Lemon Panderose: home care

Growing citrus crops at home begins with choosing the right variety. The Panderose lemon is especially popular among citrus growers, its characteristic feature is the stable fruiting of large fruits, which, among other things, have a strong lemon aroma.

Lemon Panderose: home care

Description of lemon

The name of the variety comes from the Spanish word “panderosa”, which means heaviness or large-fruited. The history of the selection of this hybrid has not been fully studied. Most citrus growers believe that Panderose is a hybrid obtained by naturally crossing wild varieties of citrus crops. It is believed that the variety appeared in the late XIX or early XX centuries.

The second theory of origin is associated with the name of the American gardener Bauman. It is believed that it was he who bred this hybrid in his own nursery. Later, Panderose lemon began to be grown in the United States of America, and then spread throughout Europe.

Character traits:

  1. Panderose lemon bush can reach 1,5 m. The crown is made up of green shiny leaves. They have the shape of an elongated circle with pointed tips.
  2. Fruits of the Panderose variety can grow from 500 g to 1000 g. The yellow peel of the fruit is covered with small tubercles. The pulp of the fruit of the Panderose variety is characterized as juicy, with pronounced sourness. There are several dozen seeds per fruit.
  3. Panderose lemon flowers may appear 2 to 3 times within 1 year. They are large, white, with a yellow center, at the tips of the petals they can acquire a pink tint.

Lemon Panderose: home care

In breeding practice, there is the concept of “Panderose syndrome”: it refers to the abundant flowering of a tree, which can cause poor fruiting. The forces of the tree go to the formation of buds and long flowering.

Subject to the necessary conditions of maintenance, the Panderose variety can begin to bear fruit in the 2nd – 3rd year of existence.

With age, the light gray peel of the main trunk acquires thorns. A similar mechanism makes the Panderose lemon related to its wild progenitors.

The Panderose lemon variety is considered unpretentious and capable of growth and development in any conditions. The only requirement of the tree concerns the temperature regime with the accompanying indicators of air humidity.

The Panderose tree needs additional support. This is due to the severity of large-sized fruits. Branches cannot always support such weight on their own, without support.

Lemon Panderose: home care

Ordinary soil is not suitable for Panderose lemon; Panderose variety needs loose, light soil with a basic set of nutrients.

Advice! The soil for citrus fruits is sifted through a large sieve before planting to obtain the necessary structure.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of this variety:

  • compact size;
  • the Panderose bush is not sprawling, which allows it to be grown in small spaces;
  • large fruits with a characteristic lemon flavor;
  • may be a rootstock for other varieties;
  • undemanding to the conditions of detention;
  • has an impressive appearance.

There are few drawbacks to the Panderose variety, but they all relate to the characteristics of the fruit:

  • a large number of seeds;
  • due to weight indicators, most fruits do not have time to ripen on the branches and fall off.

Breeding methods

Panderose lemon can be propagated in one of 3 ways: cuttings, seeds, scion.

Cuttings – this method has established itself as the most effective. It helps bring fruitfulness. Panderose lemon is propagated in the spring, the method includes several successive steps:

  1. A stalk is cut off from the selected plant; for this, a semi-cured branch up to 10 cm long and 5 mm in diameter is selected. There should be 2-3 live buds on the handle. The cut is performed above or below one of the kidneys.
  2. The cutting is treated with a root biostimulator.
  3. To root a Panderose lemon stalk, it is placed in water or moistened soil is used. In the case of choosing the second option, the depth should not exceed 2 – 3 cm.
  4. To create a greenhouse effect and speed up the rooting process, the container with the handle is covered with plastic wrap.
  5. After the roots appear, the lemon is transplanted into a small container, placed on the windowsill.
  6. The seedling at this stage needs a temperature not lower than +20 °
  7. When true leaves appear, the lemon is transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

Lemon Panderose: home care

Panderose lemon is often propagated by seeds. This is the easy way. It is distinguished from cuttings by the length of the period that passes from planting to the start of fruiting. To grow a lemon from a stone, you need to choose full-fledged seeds in a ripened lemon. They are soaked in a root system biostimulator, then the seeds are buried in the prepared soil. The containers are covered with plastic wrap to create greenhouse conditions. Planting material is left until shoots appear. Among the shoots, the strongest are selected and transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

Lemon Panderose: home care

There is a method of breeding hybrids by layering or grafting. It is available only to experienced citrus growers who have sufficient knowledge and skills. The complexity of the process lies in choosing a variety for the rootstock, grafting and adapting the tree after it.

Rules of landing

Panderose lemon needs regular repotting. Planting shoots or planting seeds is recommended to be carried out in late spring. These terms are suitable for landing work according to several criteria:

  • the presence of natural conditions that are comfortable for culture;
  • the defense mechanisms of the lemon in this time period are maximized, which helps the lemon to quickly adapt to new conditions;
  • reducing the risk of developing fungal diseases that occur due to dry air caused by the operation of heating appliances in the winter.

Soil for Panderose lemons is selected according to the following characteristics:

  • light structure;
  • neutral degree of acidity;
  • the presence of nutrients with a predominance of phosphorus;
  • well thought out drainage system.

The choice of capacity for planting depends on the age and size of the planting material. Pots are not suitable for lemons, which are selected taking into account further growth. An excess of space can provoke acidification of the soil, which, in turn, leads to the development of fungal diseases.

Advice! Clay, plastic or wooden pots are suitable for constant growth of lemons.

Characteristics of planting material:


20 to 30 cm

The presence of leaves

Up to 5 – 6 true leaves

Root System Status

Roots visible in drainage holes

Drop off algorithm:

  1. The seedling is watered abundantly.
  2. Carefully pull the material out of the container, holding it at the base.
  3. A lemon is placed on a drainage layer sprinkled with prepared soil along with a clod of earth.
  4. Fill up the rest of the soil. The top layer should not reach 2 cm to the upper border of the walls of the pot.
  5. A transplanted lemon is sprayed from a spray bottle.

Caring for indoor Panderose lemon

After transplanting a lemon, a long period of growing a full-fledged lemon tree begins.

  1. Crown formation. This is one of the most important features of citrus crop care. The variety has a useful quality that is appreciated by citrus growers. With timely pinching, it is possible to easily form the selected type of crown. The tops are pinched after 5-6 leaves, preventing the branches from growing. If necessary, the lower part is left bare.
  2. Watering. Citrus crops are moisture-loving. Regular watering is the key to success in growing a lemon tree. However, the line between sufficient soil moisture and an excess of moisture for a lemon is thin. Citrus growers recommend paying attention to the condition of the soil. Water the lemon only if the top layer dries out and begins to become covered with a thin crust. In winter, the amount of watering is reduced.
  3. Top dressing. One or two months after planting a young tree, feeding is not carried out. In winter, lemon does not need additional complexes. Lemon is fed with nitrogen-containing mixtures if the acidity of the soil in which it grows is disturbed. Phosphorus and potassium are necessary for citrus fruits at the fruiting stage.
  4. Lighting. Panderose lemon is a light-loving plant. The leaves should receive diffused sunlight for 12 – 14 hours.
  5. temperature and humidity. Panderose feels comfortable at temperatures from +15 ° C to +25 °. It does not tolerate dry air, so humidifiers are often placed next to the pot.

Lemon Panderose: home care

Pests and diseases

Panderose lemon is considered a variety with average resistance to infections. In the winter season, due to the dryness of the air, mites appear on the tree. They are detected by the appearance of cobwebs on the leaves or trunk. Small parasitic insects can undermine the strength of citrus and threaten its continued existence. To get rid of them, the leaves are treated with special means.

Measures for the prevention and control of diseases and pests:

  • holding a hygienic shower with hot water;
  • leaf treatment with soapy water or manganese solution;
  • timely application of top dressing;
  • soil moisture control
Warning! Excessive watering leads to damage to the root system and the development of fungal diseases.


Panderose lemon is suitable for growing at home. The dwarf tree is able to delight citrus growers with abundant flowering and the formation of large fruits. He is loved for his unpretentiousness and spectacular appearance.


Kirienko Julia Sergeevna, 43 years old, Lensk
I have been growing lemons since I was young. When I saw the fruits of the Panderose lemon in the photo, I could not believe that this was possible. A few years later I was able to see for myself that I can grow such large lemons in my kitchen. Now the tree grows 5 fruits. That’s a lot for such a small tree.
Petrova Emma Alekseevna, 39 years old, Chernogorsk
I saw a Panderose lemon from my friends and immediately fell in love with it. Awesome little tree. I just started growing it recently. My offspring is just starting to release its first leaves, and I’m already looking forward to harvesting. I really want to try the lemons grown with my own hands.
Citrus houses lemon panderose. Site “Garden World”

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