Lecithin – types, properties, requirements. Lecithin supplementation and dosing

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Lecithin is a component of almost every cell in our body. Unfortunately, often there is a situation where he is not able to produce it in the right amount. Then you have to provide it from the outside, in specific food products or with the help of dietary supplements.

Lecithin – basic information

Lecithin belongs to the group of organic chemical compounds that are classified as phospholipids. The phosphate residue is esterified with choline.

Lecithin is a mixture of various compounds that are fatty in nature. They are mainly phospholipids, which include fatty acids, glycerol, a phosphorus group, a compound of choline, inositol or serine. In addition, lecithin consists of glycolipids, carbohydrates, triglycerides and water.

The first isolation of lecithin took place in 1846. It was done by Theodor Nicolas Gobley, a French pharmacist and biochemist. He isolated lecithin from chicken egg yolk. Therefore, the name lecithin comes from the Greek “lekithos”, which means egg yolk. The research started in the XNUMXth century was continued. The focus was on the analysis of medicinal properties and the use of lecithin, which confirmed that it plays a number of important roles in the human body.

Lecithin in the human body it is a component of the cell membrane. It is also responsible for the proper conduction of nerve impulses in the brain and nervous tissue. Lecithin is involved in the management of cholesterol. It exhibits emulsifying properties, which is why it has also been used in the cosmetics and food industry.

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Lecithin – origin and sourcing

As already mentioned, lecithin was first extracted from chicken egg yolks. The presence of this compound has also been confirmed in sunflower, rape, soybeans and marine fish. Lecithin can be obtained from animals in much larger quantities, but it is associated with much higher production costs. For industrial purposes, lecithin is therefore obtained from plants as a by-product of oil refining.

One of methods of obtaining lecithin is to take advantage of the solubility of polar lipids in acetone. The extraction yields a fraction containing triacylglycerols and cholesterol and a protein-phospholipid fraction which is treated with ethanol to obtain high purity lecithin.

The second method of obtaining lecithin is the use of supercritical gases and their mixtures. For example, carbon dioxide at 40 degrees Celsius and 300 bar pressure can be used to obtain lecithin. Under such conditions, non-polar lipids dissolve in carbon dioxide, which then easily separate from the gas. The gas used is reusable.

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Lecithin – composition and mechanism of action

Lecithin is a mixture of many lipid compounds. Among them there are phospholipids, i.e. compounds consisting of fatty acids, glycerol, a phosphorus group, as well as an additional choline, inositol or serine compound. Other elements of lecithin are glycolipids, carbohydrates, triglycerides, and water.

The consistency of lecithin is not always the same. It depends on the composition and can be liquid or semi-liquid. Lecithin has stabilizing and emulsifying properties.

The components that make up lecithin are also the main components of membranes and other cell organelles. In turn, choline is a precursor to acetylcholine. Unsaturated fatty acids reduce plasma cholesterol levels and also prevent the accumulation of triglycerides in the blood vessel walls. Lecithin is a compound that is part of many complex preparations.

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Lecithin – sources

Lecithin can be found mainly in food. It is rich in soybeans and rapeseed, egg yolks, liver, whole wheat bread and nuts. In addition, it is also found in special dietary supplements available at the pharmacy or in over-the-counter medical stores.

List of products richest in lecithin:

  1. chicken egg yolks; 
  2. algae (chlorella, spirulina); 
  3. yeast;
  4. some bacteria (Mathylomonas, Methylococcus).  

Grains and oils obtained from them are also a rich source of lecithin. First of all, it is worth paying attention to:

  1. rape;
  2. soy;
  3. sunflower;
  4. only;
  5. corn;
  6. cotton. 

In order for our diet to be rich in lecithin, it is worth choosing the following products when shopping for food:

  1. eggs, and especially their yolks; 
  2. liver; 
  3. soy; 
  4. beans; 
  5. sunflower;
  6. peanuts; 
  7. the fish; 
  8. dairy; 
  9. green vegetables; 
  10. avocado; 
  11. yeast; 
  12. olives.

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Types of lecithin

There are several varieties of lecithin – soybean, sunflower and rapeseed. Oils make up about 30 percent. the composition of the dietary supplement. The one produced from sunflower and soybean oil contains mainly omega-6 fatty acids, while rapeseed lecithin contains greater amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

Lecithin, like any fat, supports the absorption of fat-dissolving vitamins, i.e. A, D, E, K.

When deciding to buy a specific dietary supplement in the form of lecithin, it is worth paying attention to what ingredients it is made of in order to choose a product well suited to your needs.

Sunflower lecithin:

  1. reduces cholesterol and improves heart function;
  2. has a positive effect on the level of “good” cholesterol;
  3. supports the work of the digestive system;
  4. shows skin care properties – softens the skin and soothes irritations;
  5. it is effective in the fight against atopic dermatitis and eczema;
  6. it is a source of vitamins and minerals – e.g. phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, inositol, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. 

Soy lecithin:

  1. has a positive effect on the circulatory system;
  2. has an emulsifying effect, breaking down fat into small particles;
  3. prevents the formation of coronary blood clots and atherosclerotic deposits;
  4. regulates the work of the nervous system;
  5. has a positive effect on the detoxification and regeneration of the liver.

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Lecithin – health properties

Lecithin is a compound that exhibits very important properties for the health and condition of the human body:

  1. influence on the nervous system – due to the fact that lecithin contains choline, it stimulates the nervous system, which improves concentration and the process of remembering, which is very important in mental work. It is responsible for rebuilding cells and tissues in the brain; 
  2. the effect on reducing the effects of depression – using lecithin regularly, you can also notice a reduction in the side effects of depression;
  3. participates in metabolic processes;
  4. affects the digestion of fats – reduces the risk of fat accumulation in inappropriate places;
  5. lowers cholesterol and improves blood circulation;
  6. is a protective barrier for the stomach walls;
  7. prevents the formation of gallstones;
  8. supports the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins;
  9. prevents the formation of gallstones;
  10. effect on the liver – protects the liver against cirrhosis;
  11. it is a useful means of regenerating the body due to physical exertion;
  12. supports male sexual performance – seminal fluid contains a large amount of lecithin, and inositol is essential in the process of its production;
  13. slows down the aging process.

Thanks to the last of these properties, it has found application in cosmetology. At Medonet Market you can order Vianek intensely moisturizing body butter with lecithin, cocoa butter, shea butter and other ingredients that positively influence the nourishment of the skin. You will also find it in the intensively regenerating Vianek hand treatment, intended for dry skin that requires renewal and smoothing.

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Lecithin – contraindications

Lecithin, despite its valuable properties, is not a compound recommended and recommended for everyone. Due to the source from which it is obtained (e.g. sunflower seeds, soybean or rapeseed), this compound may contain numerous allergens that may cause allergic symptoms in people with hypersensitivity.

Additionally, studies have shown that lecithin increases blood clotting. Therefore, patients who have been diagnosed with a coagulation disorder should avoid the use of lecithin. Likewise, people who are taking anticoagulant medications should not reach for this supplement as well.

In addition, lecithin can promote the accumulation of fat in the body, so people who have problems with overweight, weight fluctuations or who just care about their body should be careful about it.

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Lecithin – daily requirement

They are not specified as exact daily lecithin consumption norms. The nutritional standards we use apply only to choline:

  1. children up to 9 years of age – 125-250 mg daily; 
  2. adolescents – 375-550 mg per day; 
  3. men – 550 mg daily;
  4. women – 425 mg per day;
  5. pregnant women – 450 mg daily
  6. nursing women – 550 mg per day.

Overall, it can be assumed that about 2-2,5 g of lecithin should be consumed daily. Such a dose will certainly contribute to a more efficient functioning of the body.

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Lecithin – dosage

In order for the body to function properly, it needs to be supplied with at least 2-2,5 grams of lecithin daily, although for optimal results it should be 6 grams. Lecithin supplementation it is necessary primarily in states of increased mental effort and decreased concentration, i.e. when it is not possible to cover it only by diet alone. Usually, one tablet of lecithin a day is enough, but before consuming it, it is worth paying attention to the information contained in the drug leaflet or consulting a doctor.

Lecithin in supplements is available in a variety of forms. Liquid lecithin is the most easily absorbed, but you can also find powdered or capsules lecithin. Powdered lecithin is dissolved in a glass of water in advance and mixed thoroughly before drinking.

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Lecithin – storage and price

Lecithin in the form of a supplement should be stored at room temperature. Due to the fact that lecithin is in the form of oil, it may go rancid if stored in inappropriate conditions. Therefore, lecithin should be placed in places where there is no access to light and moisture. Lecithin, like any other medicine, should be kept out of the reach of children

The price of lecithin supplements depends on the manufacturer of the preparation, but usually it ranges from a dozen or so zlotys.

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Lecithin – side effects

Opinions about lecithin are positive. It is safe for the body. As for the side effects of its use, only exceeding the doses several times can cause ailments such as abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, and a feeling of overflow.

Consuming large amounts of lecithin sometimes also causes heart problems, lowering blood pressure or the occurrence of anxiety.

In addition, it should be taken into account that vitamin E is very often found in lecithin preparations. Therefore, there are contraindications to the use of an agent containing lecithin in a situation where blood thinning drugs are used at the same time.

Lecithin in the food industry

Lecithin, thanks to its stabilizing properties, is widely used, among others, in the food industry. The use of lecithin allows to significantly reduce production costs and improve the quality of finished products.

In the food industry, lecithin is added to bread, confectionery, cakes, chocolate, margarine, mayonnaise, pasta and instant products. On the packaging, in the list of ingredients, it is marked with E322.

Lecithin is valued in the food industry because it improves the consistency of baked goods and also affects the softness of the crust in bread. Thanks to lecithin, products stay fresh longer. In addition, it facilitates the formation of water-fat emulsions and allows the mixing of commonly incompatible ingredients.

Lecithin also improves the organoleptic properties of many food products.

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Lecithin in cosmetology

Lecithin has also been used as an emulsifier and emollient in the preparation of ointments, masks, creams, emulsions and suspensions. Cosmetics with lecithin primarily moisturize, soften and regenerate the epidermis.

The action of lecithin in cosmetics is based on the fact that by building into the cell membranes of the epidermis, it increases its elasticity and reduces water loss through the skin.

By creating liposomes, lecithin also facilitates the penetration of active substances through the skin layer. Lecithin is ideal as an additive in the treatment of rosacea, eczema, atopic dermatitis or psoriasis.

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Lecithin in the pharmaceutical industry

You can get various lecithin supplements in pharmacies. Lecithin supplements are available in liquid, soluble tablet or capsule form. The form of the product itself is not as important as the content of the active substance, i.e. lecithin. The most popular lecithin preparations are:

  1. Doppelherz aktiv Lecithin Forte 1200 in capsules – the preparation contains soy lecithin (1 capsule contains: 1200 mg of lecithin). It is recommended during intense mental work or study, during periods of stress and overwork. The supplement can be used by adolescents and adults;
  2. Gold Lecytyna 1200 capsules – the preparation contains soy lecithin (1 capsule contains: 1200 mg lecithin). The use of the supplement is recommended for adults, burdened with physical and mental effort, exposed to constant stress, studying, and also as a dietary supplement with lecithin for the elderly, striving to maintain normal intellectual abilities;
  3. Lecithin 1200 APTEO in capsules – the preparation contains soy lecithin (1 capsule contains: 1200 mg of lecithin). This supplement is used supportively with increased mental or physical effort and in people exposed to stress. According to the manufacturer’s information, the preparation is recommended for people who want to support the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  4. Lecithin 1200 forte Naturkaps in capsules – the preparation contains lecithin obtained from soy (1 capsule contains: 1200 mg of lecithin). Recommended for people exposed to stress, studying, exhausted, with weakened concentration and burdened with increased mental effort;
  5. Lecithin 1200 – the preparation contains lecithin obtained from genetically unmodified soy (1 capsule contains: 1200 mg of lecithin). The indications for use are to improve the functioning of the nervous system, improve concentration and memory, reduce and maintain the proper concentration of cholesterol, improve muscle efficiency, support the function of the liver and cardiovascular system;
  6. Lecithin 1200 mg Avet in flexible capsules – The preparation contains lecithin obtained from soy (1 capsule contains: 1200 mg of lecithin. The supplement is intended for people who want to enrich their diet with soy lecithin, which has a positive effect on memory and concentration and helps to maintain the correct concentration cholesterol;
  7. Medica lecithin 1200 mg in soft capsules – The preparation contains lecithin obtained from soy (1 capsule contains: 1200 mg lecithin. It is a dietary supplement intended for people who want to enrich their diet with soy lecithin.

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