Leg numbness
Together with neurologists, we discussed why the legs go numb, what diseases are accompanied by numbness of the lower extremities and how to get rid of it at home

Leg numbness is an unpleasant sensation familiar to many of us. In this condition, the legs lose sensitivity, “numb” and become “cotton”. Numbness is often accompanied by burning, tingling, coldness, and goosebumps.

We talked to experts about the most common causes of foot numbness. Experts told when to seek medical help and what methods of diagnosis and treatment are used for this condition.

Causes of leg numbness

Numbness in the legs has many causes – from harmless to very dangerous. Legs can lose sensation due to hypothermia, uncomfortable posture, and wearing tight shoes. In this case, the numbness goes away if you rub your legs or do some exercise.

In addition to domestic causes, leg numbness occurs against the background of various diseases. These can be degenerative changes in the spine, injuries of the musculoskeletal system, inflammation of the joints, endocrine disorders. Next, we will tell you what pathologies most often cause numbness of the lower extremities.

Dorsopathies of the lumbar spine

This is a large group of pathologies of the spine and surrounding tissues, including osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, protrusion, kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis1. Dorsopathies are often accompanied by loss of sensation, cramps, weakness in the legs1. A characteristic sign of dorsopathy is lower back pain that “radiates” to the buttock and one leg1,2. Numbness in dorsopathy is explained by radicular syndrome – pinching of the nerves that are located in the lumbosacral spine and are responsible for the sensitivity and motor activity of the lower extremities.

Neuropathy of the sacral plexus nerves

Neuropathy occurs due to compression or damage to the nerves of the sacral plexus: sciatic, tibial, femoral, upper and lower gluteal3. In these diseases, the pathological process affects only one limb.3. With neuropathies, in addition to numbness, patients often complain of heaviness in the legs, pulling or aching pains in the sacrum and lower back, which increase while walking and standing3.

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI)

The disease is accompanied by a violation of the venous outflow in the lower extremities. An excessive amount of blood accumulates in the superficial veins of the legs, which causes a whole range of unpleasant symptoms: heaviness, muscle spasms, loss of sensitivity, and a decrease in temperature.

Tunnel syndrome

This condition develops due to pinching of the nerves in the natural “tunnels” of our body, which are formed by muscles and ligaments. Tunnel syndromes of the lower extremities usually occur due to high physical exertion or the performance of monotonous repetitive movements. The most common pathology is neuropathy of the external femoral cutaneous nerve. The disease affects only one limb, accompanied by loss of sensation, burning, tingling and cold on the front of the thigh.

Polyneuropathy due to diabetes mellitus

In diabetes, due to the high viscosity of the blood, the blood supply to the peripheral vessels that feed the nerve fibers worsens. Nerves receive less oxygen and conduct impulses worse. Because of this, the sensitivity of the lower extremities decreases, primarily the legs and feet. Numbness usually captures both legs and spreads from the bottom up: first the fingers lose sensation, then the rest of the foot and lower leg. In severe cases, the entire lower limb becomes numb.

Decreased sensitivity is observed against the background of many diseases and pathological conditions. The symptoms of leg numbness can tell the doctor what is causing the problem.

Right leg numbness

Occurs with radicular syndrome of the lumbosacral spine, rheumatoid arthritis, in the late stages of diabetes, with deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities.

Left leg numbness

It is observed in the same diseases and conditions as the numbness of the right leg. If sensitivity is lost simultaneously in the upper and lower limbs, this may be a sign of a stroke (as well as numbness of the right leg along with the right arm).

Numbness of the toes

Toes often lose sensation due to hypothermia and wearing uncomfortable shoes. The pathological cause of numbness can be diabetic polyneuropathy and arthritis of the big toe.

foot numbness

Usually observed in diabetes mellitus and Raynaud’s syndrome. Similar symptoms occur after an ankle injury and with sural nerve neuropathy.3.

Leg numbness below the knee

Numbness of the anterior surface of the lower leg is a characteristic sign of neuropathy of the femoral nerve, and the posterior surface of neuropathy of the sciatic and tibial nerve2,3. Numbness of the lower leg also occurs with damage to the knee joint, diabetes mellitus and obliterating endarteritis.

Leg numbness from hip

Loss of sensitivity is possible with carpal tunnel syndrome, dorsopathy of the lumbosacral region and neuropathy of the nerves of the sacral plexus.

Knowing the symptoms of leg numbness is not a reason to make diagnoses on your own, let alone prescribe treatment for yourself.. Diagnosis and therapy should be handled by a specialist: therapist, neurologist, phlebologist, endocrinologist.

Treatment for leg numbness

Physiological loss of sensation resolves on its own or after massage and exercise. Treatment for numbness of the legs is required if any pathology has become the cause. The therapeutic program is selected after a comprehensive diagnosis.


Diagnosis begins with an examination and history taking. The doctor evaluates the appearance of the lower extremities, checks the pulsation of the arteries and determines the presence of edema and signs of inflammation. Neurological tests check reflexes, muscle strength and sensitivity.

For further diagnosis use:

  • X-ray;
  • electroneurography and electromyography;
  • Ultrasound and duplex scanning of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • MRI
  • CT scan;
  • laboratory tests of blood and urine.

Not always the patient needs to undergo all the examinations. To make a diagnosis, an external examination and the results of one or two instrumental tests are sufficient.

Modern treatments

Treating numbness in the legs involves eliminating the cause that caused the problem. Therapy of diseases can be surgical and conservative. Surgical intervention is required for injuries of the musculoskeletal system, hernias and hematomas in the intervertebral discs, blood clots in the veins and arteries.

As part of conservative therapy, the patient is prescribed:

  • drugs: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, vasodilators, anticoagulants, thrombolytics, vitamin complexes;
  • massage and manual therapy sessions;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures: water and mud therapy, ILBI, acupuncture.

Massage, manual therapy and physiotherapy are prescribed during remission. In the same period, the use of traditional medicine is allowed.

Prevention of leg numbness at home

Preventive measures for numbness of the legs are primarily a reduction in the load on the musculoskeletal system. You need to monitor your posture, do not lift weights, wear comfortable shoes, avoid hypothermia. People with radicular syndrome are recommended to use warming local remedies and wear orthopedic devices – bandages, orthoses. Patients with vascular disorders are advised to stand as little as possible, to give up hot baths, baths and saunas.

Popular questions and answers

Leg numbness due to uncomfortable posture or shoes resolves quickly and does not require treatment. In other cases, loss of sensitivity may signal health problems. Our experts told you when to see a doctor and whether traditional medicine will help with numbness in the legs.

When to see a doctor for leg numbness?

Doctors are contacted if the legs lose sensitivity regularly and for no apparent reason, accompanied by other alarming signs: pain, burning, limited mobility. You need to pay attention to the symptoms of leg numbness and talk about them at the doctor’s appointment.

How to quickly relieve numbness in the legs?

Physiological numbness is easy to remove, it is enough to change the position of the body, stand up or walk around for a few minutes. A foot massage and a bath with warm water helps a lot. After that, blood circulation will be restored and the unpleasant symptoms of leg numbness will disappear..

Is it possible to get rid of numbness in the legs with folk remedies?

Traditional medicine is used as part of complex therapy and only as prescribed by the attending physician. Self-treatment with the help of folk remedies is ineffective, can lead to the development of complications and the progression of the disease.
  1. Professional dorsopathies of the lumbosacral region. Clinical guidelines. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 2021. http://amt-oha.ru/documents/fkr/FedClinRekPDPKO.pdf
  2. Clinical guidelines for the management of patients with pain in the lower back. Russian medical journal “Medical Education” No. 9, 2013. https://www.rmj.ru/articles/nevrologiya/Klinicheskie_rekomendacii_po_vedeniyu_pacientov_s_bolevym_sindromom_v_nighney_chasti_spiny/
  3. Neuropathy of the sciatic nerve. Journal of the Attending Physician. 28.02.2006/2006/02. M. V. Putilina https://www.lvrach.ru/4533450/XNUMX/XNUMX

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  1. እጅግ ጥሩ መረጃ ነዉ እኔ ሁለቱንም እግር ነዉ ቁጭ እንዳልኩ ከ3 እና ከ5ደቂቃዎች ቡሃላ የሚደነዝኝ እግሮቼም ሽዋስ የመሆን ባህሪ አላቸዉ

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