Leg hurts in the thigh, muscles: causes and methods of treatment
Suddenly arising pains always disturb a person. Pain in the hip is rather unpleasant, as it interferes with movement and causes constant inconvenience. Let’s figure out why the leg hurts in the hip and what to do about it.
Hip hurts: causes and ways to eliminate the disease
The main causes of pain in the hip area include:
diseases of the hip joint;
muscle pain.
An orthopedist will help you to pinpoint the cause and location of pain. After the examination, he will be able to prescribe a suitable therapy.
But it so happens that people are not ready to go to a medical facility. They try to fix the problem on their own. Distinguish the cause of the pain as follows.
When the thighs hurt due to diseases of the hip joint, the sensation arises over the entire surface of the thigh and radiates to the groin area.
When the legs in the hip area hurt along the outside and upper part, it is muscle pain.
Muscle sensations can be associated with exercise, heavy lifting, problems with the muscles themselves, tendons and ligaments.
Such pain also occurs after poisoning the body. When the toxins are eliminated, the unpleasant sensation goes away immediately. It is noticed that the muscles of the thigh hurt more often in young people, and joint pain dominates in old age. Muscle pain is explained by oxygen starvation due to the accumulation of toxins, lactic acid, and toxins in the tissues. Usually it is aching in nature, and the pain from the joints is constant or in the form of lumbago.
What to do if your hip hurts?
With this symptom, drugs are usually prescribed to relieve inflammation and pain. The treatment is complemented by physiotherapy treatments. So, it might help:
restorative gymnastics;
warming up;
special joint fixators;
in some cases, only relieve the pain joint replacement surgery;
when the leg hurts from the hip to the knee due to muscle strain, you should take cold and hot shower (a minute of cold water, a minute – hot), drink more clean water;
swimming, evening walks help to relieve pain in the muscles;
after a busy day is lie down at least 30 minutes, lifting your legs slightly, for example, placing a pillow under them;
if there are spider veins on the surface of the skin or a diagnosis of “varicose veins” has already been made, then you can also lubricate your feet with a special cooling cream or gel.
It is worth listening more carefully to your body, undergoing timely examinations, not brushing off bodily sensations. It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it for a long time.
Expert Opinion
traumatologist-orthopedist of the Semeynaya clinic
– Morning pain in the lower back and joints, when it is difficult to get out of bed and at first it hurts to move, is most often caused by an increase in pressure in the soft tissues due to prolonged muscle tension. The latter, as a rule, occurs with very minor violations of the relationship between the bones of the pelvic ring or vertebrae. Such micro-shifts can be triggered by prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position. A much rarer cause of pain in the lower back is the so-called “red flags” – diseases that are dangerous to human health and life.
A group of anti-inflammatory and pain relieving drugs can be used to combat pain. The pain can stop on its own (when jumping or hanging on the bar). Chiropractors and osteopaths can eliminate it with special techniques. However, it is still necessary to consult a doctor (therapist, neurologist, orthopedist) to distinguish the “benign” origin of pain from the “malignant” one. Laboratory tests and radiation methods (ultrasound, radiography, MRI) also help in diagnostics.
Olga Fomina, Anna Gerasimenko
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