Lemon tincture on moonshine

The abundance and variety of alcoholic beverages on the market did not at all cause a decline in interest in making home-made moonshine. Moreover, the popularity of a strong home-made drink has even increased, since among store-bought vodka there are frankly poor-quality representatives, the composition of which, moreover, is not known at all. Moonshine on a lemon has long been known among the people and enjoys well-deserved love not only because of its excellent taste, but also due to its additional healing properties.

Lemon tincture on moonshine

Benefits of infusing moonshine with lemon

Making a good alcoholic drink at home is not an easy task – for this, in addition to high-quality equipment, careful observance of the rules at all stages of the technological process is necessary. Otherwise, the drink may contain fusel oils and other unhealthy impurities. By the way, checking the quality of the purchased moonshine is quite simple – just pour a small amount of it into a tablespoon and gently set it on fire. A good quality drink should light up immediately. If it does not burn or after burning an oily residue is noticeable on the spoon, then it is not recommended to use such a drink.

In any case, for lemon tincture, it is better to use double-distilled moonshine, which has a strength of 40-45 degrees.

But if it so happened that he still has some fusel smell, then it is lemons that can not only kill him, but also absorb harmful impurities, ridding them of the finished drink. Similar properties are possessed by both lemon peel and the white peel underneath, which can act as an adsorbent.

In general, the taste of lemon is very harmoniously combined with moonshine, and when using additional ingredients, an unimaginable palette of flavors is available. And the high concentration of vitamin C makes lemon tincture on moonshine unique in terms of healing.

In addition, citric acid, present in the composition of the juice, will help eliminate possible protein compounds from moonshine that could get into it due to non-compliance with certain process standards.

Another benefit of using lemons to infuse moonshine is the fact that the process can be very fast. The drink can be consumed within a few hours. Although the special taste and rich aroma of a lemon drink is obtained only after 3-4 weeks of infusion.

Lemon tincture on moonshine

How to insist moonshine on a lemon

To insist on moonshine, you can use both individual parts of a lemon, zest, juice, pulp, and whole fruits, as well as combine them in any ratio.

  • The peel, due to the significant content of essential oils, is able to bind and adsorb harmful compounds. As a result of the subsequent filtration of the drink, they will be removed from the moonshine.
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice gives the drink an attractive color, taste and aroma, and can also oxidize (due to the citric acid content) harmful protein compounds.
  • The bitterness of the drink can be given by the white peel, located directly under the zest, and most importantly, the bones. Therefore, it is better to get rid of these components of the lemon in the process of making the tincture.

Lemons are one of the main components of this drink. From the choice of suitable fruits, both taste and healing properties depend.

  • It is better to choose ripe lemons, which can be identified by the presence of a characteristic sheen on the peel. Unripe fruits have a matte skin.
  • Lemons should have firm, slightly springy flesh when pressed. If the fruits are soft, then they are most likely overripe, and it is better not to use them for tincture.
  • Fruits with thin skin are usually more fragrant, contain more essential oils, trace elements and vitamins. They also contain more acid.
  • If antibiotics and/or growth hormones were used in the cultivation of lemons, then brown spots are noticeable on the peel. It is better to refuse such fruits, especially since they are bitter more than usual.
  • Ripe, naturally grown lemons have a rich flavor that is different from those that have been chemically treated.
Advice! If you have a choice, it is better to prefer Turkish or African lemons, Abkhazian fruits.

Lemon tincture on moonshine

When using a syrup recipe to make a tincture, the quality of the water is of paramount importance. Do not use city tap water. You should get distilled or artesian bottled water.

For the preparation and infusion of the drink, only glass, earthenware or ceramic dishes are used. The use of enamelware is allowed. Metal utensils may be subject to oxidation. And plastic in combination with moonshine is able to release harmful components that will negate all the beneficial properties of the drink.

Often, imported lemons are treated with paraffin substances for better preservation. To get rid of them, the fruits must be washed in warm water before use, cleaning their surface with a brush.

Advice! Before cutting lemons, it is recommended to scald them with boiling water, not only to destroy the ubiquitous bacteria and viruses, but also to mitigate possible bitterness.

The classic recipe for lemon tincture on moonshine

Despite the presence of a large number of recipes for moonshine lemon tincture, their basic principles for preparing at home are common. They differ only in the content of sugar and additional ingredients. This recipe will describe the classic technology for making moonshine tinctures, on the basis of which you can independently conduct various experiments.

You need:

  • 5 ripe lemons with a thin skin;
  • 500 ml of purified moonshine, 50 ° strength;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 150 d Sahara.


  1. Sugar is added to the water, heated to a boil and boiled until the syrup is completely transparent. Cool to a temperature of + 30-35 ° C.
  2. The yellow thin layer of peel is removed from the peel so that the white part of it is not affected.
  3. Juice is carefully squeezed out of the pulp, you can use a juicer for this purpose. Do not allow lemon seeds to get into the juice.
  4. Thoroughly mix sugar syrup with lemon juice and chopped zest.
  5. The mixture is poured with moonshine and placed for 5-7 days in a cool place without access to light.
  6. The duration of the infusion depends on individual preferences. If everything was done correctly, then the taste and aroma of the drink only improves from the time of infusion.

The easiest recipe for lemon tincture on moonshine

In the simplest recipe for making a lemon drink based on moonshine, there is nothing superfluous. Only 2 liters of moonshine, 50 ° strength and 2 lemons.


  1. Lemons are washed in running water, carefully wiping the skin from dirt, and then scalded with boiling water.
  2. Both lemons are placed in a whole state in a glass jar with moonshine, covered with a lid and infused for 2 weeks in a dark place.
  3. After the specified time, the lemons are removed, and the tincture is filtered through a cotton filter.
  4. It turns out a delicious drink with an attractive yellowish color.

Moonshine infusion on lemon with ginger

Lemon tincture on moonshine

The classic combination of lemon and ginger makes this recipe an excellent remedy for coughs, sore throats and other cold symptoms.

You need:

  • 70 g fresh ginger root;
  • 300 g lemon;
  • 1 liters of moonshine;
  • 5 vanilla pods;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • oak chips optional.


  1. Peel the zest from the prepared lemons and cut it into small pieces.
  2. Ginger is rubbed on a coarse grater.
  3. Lemon zest, ginger, vanilla, cinnamon and oak chips are poured with moonshine and insisted in a dark place for a week.
  4. After that, the tincture is filtered.
  5. Syrup is made from water and sugar, cooled.
  6. The prepared syrup is mixed with tincture, shaken and kept under the same conditions for another 5 days.
  7. The finished drink is bottled and tightly corked.

Recipe for tincture of moonshine on lemons and mint

According to this recipe, lemon moonshine is infused without sugar, so the drink is strong.

Lemon tincture on moonshine

You need:

  • 1 lemon;
  • about 100 g of fresh mint;
  • 500 ml of moonshine with a strength of 40 °.


  1. From a lemon, only grated zest (yellow part of the peel) is used. The rest can be left for other dishes.
  2. It is preferable to use mint fresh, not dry. Its leaves are crushed by hand.
  3. Moonshine is poured over a mixture of zest and mint and infused for 10 to 14 days in a dark place outside the refrigerator.
  4. Then the tincture is filtered and allowed to ripen for another 7 days before use.

Moonshine on lemon peel with distillation

To get completely transparent moonshine from lemons, after insisting, it is distilled again.

You need:

  1. 1 liters of moonshine;
  2. 200 g lemon zest;
  3. 650 ml water.


  1. Lemon zest is poured with moonshine and infused under normal conditions for 3 to 4 weeks.
  2. Then water is added and distilled again to bring the volume of the finished drink to 1 liter and to the standard strength of 45 °.

To prepare such a tincture, you can initially use even unrefined or not very high-quality moonshine. At the last stage, in any case, it will acquire the properties of a quality product.

How to insist moonshine on lemon and coffee beans

The recipe may be of interest to lovers of exact numbers and everything unusual.

You need:

  • 500 ml of moonshine;
  • 3 lemon;
  • 33 coffee beans;
  • 33 pieces of refined sugar or teaspoons of granulated sugar.
Comment! This recipe uses roasted coffee beans.


  1. Lemons are washed, dried and small cuts are made in each of them.
  2. They contain coffee beans.
  3. Lemons with seeds are placed in a dry glass jar, sugar is added there and all this is poured with moonshine.
  4. They insist exactly 33 days.

The resulting alcoholic drink can simply be drunk, or you can make cocktails from it.

Fragrant tincture of moonshine on lemon with cloves

To get lemon moonshine with a special spicy aroma, 1-4 clove buds are added to 5 liter of alcohol. Otherwise, they operate according to classical technology.

Lemon tincture on moonshine with honey

If you insist moonshine on lemon using honey instead of sugar, then it will acquire additional healing properties.

You need:

  • 2 lemon;
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey;
  • 1 liters of moonshine.


  1. The zest is extracted from the lemons and the juice separately. All other parts of the pulp are thrown away.
  2. In a jar, zest, lemon juice and honey are combined, poured with moonshine.
  3. Close the lid tightly and insist in a warm place without light for 2-3 days, shaking the contents thoroughly 2 times a day.
  4. After that, the resulting lemon tincture is filtered, bottled and, sealed tightly, stored in a cool place.

The original recipe for lemon tincture on moonshine with anise and mint

The same technology is used to prepare an interesting drink with the addition of aromatic herbs: anise and mint.

Attention! Anise and its close relative star anise (star anise) are very similar in aroma and effect on the body, therefore they are quite interchangeable fragrant spices.

Lemon tincture on moonshine

Moreover, star anise has an even more pronounced aroma, so it is more often used in the manufacture of liqueurs, punches and other drinks.

You need:

  • 1 liters of moonshine;
  • 2 lemon;
  • 1 Art. l. anise (or star anise);
  • 100 g fresh mint herb.

Manufacturing technology involves mixing lemon peel, mint and anise, adding moonshine to them and infusing for about a week under normal conditions.

How to make lemon tincture on moonshine with galangal and violet root

Kalgan in Our Country is often called the erect cinquefoil, whose healing properties have long been honored and respected.

Lemon tincture on moonshine

This herb will help in curing a wide variety of diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys. Due to its properties, it is an effective remedy even for dysentery.

Violet root has earned fame, first of all, as a powerful adsorbent and purifier of moonshine from possible harmful impurities. At the same time, you should not think that it means the roots of homemade violets that grow on the windows in almost every house. For cleaning, iris rhizomes are used, which are usually sold in dried form in almost any pharmacy.

Lemon tincture on moonshine

You need:

  • 250g fresh lemon zest;
  • 200 g of caraway seeds;
  • 30 g of anise;
  • 60 g of violet root;
  • 50 g remaining;
  • 50 g fennel;
  • 3,5 liters of purified double distillation moonshine;
  • 2,5 L of water.


  1. All components are mixed, poured with moonshine and infused for about 2 days.
  2. Spring water is added and distilled until the finished drink is clear and not too spicy.
  3. Then be sure to filter and add sugar if desired.
  4. Bottled and enjoy the amazing taste of the resulting drink.

How to store lemon tincture

In a cool and dark room, moonshine tincture on lemons can be stored for 6 to 12 months. If you freeze it, then the shelf life is almost unlimited. But most often it is used much faster.


Moonshine on lemon is such a versatile drink that it is suitable for both men’s and women’s companies, for feasts and for medicinal purposes.


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