
Lemonema is a representative of marine fish belonging to the cod-like order. [1]. They may vary in size. Sometimes there are giants whose body length can reach 70 centimeters in length, weighing up to three kilograms. [2].

Their body has an elongated shape with slightly pressed sides. The meat is white in color, in which there are practically no small bones. The body is covered with small gray-brown scales. [3]

What is useful lemonema

This type of fish is especially recommended for the elderly, teenagers, pregnant women and children.

Scientists are convinced that the protein of this product is identical in nutritional value to meat protein. They have proven that it is better absorbed by the human body.

The composition of the product includes a large number of useful trace elements and vitamins. 150 g of pure fillet contains the daily norm of iodine.

Like any other marine life, lemonema contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a powerful antioxidant effect.

Thus, if you eat this fish twice a week, it will prevent the development of cardiovascular pathologies and avoid the development of malignant tumors.

Nutritionists even prescribe the meat of this marine inhabitant to patients who suffer from diabetes. It completely lacks carbohydrates, which contributes to an increase in the level of glucose in the blood serum.

This product is also recommended for people who are overweight, as it has a low calorie content. Thanks to vitamins, proteins and trace elements, it allows people to not feel hungry for a long time.

Remember that the benefits and harms of eating this type of fish depend on the right choice of product.

Are there any contraindications for this product?

Lemonem can be consumed by everyone without fear of harming health.

The only contraindication to its use in food is individual intolerance to the product.

This can provoke an allergic reaction, which is manifested by various skin rashes.

Composition and calorie content

Meat contains:

  • vitamins of group B, PP, E;
  • nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, fluorine, chromium, manganese, iodine, zinc, iron, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium [4].

This product is low-calorie, but it is worth remembering that there are much more calories in fried fish than in boiled or baked [5].

Energy value of the product
Caloric value67 kcal [6]

Lemonema caviar

Salted and dried lemonema caviar is a kind of pink caviar. It contains a low content of proteins and fats. In terms of taste, it is not inferior to meat.

It’s kind of a delicacy. It contains iodine, vitamins A, D, E and other vital trace elements.

If you use it at least once a week, you can strengthen the cardiovascular system, normalize blood pressure, maintain body tone.

It also contains a large amount of carbohydrates, which are easily digestible, and fatty polyunsaturated acids.

Very often on sale you can find dried lemonma caviar. It is used to prepare various salads. It is also ideal for beer lovers as a salty snack.

How to choose the right fish

Experts offer several tips that will allow you to choose the right product.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the eyes of the fish. They should be convex and light. Cloudy eyes are a sign of staleness.

The body of the fish should be smooth and moist. If the fish is dry, then it is not worth buying. Any mucus, spots, damage is a sign of depravity.

If you want to check the product for freshness, then lightly press it with your finger. If the deepening is quickly restored, then the fish can be bought. If the depression remains, then the fish is stale. If you buy a product frozen, then try to choose one that has less snow and ice. Excess ice indicates that it has been thawed several times.

How to cook

Today, finding lemonade in the store is easy. In recent years, it has become more popular. There are many recipes for its preparation. Since it is transported from distant regions of Russia, it is mainly sold frozen. [7].

Because of its appearance, the fish does not cause much appetite, and few would have thought that it could be cooked at all, but it has excellent taste and nutritional characteristics.

Besides, it is inexpensive. Those who do not want to spend time cutting can buy fish fillets. Before cooking, it must be properly defrosted. Remember that defrosting is carried out only in a natural way. To do this, put the frozen fish in the refrigerator. After defrosting, leave it for a couple of hours at room temperature. This will keep the perfect structure of the meat.

The fish tastes like cod. The color of her meat is also white, but with a softer texture. Its main advantage is that it almost completely lacks bones. There are a lot of recipes for preparing the product, you can choose an option for every taste (fry, boil or bake). It makes a very tasty soup.

Residents of Japan eat it raw, using it to make sushi. In the eastern part of Japan, liver is more popular.

In our stores, it is sold in the form of butchered carcasses that lack a head, tail and scales. On average, their weight is 370-420 g. If you only need a sirloin for cooking, then you will have little waste when cutting. It is established that the average waste is 10%.

Cutting fish is easy. First, defrost the carcass. Then we clean it from the fins (for this we make an incision on both sides of the fin). Then we remove all the insides from the abdominal cavity. It is very important to remove the black film, otherwise it will add bitterness to the future dish. Separate the loin from the ridge with a sharp knife.

Recipes for cooking fish in the oven are a variety of [8]. Here is the most common one. For him, you will need one carcass of fish, one onion and carrots, bay leaf, seasonings to taste, vegetable oil for frying and ketchup.

We cut the fish (as described above). We cut it into portions. Rinse under running water and place in a colander to drain excess water. Marinate with spices and spread on a foil on a baking sheet. Put a bay leaf on top. We fry carrots and onions. We spread these vegetables on the fish. We mix ketchup with water, pour our dish with the resulting mixture and cover with foil. We bake at a temperature of 180 degrees. Cooking takes approximately 40 minutes. If you want to achieve a golden crust, then after half an hour the foil can be deployed.

Fish can be served as a main course or as a side dish. This recipe will not leave you indifferent. Enjoy your meal!

Sources of
  1. ↑ FishBase site. – Laemonema longipes.
  2. ↑ Site Double names of fish. – Traveler fish.
  3. ↑ Wikipedia. – Lemonema.
  4. ↑ Medical directory Medicalmed.de. – Lemonema.
  5. ↑ Calorie counting site Calorisator. – Lemonema.
  6. ↑ Website My Healthy Diet. – Caloric value of Lemonema. Chemical composition and nutritional value.
  7. ↑ Social network for scientists ResearchGate. – Distribution and some features of the biology of the long-finned Lemonema Laemonema longipes (Moridae) during the period of northern migrations.
  8. ↑ National Fish Resources website. – Thursday is fish day: secrets and tips for cooking lemonema fish.

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