one of the most powerful plants with a tonic and restorative effect. Chinese healers knew about this a thousand years ago. Modern research confirms: the plant strengthens the body’s immune system and improves its performance. “Wu wei ji” contains substances that help cleanse the liver, remove toxins from the body, and the seeds of the plant contain substances that increase the efficiency and physical endurance of the body. In the East, they believe that if you use lemongrass for 100 days, you can cleanse the blood, improve memory and brain function, normalize the functioning of the kidneys and the reproductive system, the skin will acquire a healthy color, and acne will disappear.
Prevents inflammatory processes
Due to the high concentration of antioxidants, lemongrass helps fight free radicals, prevents inflammatory reactions, which are actually the causes of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Free radicals are the most dangerous enemies of a person, as they cause mutations at the cellular level and accelerate aging.
In addition, by preventing inflammatory processes in the body, lemongrass protects against atherosclerosis, diabetes, and regulates the optimal acid-base balance. When it comes to Schizandra’s ability to prevent cancer, it’s important to remember its specific properties. Researchers studying the effect of lemongrass on the body determined that these berries inhibit the growth of cancer cells and lead to their death.
Influence on the nervous system and brain function
Research confirms that lemongrass naturally affects the balance of hormones in the body. Hence the ability of berries to support mental and physical health. Lemongrass acts on the adrenal glands by inhibiting the production of cortisol (the stress hormone). As a result of this influence, the physical endurance of the body increases, metabolism and resistance to stress improve. Schisandra chinensis berries have also been shown to be effective as natural antidepressants.
By the way, increasing the body’s resistance to stress is not only protection for the nervous system. It has long been scientifically proven that against the background of frequent stress, the body loses its protective functions, which means that it gets sick more often and easier. For this reason, lemongrass is useful not only for maintaining a stable emotional state, but also for preventing other diseases.
Even though lemongrass is known as a natural energy booster, it also has mild sedative properties. Chinese healers say that this plant is able to “pacify the spirit and heart.” Therapists call this ability of the herb a sedative effect. Tea with lemongrass will relieve insomnia, calm the nerves, relax before going to bed. And I must say, scientists are still at a loss as to how opposite properties can “coexist” in one plant.
In addition, lemongrass berries are useful for the treatment of several mental and neurological disorders, including neurosis, depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, concentration and coordination disorders. Lemongrass stimulates the spinal cord and brain, improves coordination.
Improves the digestive system
Experiments have shown that these small red berries contribute to the proper production of digestive enzymes. Schisandra has also been observed to increase blood flow to the organs of the digestive system, thereby improving their functionality.
Some chemicals contained in berries are useful for treating infections in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as gastritis with hyper- and hyposecretion, stomach ulcers.
Benefit to the liver
Schisandra berries contain – substances with a pronounced antihepatotoxic effect. In this plant, 30 varieties of lignans were found, which makes it extremely useful for the liver, including as a protection against fatty degeneration. At the end of the last century, the effectiveness of lemongrass in the treatment of hepatitis of various etiologies was proven. Almost 76% of patients who took the plant extract showed improvement in their condition.
Research conducted in 2010 showed that lemongrass may be beneficial for liver transplant patients by increasing the production of a chemical compound that prevents transplant rejection. The benefits for the liver also lie in the high content of antioxidant substances that prevent free radical damage to cells. In addition, lemongrass promotes liver detoxification, which is also important for the healthy functioning of the organ.
Promotes weight loss
Not so long ago, Korean researchers discovered another property of lemongrass. It turned out that this berry is very useful for overweight people. The special chemical composition of “wu wei ji” regulates the intestinal microflora, thereby contributing to the proper digestion of food and the removal of toxins. But besides this, lemongrass significantly improves metabolism, contributes to the active burning of subcutaneous fat, the removal of triglycerides and bad cholesterol from the bloodstream.
An experiment involving 28 obese women showed an improvement in the condition as early as 12 weeks of taking the plant extract.
Improves skin condition
Lemongrass juice is an excellent remedy for protecting the skin from UV rays and toxins. This berry is useful for the treatment of dermatitis and the elimination of allergic rashes. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, lemongrass is useful for treating acne, pimples, and other skin blemishes. In addition, the plant is useful for healing wounds caused by burns or frostbite.
In cosmetology, lemongrass extract is used to care for oily and problem skin. The juice of the plant is well rubbed into the scalp. This procedure stimulates hair growth and even helps in the initial stages of baldness.
There is reason to believe that lemongrass enhances sexual desire in men and women, activates the secretion of sexual fluid, and prevents premature ejaculation. Plant extract has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system. By activating blood flow to the genitals, it increases their sensitivity, increases sexual desire.
In addition, lemongrass has a positive effect on the production of hormones, in particular estrogen.
Use in folk medicine
The oldest written memory of the benefits of lemongrass dates back to 2697 BC. In the ancient Chinese book on medicinal plants, “wu wei ji” is mentioned as one of the most important substances for the kidneys, liver, intestines, and lungs. It is spoken of as a remedy for restoring energy and male strength, a cure for night sweats and insomnia, a remedy for coughs and chronic fatigue. Since ancient times, the Chinese have used this plant as an antiseptic, astringent and tonic. Traditional healers used lemongrass to treat hepatitis and other liver diseases, it was used to improve brain function and strengthen memory.
Since ancient times, this plant has been known to the inhabitants of Russia. Here, folk healers used it for diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system, for respiratory diseases, impotence, diarrhea and asthma. Berry fruit drinks were used as natural energy drinks, and they believed in the rejuvenating power of the plant. This plant was also appreciated by hunters. They ate small red berries before every hunt to improve physical strength and endurance.
Used in folk medicine and lemongrass bark. It was used mainly for the treatment of caries. Herbalists advise pouring half a liter of boiling water over a tablespoon of lemongrass bark and insisting for several hours. Ready medicine should rinse the mouth.
How to use
Lemongrass is useful for the body in various forms. From dried berries, you can prepare a decoction or infusion (mix berries and boiling water in a ratio of 1:6). If you pour fresh berries with vodka and leave for 2 weeks, you get an alcohol tincture, which is useful to take 20-30 drops a day (or twice a day). Dried berries can be crushed to a powder state and added to drinks (no more than 3 g per day). Pharmacists offer the plant extract in tablets, capsules, or tinctures. But the easiest way is to make tea from the berries and / or leaves, stems of the plant. To do this, pour a few grams of raw materials with boiling water and leave for 3-5 minutes. Honey and ginger can be added to lemongrass tonic tea.
Do not get carried away with lemongrass for people with high acidity of the stomach, as large portions of this berry can cause heartburn. Pregnant women (this plant tends to stimulate uterine contractions) and people prone to allergies should refrain from “five-flavored berries”. Increased intracranial pressure and hypertension are also reasons to refuse berries.
Lemongrass, from the point of view of chemistry, is a complex herb, due to which it is multifunctional for humans.
Lemongrass has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, endocrine, immune, digestive, supports the respiratory system, heart and blood vessels.
Studies show that this herb reduces oxidative stress and improves body performance. But what is most surprising is that the ancient Chinese and the inhabitants of Siberia knew almost all the beneficial properties of the wu wei ji plant many centuries ago. We are just beginning to discover the amazing properties of lemongrass.
- Sources of
- Tatyana Litvinova: The Great Cure of Chinese Emperors for 1000 Diseases Lemongrass: how to be treated and how to grow, 2018.