Lebanese cedar: photo and description

The Lebanese cedar is a conifer that grows in southern climates. For its cultivation, it is important to choose the right planting site and take care of the tree. Lebanese cedar is used to decorate alleys, parks, recreation areas.

Description of the Lebanese cedar

The Lebanese cedar stands out from other evergreen species. The tree has a majestic appearance: a large trunk, a large number of shoots, a dense crown. In economic activity, not only wood is used, but also other parts of the plant.

Where does the Lebanese cedar grow?

In nature, the Lebanese cedar grows on mountain slopes. It is found in Lebanon at an altitude of 1000 – 2000 m above sea level. On the territory of Our Country is located the Cedar Divine Grove – an ancient virgin forest. The object is under the protection of UNESCO.

The breed is grown in southern Europe, in Italy and France. Artificial landings are found in the Crimea and on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in Central Asia.

What does Lebanese cedar look like

The Lebanese cedar is an evergreen coniferous tree. In a favorable climate, it reaches 2,5 m in girth and 40-50 m in height. Its branches are bare or slightly pubescent. The bark is scaly, dark gray in color. The wood is soft, but durable, with a reddish hue.

In young plants, the crown is conical in shape, over time it grows and becomes wider. Needles up to 4 cm long, rigid, tetrahedral. The color of the needles is dark green, sometimes with a grayish-blue tint, the needles are collected in bunches of 30 pcs.

Lebanese cedar: photo and description

At the age of 25 years, the conifer begins to bear fruit. Cylindrical cones appear on it. They reach a length of 12 cm, a width of 6 cm. Seeds are 15 cm long, resinous, not suitable for food. The frequency of fruiting is every 2 years. Seeds are carried by the wind.

The Lebanese cedar grows slowly. The plant is thermophilic and prefers light areas, it is not demanding on the composition of the soil. Easily tolerates short temperature drops. The breed is resistant to drought, but dies with excess moisture.

Meaning and application

The cedar is the national symbol of Lebanon. His image is present on the coat of arms, flag, money. The wood of the plant has been used since ancient times. It is used in shipbuilding, furniture and building materials.

From the crushed bark, an oil is obtained, which has the appearance of a colorless or yellowish liquid. The aroma of the oil is sweetish with woody and musky notes. Pine nut oil is a good antiseptic that has disinfectant and antibacterial properties.

Planting and caring for Lebanese cedar

To grow cedar, you need to choose a seedling and a suitable place. In the future, the tree is provided with good care: watering, fertilizing, pruning the crown.

Seedling and planting preparation

For planting choose healthy plants, without cracks, rotten areas and other damage. It is best to purchase material from a local nursery. Seedlings with a closed root system take root well. Work is carried out in the fall, when the ground is not yet frozen. The best period is October or November.

Under the conifer choose a sunny area. At the same time, they take into account that over time the tree will grow and it will need a lot of free space. The soil is dug up in advance and fertilized with humus. This breed is not demanding on the composition of the soil. The main condition for its cultivation is the absence of moisture stagnation.

Advice! If the site is clayey, then the soil is improved by introducing coarse sand.

Lebanese cedar: photo and description

Rules of landing

A landing pit is being prepared under the conifer. It is dug up a month before the work. During this time, the soil will shrink, which can damage the plant. After planting, the cedar takes 3-4 weeks to adapt to new conditions.

The order of planting the Lebanese cedar:

  1. Dig a hole. Its dimensions should be 30% larger than the dimensions of the root system.
  2. Drainage is poured into the bottom in the form of expanded clay or pebbles.
  3. Peat and sand are added to fertile soil. The ratio of components should be 2:1:2.
  4. Then fertilizers are applied: compost, wood ash, 3 handfuls of earth from under coniferous trees.
  5. A stake is taken into the center of the pit.
  6. Most of the substrate is poured into a pit and a bucket of water is poured out.
  7. After shrinkage, a small hill is made from fertile land.
  8. The plant is placed on top. Its roots are covered with earth, which is compacted and watered.
  9. The ephedra is tied to a support.
Advice! Before planting, the root of the seedling is dipped in a clay solution with the consistency of batter.

Watering and top dressing

Lebanese cedar varieties are drought tolerant and can do without frequent watering. Water for conifers is brought in in the morning or in the evening. Watering is important for young plants that do not yet have a developed root system. After rain or moisture, loosen the soil so that the roots better absorb nutrients.

To feed conifers, potash or phosphorus fertilizer is used. Ready-made mineral complexes are chosen: Kemira, Agricola, Forte, etc. They are dissolved in water or embedded in the soil before watering. The Lebanese cedar is fed 3 times during the season: in May, mid-summer and September.

Important! It is not recommended to apply substances rich in nitrogen under conifers: fresh manure, herbal infusions, urea, ammonium nitrate.

Lebanese cedar: photo and description


In the Lebanese cedar, the crown is formed naturally. Additional shaping is not required. The exception is when a tree has 2 trunks. Then the less developed branch is removed.

Sanitary pruning is performed in spring or autumn. Choose a period when sap flow is slowed down in trees. Remove dry, broken and frozen shoots. Garden var is applied to the places of cuts.

Preparation for winter

Proper preparation will help the cedar survive the winter. The breed retains viability at a temperature of -23 -30 ° C. In late autumn, it is abundantly watered. Wet soil better protects the roots from freezing. Humus or peat 10-15 cm thick is poured into the near-stem circle of the plant.

Shelter is provided to young plantings. A frame is constructed above them and a non-woven fabric is attached. It is not recommended to use polyethylene, which does not allow moisture and air to pass through. With increasing temperature and humidity, the wood quickly rots.

Features of caring for Lebanese cedar at home

At home, the breed is grown using the bonsai technique. This allows you to limit the growth force of the tree and maintain the shape of the crown.

When grown at home, cedar provides a number of conditions:

  • good lighting, while light shading is allowed;
  • no temperature fluctuations;
  • draft protection;
  • abundant watering in spring and summer;
  • spraying in warm weather;
  • top dressing with organic matter in spring and autumn.

A young plant is planted in ceramic dishes. For an adult cedar, a deep and wide pot is suitable. For planting, a substrate is prepared, consisting of soil, compost and coarse sand. Every 5 years, the tree is transplanted, and its root system is shortened by half.

To obtain a miniature cedar, special attention is paid to the formation of the crown. In the spring, pinch off the top of the young shoots. The procedure is carried out manually without the use of scissors.

Lebanese cedar: photo and description

Reproduction of the Lebanese cedar

The main methods of propagation of conifers are the use of seeds or cuttings. Each method has its own characteristics.

Reproduction of the Lebanese cedar cuttings

When propagated by cuttings, the varietal qualities of the Lebanese cedar are preserved. In an adult tree, shoots 10 cm long are cut off. Work is carried out in the spring, when the buds begin to swell. The cuttings are lowered into the water with the addition of a root growth stimulator. Then the branches are rooted in the greenhouse.

For rooting cuttings, it is important to provide a number of conditions:

  • high humidity;
  • frequent loosening of the soil;
  • a special substrate containing river sand, humus, mycorrhiza.

The process of propagation by cuttings takes several years. Seedlings of the Lebanese cedar grow slowly. They are transferred to a permanent place after 5-8 years.

Reproduction by seeds

At home, Lebanese cedar is grown from seeds:

  1. First, planting material is poured for a day with warm water, where 2-3 drops of a growth stimulator are added.
  2. Then the water is drained, and the seeds are mixed in a container with peat or sand. The container is kept in a refrigerator or cellar at a temperature of +4 °C.
  3. Every 2 weeks, the mass is mixed and moistened.
  4. When seedlings appear, the containers are transferred to a sunny place.
  5. Seedlings are planted in separate containers.
  6. The Lebanese cedar is moderately watered and provided with good lighting.
  7. When the seedlings grow up, they are planted in the chosen place.

Diseases and pests

Lebanese cedars are prone to fungal diseases: needle rust, trunk rot. For the treatment of trees, drugs Abiga-Peak, Zom, Ordan are used. Plantings are sprayed with a working solution in cloudy weather or in the evening. Sick shoots are pruned to avoid the spread of diseases.

Important! For prevention, cedars are sprayed in the spring. They also make sure that the trees do not suffer from excess moisture.

Lebanese cedar: photo and description

The Lebanese cedar suffers from the attack of bark beetles and pine silkworms. Pests are determined by the presence of dense cocoons from the web. In the affected trees, the shoots are deformed, the needles fall off. Insecticides Lepidocide, Actellik, Arrivo are effective for insect control. Cedars are sprayed with a working solution of preparations. The treatment is repeated after 2 weeks.


Lebanese cedar is a valuable breed that is used in landscape design. The tree is durable, resistant to frost and highly valued for its decorative appearance. For propagation, cuttings or seeds are used. When growing Lebanese cedar, the planting site is taken into account, fertilizers and moisture are regularly applied.

How to quickly grow cedars from seeds. Recipe. Result.

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