Leg exercises: how to use dumbbells for steel thighs

Leg exercises: how to use dumbbells for steel thighs


The personal trainers Esther and Gemma Pineda, Pin Twins, propose a table of exercises with dumbbells to tone and strengthen the legs

Leg exercises: how to use dumbbells for steel thighsPM1:44

Dumbbell exercises! The routine that the Pin Twins propose this week aims to strengthen and tone the legs as in other lower body routines proposed on other occasions by personal trainers, but this time they suggest increasing the intensity of the exercises with an extra: the weight of the dumbbells. The exercises in this table are easy to perform, but the use of 2,5-3 kg dumbbells (or more, if possible) will help to increase the intensity of the activity. But what if I don’t have these accessories on hand? There is no excuse, as they propose a solution: “If you don’t have dumbbells at home, you can use other items that have similar weights such as bottles, jugs or bags of legumes,” they explain.

The Pin Twins’ proposal for this week, designed at the Reto 48 facilities for ABC Bienestar, consists of five exercises and can be done in about 15-18 minutes. Each exercise is repeated 15 times and the the circuit full. Rest time between each set is 30 seconds.

The objective is activate lower body circulation y strengthen legs to prevent the appearance of cellulitis, the “tired legs” effect, the swelling and the varicose veins. To achieve results as quickly as possible, the Pin Twins recommend practicing the routine a minimum of twice a week and combining it with other “full body” boards.

Exercise 1: Stride and land on the spot

We stand up, with one of the legs forward (stride forward). We will take the dumbbell with the hand opposite to the leg that we have in front and we will keep the arm stretched out holding the tension and the weight. We will lower the knee of the back leg to the ground, trying to go down with the body straight, and we will bounce up and down. We will do 15 repetitions of the exercise.

Exercise 2: Sumo Squat

We will place ourselves in the position of sumo squat holding the dumbbell with both hands horizontally. We will go down to the ground as much as possible trying to keep the body straight and we will rebound, going up and down. We will repeat the exercise 15 times.

Exercise 3: Deadlift

We start from the standing position, with the knees slightly bent and the legs spread to the width of the shoulders. We will hold the dumbbell with both hands and we will slowly lower towards the ground with it (deadlift) until almost touching the ground. Then we will raise the body slowly and lower again to touch the ground. We will repeat the exercise 15 times.

Exercise 4: Lunge back in motion

We start from the standing position. We hold the dumbbell with both hands at a height slightly higher than the chest. We give three or four striding back (depending on the space), we turn around and take another three or four strides back. We repeat the exercise 15 times.

Exercise 5: Lying Side Raises

We start from the lateral lying position and raise one of the legs upwards. Previously we will have supported the dumbbell on the thigh of the leg with which we will do the elevation. We will do the exercise 15 times with one leg and 15 with the other.

In addition to the routines proposed every week on ABC Bienesar, the Pin Twins, who have more than 89.000 followers on Instagram, plan online workouts at #workoutpin aimed at weight loss and muscle toning.

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