Lemon essential oil: properties, application. Video

Lemon essential oil: properties, application. Video

Nature has prepared a mass of plants for man, with the help of which one can not only strengthen health, but also restore it. One such disease-fighting aid is lemon, an essential oil that has been used to treat a variety of diseases for many years.

Lemon essential oil: video

The benefits of lemon oil

By its composition, it is a real storehouse of useful substances, the range of application of which is extremely diverse. Essential lemon oil has antiseptic, antibacterial, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties. Also, the benefits of lemon oil are in its properties to strengthen the immune system, lower blood cholesterol levels, relieve pain and reduce fever. It is able to tone up, helps fight seasonal depression, and eliminates a number of cosmetic problems. But this will be possible only if you buy a natural, and not chemically synthesized essential oil.

In addition to its medicinal properties, lemon oil is included in many perfumed compositions, which allows you to enjoy its aroma, effectively helping to fight increased nervous excitement and insomnia.

Lemon essential oil for the treatment of various diseases

In order to strengthen immunity in viral diseases, as well as to relieve coughing, inhalations with lemon oil are used.

Rinsing with water and five drops of essential oil will help eliminate bleeding gums. Also, folk medicine recommends adding one drop of oil to the paste, and then, after brushing your teeth, you can forget about bleeding gums.

In the fight against nail fungus, oil is rubbed into the affected bed twice a day for six months, until a new nail grows back and replaces the infected one.

Aromatic lamps using this oil are used as a bactericidal agent when the risk of infection with viral infections increases.

With varicose veins, compresses from aloe juice with the addition of 5 drops of lemon oil are applied to the affected skin areas.

You should be aware that a natural essential substance cannot be too cheap, since more than 300 kg of the amniotic part of lemons are spent on the production of a liter of oil.

You should be aware that a natural essential substance cannot be too cheap, since more than 300 kg of amniotic lemons are spent on the production of a liter of oil.

The use of essential oil in cosmetology

Baths with the addition of essential oil have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, help to normalize metabolism, due to which, with an integrated approach to solving this problem, not only weight is reduced, but cellulite is also eliminated. To combat the latter, massage with lemon oil is done. It works especially effectively in the presence of skin diseases. Lemon essential oil successfully treats acne, pimples, and also helps in the fight against age spots on the face.

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