Legs without cellulite: four dumbbell exercises that work

Legs without cellulite: four dumbbell exercises that work

Gemelas Pin

Coaches Esther and Gema Pineda, Pin Twins, propose a fitness routine of four exercises with dumbbells to work the legs

Legs without cellulite: four dumbbell exercises that workPM3:00

In addition to the walks on the beach or boardwalks that are so successful now in summer, there is a series of exercises that also help to work the legs and keep them fit, toned and strong. And if you add a dumbbell, the results can be more surprising.

Esther and Gema Pineda, the personal trainers known as Twins Pin have created a workout designed for your quadriceps, insquiotibials, abductors, glutes or calves. The Bulgarian squat, reverse lunge or squat are some of the proposals they offer.

Table for legs

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40 ″ (between series)

This week’s fitness routine consists of four exercises, each of which will be repeated 12 times. Once the first round is finished, we will make three more exactly the same. And don’t forget the 40-second break between sets. To do the training you will need a sports bench or a high curb.

This activity was recorded at The Corporate Gym facilities.

1 Exercise

Standing in front of the sports bench, with the dumbbell between the hands held at chest height and with the legs shoulder-width apart, we perform 12 squats supporting the gluteus on the bench on each descent. Do not take your feet off the ground and keep the tips of them and the knees facing forward.

2 Exercise

In this exercise we will have one foot resting on the sports bench or curb and it will be the other leg that will go up and down, that is, while our right leg stays on the bench throughout the exercise, the left leg will go up stretching the knee to the full and it will go down to the ground. The exercise is repeated up to twelve times and in the next round we will change legs. Remember to hold the dumbbell with both hands at chest level.

3 Exercise

We will do this Bulgarian squat holding a dumbbell with both hands at chest level. In a stride position, with the rear leg raised, we will go up and down twelve times, flexing the knees correctly. Remember that on the next lap we must change legs.

4 Exercise

Standing, with the dumbbell held by one of the hands to the side of the body, we will support the knee to the ground, trying to make the leg that does not move make a 90 degree angle. It is repeated twelve times and it will be done with the other leg on the next round.

Once you have finished this first round of four exercises, you will have to do three more exactly the same.

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