Legends of Scotland (Legends of Scotland)

Legends of Scotland is an inexpensive whiskey designed for cocktails or friendly parties. The brand is owned by Glen Clyde Whiskey Ltd. The drink is exported mainly to Russia and the post-Soviet countries.

Historical reference. It is customary to drink premium whiskey little by little, as a digestif, savoring every sip. But you can’t take such whiskey with you on a picnic, it’s a pity to use expensive alcohol for cocktails. If you buy distillates in Scotland and bottle them in Russia, the drink will become cheaper, but it will no longer be called scotch, which will inevitably affect demand.

The businessmen who founded Glen Clyde Whiskey Ltd in 2008 reasoned something like this. Ivanna Shevlyakova became its director. The company’s office is located in London, warehouses – in Glasgow. The company was created specifically for the whiskey trade and owns several brands, including Legends of Scotland (“Legends of Scotland”).

The label depicts the character of the most famous Scottish legend – the pop-up Loch Ness monster. According to legend, it lives at the bottom of Loch Ness, at a depth of 250 m, and sometimes rises to devour a gaping person or animal. Tourists still flock to Loch Ness hoping to see the monster.

According to information on the Glen Clyde Whiskey Ltd website, the drink contains malt and grain distillates aged for at least 3 years. Whiskey is made according to an old Scottish recipe.

Whiskey “Legends of Scotland” is produced and bottled at a facility owned by Glen Mavis Ltd. More than 100 years ago, the distillery was one of the most famous in Scotland. She worked from 1783 to 1910, now there is a museum in the historic building. But nearby, 12 miles from Edinburgh, there is a small distillery where whiskey is made using traditional technologies.

Glen Clyde Whiskey Ltd does not advertise Legends of Scotland whiskey, there is no evidence that the drink is exported anywhere except the post-Soviet countries.

Characteristic whiskey Legends of Scotland

Legends of Scotland is an amber-coloured whiskey, 40% ABV, with a rather sharp aroma in which malt notes cannot hide the smell of alcohol. The taste is also sharp, devoid of fruit tones.

Not everyone will like this whiskey without a snack or as a digestif, the drink is not for gourmets. But Legends of Scotland pairs well with apple juice and is great in cocktails.

Legends of Scotland (Legends of Scotland)

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