Lemon juice: recipes at home

The benefits of fresh citrus juices have been known for a long time. Due to the absence of heat treatment, the product retains useful substances and vitamins. Lemon juice is one of the leaders in terms of the number of elements beneficial to human health.

The composition and value of lemon juice

Fresh lemon is a source of a huge amount of trace elements. It contains a large amount of B vitamins, vitamin P, vitamin E, and beta-carotene. In addition, 100 g of the product contains almost half the daily value of vitamin C.

Calorie content per 100 g is only 22 kcal. The energy value of the product is as follows:

  • proteins – 0,35 g;
  • fats – 0,24 g;
  • carbohydrates – 6,9 g;
  • water – 92,31 g.

The mineral composition is a whole spectrum of chemical compounds. Lemons are rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. They also contain rare elements such as selenium, zinc, manganese and copper.

Why lemon juice is good for you

The benefits of drinking freshly squeezed juice are undeniable. It is most widely used in cooking as an addition to various dishes or drinks. Due to its composition, it is successfully used not only as a food product, but also in various cosmetic and even medicines.

Important! Due to the high amount of acids, it is not recommended to consume pure lemon juice. The ideal option would be to dilute it with water in a 1: 3 ratio.

Ascorbic acid, found in large quantities in lemon, is an excellent stimulant of the immune system. During the off-season, its regular use can reduce the risk of colds and flu.

Lemon juice: recipes at home

In addition, regular consumption of fresh lemon juice helps to normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Lemon is an excellent source of energy. It perfectly charges the body, providing a tonic effect on it.

The drink is very useful for depression and sleep disorders. The potassium in lemon is an excellent remedy for anxiety and low mood. Also, such a drink will help restore intestinal function due to the content of a large amount of antioxidants.

Can you drink lemon juice on an empty stomach?

Upon awakening, the tissues of the body are dehydrated and need nourishment. Adding a few drops of fresh lemon juice to a glass of water can restore the acid-base balance. In addition, this lemon juice in the morning allows you to most effectively start the work of the kidneys, helping to remove harmful toxins and toxins from the body.

Drinking lemon juice on an empty stomach can also harm the body. Due to the large amount of acid, an excessive amount of such a drink in the morning can destroy tooth enamel, so it is recommended to drink it through a straw. It is also worth being careful or completely refrain from taking people with diseases of the digestive system – gastritis, ulcers and pancreatitis.

The benefits of lemon juice in nutrition

The first rule of nutrition is to bring the digestive system back to normal. Nutritionists use the beneficial properties of lemon juice to improve metabolism and overall rejuvenation of the body. The vitamins and chemical compounds contained in it strengthen the digestive system and gallbladder, and eliminate excess toxins.

Lemon juice contains pectin, a polysaccharide responsible for carbohydrate metabolism. Its main function is to block the possibility of instant absorption of fast carbohydrates by the body. The uniform absorption of carbohydrates is not only the basis of proper nutrition, but also allows you to maintain normal blood sugar levels.

The use of the beneficial properties of juice to combat excess weight is based on the saturation of the body with nutrients. In addition, getting into the mouth or on the walls of the stomach, the acid excites the receptors responsible for burning excess carbohydrates. The body begins to process their excess.

Benefits of lemon juice for skin

The beneficial effects of lemon on the skin have long been known. For its correct use, it is necessary to slightly moisten a sponge or sponge in it, and then apply it on the skin of the face, avoiding contact with the eyes. The substances contained in its juice make it possible to achieve an even skin color, as well as to give the face a natural glow.

In addition, fresh juice can fight problem areas on the skin. It is great for smoothing out wrinkles, reducing freckles and shading age spots. The body will receive the greatest benefit when combining cosmetic procedures with the right diet, which includes lemon juice.

Hair Benefits

Fresh lemon has a beneficial effect on the hair and scalp. Compared to other citrus fruits, lemon contains the highest amount of vitamin P – rutin. In combination with vitamin C, it is able to provide a complex effect for the restoration of hair and scalp. Lemon juice benefits in the following areas:

  • getting rid of itching, dandruff and seborrhea;
  • normalization of oily scalp;
  • reduction in the intensity of hair loss;
  • increased hair growth;
  • укрепление корней и кончиков волос.

The most popular way to use the juice is for hair masks. In order to prepare a nourishing mask, you need to mix lemon juice, olive oil and fat milk in a 1: 1: 1 ratio. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair for 20 minutes, then washed off with shampoo. The benefits of such a mask are colossal – the hair ceases to be dry and brittle, acquire a natural shine.

The benefits of lemon juice in oncology: myth or reality

According to recent research, lemon extract has miraculous power against cancer cells. It destroys them, while not harming healthy tissues. Compared with chemotherapy, such treatment does not harm the body, and its benefits in some respects exceed it several times. Citrus is actively used in addition to the treatment of breast, lung or rectal cancer.

According to the results of an experiment conducted by European scientists on humans, the real effectiveness of the lemon juice treatment method has been proven. The control group of patients had to eat 4 g of fresh lemon 150 times a week or drink the equivalent amount of juice. The test results showed that the disease had completely stopped progressing. In addition, the general condition and well-being of the test subjects improved significantly.

Further research in this area showed that the use of 75 g of citrus per day can completely stop the development of the disease. Unfortunately, lemon only blocks the growth of cancer cells, but cannot completely overcome the disease. Its regular use in conjunction with competent treatment improves the general condition of patients.

How to make lemon juice at home

There are a few simple rules to follow to make the perfect lemon juice at home. First you need to pick the right fruit. Lemon should not be too large – such fruits do not contain a lot of juice, and also have a very thick rind. It is worth giving preference to fruits of medium and small size. The ideal option would be fruits with a thin, almost smooth skin – they are juicy and easy to process.

Important! It is believed that the amount of juice that can be obtained from a medium-sized lemon is 40-60 ml. When choosing the right fruit, the amount of liquid in it will be significantly greater.

First you need to prepare the fruit. They should be washed in water with the addition of baking soda – this will additionally disinfect them in order to avoid getting bacteria and yeast from the zest into the finished juice. Next, citrus fruits should be doused with boiling water – this will soften them and facilitate the further process.

How to squeeze juice from lemons

The process of obtaining lemon juice is simple, but the variety of ways to obtain it is surprising. There are both manual methods and mechanical ones, which involve the use of special devices. The most popular ways to get the finished product are:

  • electric juicer;
  • immersion blender, food processor or meat grinder;
  • manual press for citrus;
  • manual squeeze.

Often, seemingly inappropriate household appliances are used to obtain juice. For example, the use of an electric meat grinder allows you to get a finished product of excellent quality. To do this, the fruits are chopped into minced meat, after which the resulting mixture is squeezed through gauze. In the same way, you can use a blender or food processor – the method is simple and very effective.

With a juicer

Modern juicers are high-tech and perfectly calibrated devices. Modern machines are expensive, but compared to the manual method of obtaining juice, they allow you to get the perfect product without unnecessary labor. In addition, when using an electric juicer, all the pulp will be collected in a separate chamber, and the presence of several filters will allow you to get the purest product that does not require additional cleaning.

Juice is prepared according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Traditionally, lemons are washed, then cut into 4 pieces. Next, citrus fruits are placed in the juicer bowl. The resulting juice will pour out of a separate tube directly into the cup. Convenient for making large quantities of product.

Without juicer

If there is no special juicer, then you can do it manually. Such methods require more time and physical costs compared to automatic devices. The most traditional is the simple squeezing of the juice by hand. To do this, the washed lemon is cut into 4 slices. Each of the slices is squeezed, thereby giving the juice into the cup. The resulting product, if desired, can be further filtered.

Lemon juice: recipes at home

Another option for making juice without the use of special equipment is a manual citrus juicer. Such a thing is sold in all stores with kitchen utensils. The lemon is cut in half, after which its half is squeezed out on a special ledge. This method is quite convenient and allows you to quickly get a mug of drink.

How to make lemon juice

In summer there is nothing better than a refreshing cocktail. Do-it-yourself fresh lemon juice allows you to combine all the benefits of lemon juice, supplemented with other ingredients. The classic recipe for fresh juice is a combination of freshly squeezed juice, water and sugar. To prepare one serving of the drink you will need:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 3 teaspoons of sugar;
  • ice.

To begin with, squeeze the juice, filter it and pour it into a cup for mixing cocktails. Pour water into it, add sugar and mix well. The resulting cocktail is poured into a glass half filled with ice. Refreshing lemon juice is ready.

Lemon juice: recipes at home

There are many recipes for lemon juice. Many people add various fruits to it – oranges, kiwi and pineapples. You can also use honey, ginger and various herbs and spices: thyme, anise, star anise and others. The use of additional ingredients allows you to get the perfect multi-faceted drink that perfectly refreshes, quenches thirst and benefits the body.

How to drink lemon juice

Proper use of any product is the key to health and longevity. Lemon juice is no exception to this rule. For example, people who decide to lose weight are advised to drink a teaspoon of concentrated juice before each meal. This approach will activate the stomach and prepare it for the proper digestion of future food. In this case, a situation occurs when the fluid that enters the stomach envelops its walls. The brain receives a signal about the filling of the stomach, thereby reducing appetite and, as a result, the size of the future portion.

Do not forget about the breaks between meals. Nutritionists advise eating one fruit at this time. Of course, eating a lemon will be problematic, but a portion of fresh juice not only helps to satisfy a slight hunger, but also dissolves extra pounds.

Important! The body receives the greatest benefit from lemon juice at room temperature. A cold product is more difficult to digest.

To strengthen the immune system, various fresh juices based on lemon juice are recommended. In such cases, in addition to a huge dose of stimulating vitamin C, the body receives other beneficial substances. If you add a teaspoon of grated ginger to lemon juice, you get a wonderful tonic drink. In addition, for immunity, there is a huge number of tinctures on lemon juice. 100 g of lemon juice and ginseng, aged in a liter of vodka for a month, is an excellent balm that stimulates the immune system.

The use of lemon juice can be an excellent cure for various ailments. For example, the benefits of lemon in the treatment of kidney diseases have long been known. Juice, getting into the kidneys, changes the acid-base balance, contributing to the dissolution of kidney stones.

How to store lemon juice

Citric acid is an excellent natural preservative – it slows down the development of bacteria. Many people believe that a huge amount of it allows you to avoid damage to the juice for a long time. In fact, this is not the case – a freshly prepared product under room conditions will deteriorate within a few hours. The reason for this may be the ingress of yeast, mold or various pathogenic formations into it.

Attention! In the store you can find bottled juice, the shelf life of which can be up to a year. This is achieved by adding additional preservatives to its composition.

Lemon juice: recipes at home

You can extend the shelf life of the juice in the refrigerator. Subject to the temperature regime from 0 to 4 degrees, it can be stored for up to three days. The best way to preserve the product at home is to freeze it. Frozen lemon juice cubes can keep in the refrigerator freezer for up to three months.

Limitations and contraindications

Despite all the benefits of lemon juice, it can cause real harm to some groups of people. First of all, we are talking about people prone to allergic reactions. They should avoid both pure juice and dishes that contain this component. Among other people for whom lemon is contraindicated, it is customary to distinguish the following categories:

  • people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: the acid contained in citrus can harm the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, during exacerbations it is necessary to completely refrain from using it;
  • persons suffering from dental diseases, caries and pulpitis: in such cases, the ingestion of juice on exposed nerves leads to severe pain;
  • nursing mothers: excessive consumption of this strong allergen can lead to a violation of the health of the unborn child;
  • children under 3 years old: a sensitive children’s body is unable to completely process lemon juice, often its use causes rashes and diathesis in young children.

Particular attention to the possibility of eating lemon juice should be paid to people with high and unstable blood pressure. Drinking lemon fresh when you have low or high blood pressure can be beneficial by normalizing your overall well-being.


Lemon juice is a storehouse of healthy vitamins and minerals. It is used in cosmetology, nutrition and even pharmaceuticals. Regular consumption of lemon will improve the general condition of the body, strengthen the immune system and overcome seasonal colds.


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