
Leffe is the world’s best-selling Belgian abbey beer, with a history dating back to the first half of the 19th century. The assortment portfolio of the brand includes XNUMX beers, each of which is marked with a special emblem Biere d’Abbaye Belge Reconnue (“Recognized Belgian abbey beer”). This sign in the form of a beer glass against the background of a stained glass window is a confirmation of the authenticity of the product and serves as a protection against counterfeiting both in Belgium and abroad.

Leffe meets all the requirements that a beer can be called abbey: the brewery retains a connection with the abbey, pays royalties intended to fund cultural works, the abbey has the right to control advertising in accordance with religious orders. Currently, beer is produced at the facilities of the Brasserie Artois plant in Leuven. The trademark rights belong to the world’s largest brewing corporation Anheuser-Busch InBev.

Historical reference. The appearance of Leffe beer is inextricably linked with the history of the abbey Notre Dame de Leffe founded in the middle of the XII century. Notre-Dame de Leffe was the abode of Premonstratensians – monks living in a community characterized by hospitality. Due to the large number of pilgrims, the problem of purifying drinking water arose, which became aggravated during the epidemics raging in the region. The monks found a better way to disinfect drinks: the beer fermentation process killed most of the germs. A malt mill and a brewery were built right on the monastery grounds.

The first mention of ale brewed at the abbey brewery with a special invigorating taste dates back to 1240. Archival documents note that the parishioners liked Leffe beer so much that they preferred to drink it at home on Sundays rather than attend the service. The abbot even had to limit the sale of ale and read a strict sermon to the flock.

During the French Revolution, the abbey was sold in parts, the magnificent church was completely destroyed. Only in 1929 did the restoration of the abbey begin, and beer production was re-established in 1952. Three years later, the company was acquired by the Stella Artois brewery. Currently brewed in Leuven, Belgium, Leffe is one of the international brands owned by the world’s largest producer Anheuser-Busch InBev. According to the established rules, the abbey receives a percentage of the use of the name Leffe, which goes to finance cultural events.



Brewing Industry International Awards, London:

  • 2005 – Bronze (Leffe Blonde) medal.

Australian International Beer Awards, Балларэт:

  • 2008 – Silver (Leffe Blonde) medal.

World Beer Cup, США:

  • 2002 – Bronze (Leffe Blonde) medal;
  • 2010 – Silver (Leffe Blonde) medal;
  • 2012 – Gold (Lefie Brune) and Silver (Leffe Blonde) medals.

North American Beer Awards, Idaho:

  • 2013 – Gold (Lefie Brune) medal;
  • 2015 – Silver (Leffe Blonde) and bronze (Lefie Brune) medals;
  • 2017 – Gold (Leffe Blonde) medal.

San Diego International Beer Competition:

  • 2008 – Silver (Leffe Blonde);
  • 2009 – Silver (Leffe Radieuse) medal;
  • 2016 – Bronze (Leffe Blonde) medal;
  • 2017 – Gold (Leffe Blonde) medal.

World Beer Awards, London:

  • 2015 – “The best beer in the world” in the category Belgian Style Strong Pale Ale (Leffe Tripel), gold (Leffe Rituel 9°) and 2 bronze (Leffe Radieuse, Leffe Royale Cascade IPA) medals;
  • 2016 – Silver (Lefie Brune) medal;
  • 2017 – Gold (Leffe Blonde) and 2 silver (Leffe Royale, Leffe Radieuse) medals, victory in the categories “Belgian Style Blonde”, “Belgian Style Strong”.

Brussels Beer Challenge:

  • 2017 – Bronze (Leffe Blonde) medal.

Cristal Awards, France:

  • 2007 – Grand Prix for image advertising “Discover Life – Discover Leffe”.

EFTA Benelux Flexo Awards:

  • 2017 – Gold award for packaging design.


Types of beer Loff

Leffe Tripel (Triple), 8,5%

Strong light beer, the label of which is decorated with a special emblem Biere d’Abbaye Belge Reconnue (“Recognized Belgian abbey beer”). Tripel has a golden color with a natural haze due to the secondary fermentation process in the bottle. It is distinguished by rich aromatics with tones of peach, pineapple, orange peel and coriander. Everything that Belgian “triple ales” are famous for is concentrated in the taste: a rich malty body with notes of fruits and spices is balanced by the noble bitterness of hops.

Leffe Blonde, 6,6%

Authentic abbey beer is light amber in color with a characteristic “shine”. It is brewed according to a traditional recipe, the history of which goes back to the XNUMXth century. It has a dense rich aroma with tones of apricots, sweet canned corn, vanilla and cloves. The taste is full, moderately sweet and fruity, with notes of fresh pastries, banana, dried fruit compote. In the aftertaste, a nuance of white sparkling wine and a slight bitterness of orange peel stand out. Excellent as a dessert beer, as well as an accompaniment to grilled meats, cheeses such as Brie, Brillat-Savarin or Saint-Marcellin.

Leffe Brune (Brown), 6,6%

A classic Belgian ale that owes its appearance to the search for a way to disinfect water in the face of the threat of a plague epidemic. Brewed according to the restored abbey recipe of 1245. It is poured with a deep chestnut color, in the glass it forms a lush porous foam. The multi-layered bouquet gradually reveals tones of dark malt, spicy Belgian yeast, biscuits, wild apple. The taste is dense, honey-caramel sweetness is balanced in it by notes of mochachino coffee, bitter chocolate, tart grape juice. The manufacturer recommends drinking beer from original glasses designed specifically for Leffe beer: they look like a rounded wide bowl on a high thin stem. The ideal serving temperature is 5-6 °C.

Leffe Radieuse, 8,2%

A typical strong Belgian ale, the name of which translates as “shining” and is associated with the halo of Our Lady. A beer of a brown hue, garnet to the light, with a high head of dense foam and with a traditional game in the glass. A bouquet with pronounced tones of dried fruits – prunes, raisins, orange peel, dried banana. The taste is dominated by malt and caramel notes, set off by hops and spicy esters. At a sufficiently high degree, alcohol does not “stick out”, but harmoniously complements the flavor range. A suitable gastronomic pair will be grilled lamb, soft blue cheeses.

Leffe Ruby, 5%

Red beer brewed on the basis of the Brune ale recipe, but with the addition of berries and fruits – cherries, blueberries, strawberries, elderberries. It has a deep ruby ​​color, pink foam is persistent and finely dispersed. A pleasant and light bouquet is filled with natural freshness that can quench your thirst, as well as beautiful tones of raspberry jam and sun-warmed cherries. The taste contains a rich palette of fruit notes: from sweet to sour and tart, it captures shades of currant, red grapefruit, cherry pit. It goes best with light snacks: fresh goat cheese, low-fat ham, melon.


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