Lefty facts, famous lefties in the world, video

😉 Greetings to regular readers and visitors of the site! This article contains interesting facts about left-handers and right-handers, a little history, the most famous left-handers in the world.

About lefties

Norwegian scientists suggest that humanity at the dawn of its youth was completely … left-handed!

But as a result of a cosmic mega-catastrophe that happened in the distant past, strange metamorphoses happened to people. To explain which the authors of the sensational hypothesis cannot yet be – all without exception have become right-handed.

The “right” majority did not stand on ceremony with the left-handed minority that survived in this terrible meat grinder. It outlawed it, considering it an intrigue of evil spirits, a product of evil.

In many languages, the word “left” has a negative connotation. From English it is translated as ominous, pernicious, nasty. In French, dishonest. In Italian – deceitful.

Russia was no exception in relation to left-handers. According to the decree of Peter the Great, they, like crooked and red-haired ones, were forbidden to testify in court, “God never marks a rogue”. It is known that the famous Virgin of Orleans, Joan of Arc, was recognized as a witch. She was also burned at the stake because she held a weapon in her left hand.

Damn minority

Lefties are really unlucky! They are more likely to suffer from disorders of the nervous system. Ranging from harmless “autism” and mental retardation to deadly epilepsy, schizophrenia and cerebral palsy.

Lefty facts, famous lefties in the world, video

They are more characterized by pessimism and despondency. Scientists have found that they usually have few offspring, more spontaneous abortions, and low birth weight.

According to researchers from the University of Toronto, among left-handers, there are often lovers of the same sex. According to statistics, the life expectancy of left-handers is, on average, ten years less than that of right-handers.

Scientists attribute the decrease in life expectancy in left-handers to complications during pregnancy and childbirth. They have a delayed development, a higher predisposition to diabetes, asthma and alcoholism.

And London scientists, who studied the medical records of 17 thousand Englishmen, came to the conclusion that left-handed people are prone to intestinal diseases. And to a much greater extent than right-handers.

Back in the 90s, it was noticed that left-handers more often than others die in the workplace as a result of accidents. Medical experts say instrument makers must take this fact into account. And employers – to create the same working conditions for everyone.

Gradually, left-handed goods began to appear in the United States and Western Europe. These are: scissors, rulers, knives, sporting goods, office equipment. In Russia, such goods are still rare, although we have about 17 million left-handers.

The left-handed man shod the flea

Scientists generally speak about Russian left-handers with special tenderness and sadness. They remember our left-handed man who managed to shoe a flea: “Would such a long memory be preserved about a bad person, even in a legend?”

In Russia until the mid-80s of the twentieth century. Left-handed first-graders were taught to write with their right hand, they were simply retrained. Although the harm from such retraining has been known for a long time: neurotic enuresis, neurosis, insomnia, stuttering.

And after that, you want the left-handed people to be happy and live long? Is this life – in constant stress and struggle for their “left” rights?

Famous left-handers

According to statistics, every fourth child in our country is left-handed. And the percentage of left-handed people is growing every year, and at the same time there is a growing hope that there will be more talents on earth. And this is not empty chatter: among people who have achieved worldwide recognition, one in five is left-handed.

95% of geniuses “suffered” from left-handedness:

  • Roman emperor Tiberius;
  • Napoleon Bonaparte;
  • Alexander the Great;
  • Julius Caesar;
  • Rubens;
  • Leonardo da Vinci;
  • Picasso;
  • Jeanne d’Arc;
  • Michelangelo;
  • Albert Einstein;
  • Charlie Chaplin;
  • Beethoven;
  • Rockefeller;
  • Bill Gates;
  • Mozart;
  • Henry Ford.

There is an assumption that time passes through the brain of left-handers in the opposite direction. Not from the past to the future, like the majority, but on the contrary, from the future to the past. This was the first attempt to explain the extraordinary intuitive abilities and the gift of predicting the future, which many left-handers are endowed with.

Another theory argues that left-handed people are dominated by the right hemisphere, which is responsible for lateral thinking and intuition. And the ancients believed that a warrior whose heart was on the right could become a left-handed person. Therefore, he was forced to hold the shield with his right hand, and the sword with his left.

Facts about left-handers and right-handers – video ↓

Interesting facts about left-handers and right-handers

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