Lemon: is it a fruit or a berry

A lot has been written about the benefits of lemons: in the list of literature there are both works of art and scientific reports. Every part of the fruit is usable. Lemon juice and pulp, which have beneficial properties, are used internally and externally. Peel and candied fruits are made from the peel, they have become indispensable ingredients for baking and making desserts. Is a lemon a fruit or a vegetable – such a question seems strange only at first glance.

Lemon: is it a fruit or a berry

Lemon is a fruit, vegetable or berry

Not everyone thinks about the origin of this unique citrus. It turns out that disputes about his belonging to one of the groups of the generally accepted classification have been going on for many years. There are special theories, whose supporters rank the lemon as one of the types.

Lemon is considered to be a fruit. Perhaps the reason for this is its citrus origin. Citrus fruits are considered an addition to the dessert table. In fact, citrus fruits are great for meat and fish dishes: it is impossible to consider a lemon a fruit on such a single basis.

Of course, lemon is not a vegetable. According to the accepted classification, it does not develop as a root crop or a vegetable crop with a developed aerial part. Lemon grows on a tree, this refers it to fruit and berry crops. All citrus fruits are related to the orange subfamily. This is a class of dicotyledonous plants whose fruits are hybrid species. Lemon can be attributed to modified berries according to the characteristics of the fruit.

The history of the lemon

The oldest citrus fruit on the planet, contrary to common misconception, is the citron. On its basis, thanks to a natural change in climatic conditions, a lemon appeared. Citron is still successfully cultivated in the Chinese provinces and along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

Lemon was discovered by the Arabs. Scientists suggest that India has become the birthplace of this citrus. From there, the fruit was brought to Pakistan, and then it ended up in the countries of the Middle East. The first records about him were found among the books of Arab traders, they are dated to the XNUMXth century BC.

Lemon: is it a fruit or a berry

Europeans learned about citrus fruits in the XNUMXth century. They were brought from China. The French tried fruit lemonade among the first. In the XII century. it was sold all over the place. Lemons appeared in America thanks to Christopher Columbus, who brought them there by ship from Spain.

Later everyone learned about lemons in Our Country. Under Peter I, the tree was brought from Holland and successfully rooted in the soils of the Caucasus.

Information! At first, lemon trees were cultivated exclusively as ornamental plants. Over time, the fruits began to be used as food, and their medicinal properties were also discovered.

What does a lemon look like

The fruit lemon tree, on which citruses grow, reaches 5 – 8 m in height. This is an evergreen plant, the leaves on it exist for 12 months, then gradually change to new leaf plates. The average lifespan of a tree is 30 years.

The crown of an adult tree acquires a pyramidal shape. The leaves that form it stretch up to 10-15 cm, reach a width of 5-8 cm. They have a glossy rich green surface. On the reverse side can be matte and lighter. The peculiarity of the leaves is the lemon flavor. When rubbing the sheet between the fingers, it becomes more tangible, sharp.

Flowers bloom in the axils of the leaves. They are solitary, may become creamy or remain white. It depends on the variety.

Lemon: is it a fruit or a berry

A lemon is a name given to a tree and its fruit. The fruit is an oval orange. It can grow up to 6 – 9 cm, up to 5 – 6 cm in diameter. Both ends of the fetus are slightly elongated, a dense nipple is formed on one of them.

Description of the fruit:

  • The peel can be smooth or covered with small tubercles. It depends on the variety. Under the dense skin is a layer of white, less dense substance, which is especially valuable for medicinal purposes;
  • The skin color varies from light yellow to bright yellow. Thanks to the shade of the peel, a special definition of the color scheme appeared: “lemon”;
  • The pulp is divided into segments, this is a feature of the internal structure of the fruit. The segments contain hairs that are filled with lemon juice. In addition, the pulp contains bones. The number of seeds depends on the variety and varietal characteristics. There are varieties that do not propagate by seed. Lemon pulp is known for its pronounced taste, as well as its high juice content.

The tree begins to blossom in the spring, fruits are formed in the summer, reach technical ripeness in the autumn.

Where do lemons grow, in which countries

Lemons can be grown in greenhouse conditions, they grow on the territory of glazed balconies where it is constantly cold in winter. But the natural conditions for full-fledged fruit formation have a narrow climatic range. Lemons are suitable for coastal areas with moist soils and cool sea air. The acidity of the soil on which the citrus will be comfortable should be in the range from 5,5 to 6,5 pH.

At air temperatures below -6 ° C, the trees freeze through and cease to bear fruit. Suitable for the growth and development of citrus fruits are:

  • Italy (especially its eastern part – Sicily);
  • Spain;
  • Greece;
  • Northern and Southern Cyprus;
  • Turkey.

On the island of Sicily, lemons are grown in a special way. For the past seven decades, local growing companies have been using a special method that allows them to harvest twice a season. To do this, the trees stop watering in the summer. The drought period lasts about 60 days, then an active solution of nitrogen-containing complexes is applied under the root. This provokes abundant flowering of trees, followed by autumn-winter fruiting. This method is only suitable for use in the Mediterranean Sicilian climate. This technology does not bear fruit in other countries.

Lemon: is it a fruit or a berry

Where do lemons grow in Our Country

In Our Country, lemon trees are successfully cultivated on the Black Sea coast. There are private plantations in the South Caucasus, where lemons are grown in a trench way. This method helps to prevent freezing of the root system during the formation of return frosts and the onset of abnormally low temperatures.

On the territory of the former USSR, citrus trees successfully winter and bear fruit in Tajikistan, Moldova, and Uzbekistan.

How does a lemon grow?

Usually lemons are bred by planting seedlings of the selected variety. When the trees reach a height of 25-30 cm, agricultural technicians begin to systematically form a crown. To do this, pinch the top, activating the growth of lateral branches. Then pinching is repeated after the next 25 – 30 cm. The peculiarity of this species lies in constant growth. Tree development never stops.

After the appearance of the fruits, the collection begins at the earliest stage of their maturity. This is due to the fact that lemons ripen during transportation and can be stored for a long time. Green fruits can be stored for about 4 months, while the degree of maturity can be controlled. Additional exposure to ethylene allows you to accelerate ripening.

Information! The average age of a fruit-bearing tree ranges from 30 to 40 years. There are instances that cross the 45-year milestone of existence.

When the lemon ripens

The flowering of an ordinary lemon tree begins in the spring. It lasts for several weeks, then the fruits begin to ripen. As a rule, the harvest is carried out in the summer, but the fruits reach full ripeness in the fall. Lemons in many areas are harvested as light green or pale yellow. Ripe fruits are considered to be firm to the touch, which are covered with a smooth yellow peel.

If the fruit is soft, then it means that it is overripe. Unlike most related oranges, the lemon ripening period can be delayed for a long time period. The pulp of an overripe lemon becomes more juicy. An overripe lemon can be stored cut for several days. Then the pulp becomes moldy and becomes flabby.

Lemon: is it a fruit or a berry

Where is lemon used?

Cooking has become the main area of ​​​​application of lemons. The fruit is 60% pulp, 40% peel. The special taste, the ability of lemon juice to influence products makes the fruits indispensable in the preparation of any dishes:

  • pulp and juice are used for salads as a dressing and an additional ingredient; juice is used for pickling meat, fish, poultry;
  • lemon juice plays a special role in the preparation of desserts: it is added to improve the taste of creams, mousses, jellies and puddings;
  • the zest is used to make a variety of pastries, there are various recipes for lemon pies, cakes and pastries.

Lemon: is it a fruit or a berry

A special place is occupied by lemon juice in the preparation of drinks, it is mixed with alcohol. Lemonade is prepared from the pulp, which is a liquid that perfectly quenches thirst.

For medical purposes, the chemical composition of the fetus is important. The content of vitamin C makes it useful for beriberi, colds, anemia of various kinds.

For the preparation of cosmetic recipes, all parts of the fruit are used. Pomace pomace and oil extracts are used by well-known pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies. They produce products for the face, hair and body. Due to the content of tannins, the fruit has bleaching properties, which is in demand in the preparation of special masks for facial skin. The aroma of lemon has become one of the basic components in the manufacture of perfumes, aromatic oils and candles. This scent is recognizable and loved by many.

The tandem of lemon juice, soda and vinegar makes the fruits indispensable in everyday life. Mixtures based on these components are able to clean kitchen utensils to a shine. Many housewives still use fruit juice to whiten things. This is an alternative to chemical compounds that works effectively and does no harm.

Lemon: is it a fruit or a berry


A lemon is a fruit or a vegetable: this question arises for many who think about the belonging and classification of fruits. For many, it is misleading to classify a lemon as a fruit because of the presence of juicy fruits. Hybrid citrus, which has become a modified berry, occupies a special place in the life of modern man.

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