The leaves of eggplant seedlings dry for various reasons. Basically, they are associated with a violation of care. For example, these may be errors in the preparation of the soil, irregular watering, lack of fertilization. Plants suffer both from a lack of lighting, and from its excess. If you create normal growing conditions, you can avoid this problem.

Why do the leaves of eggplant seedlings dry?

The causes of drying, yellowing, deformation of the leaves may be different. As a rule, they are associated with care errors or incorrect soil composition. Also, drying can be observed due to a violation of the timing of transplanting seedlings into open ground. The main factors are described below.

nutritional deficiency

If the seedlings begin to dry and the leaves turn yellow, this is due to a nutritional deficiency. The disadvantage, as a rule, is observed at once on several, and not on one element. You can determine the specific cause by external signs:

  1. Nitrogen deficiency manifests itself in the fact that the seedlings will dry, and the leaves begin to turn yellow. The top becomes light.
  2. Lack of phosphorus – eggplant seedlings begin to dry. The foliage curls upwards, the tips are pointed.
  3. Lack of potassium – eggplants do not grow well, the foliage becomes stained, then they begin to dry and die.
  4. If there is not enough magnesium, the foliage turns yellow and turns pale, part of the surface of the seedling plates also dries out.

Incorrect watering

If the seedlings begin to dry, lose their elasticity, and the leaves look weak, this indicates insufficient watering. Eggplants require a regular supply of water. In the first two months, watering should be done every 2-3 days, and only settled water is used for this. Until the seedlings have risen or they are small, it is better to give the liquid from the sprayer. Then it is poured in a small stream under the root.

It is necessary to ensure that the surface layer of the soil remains moderately moist. If the soil has received too much water, watering is stopped for 5-7 days. Otherwise, eggplant seedlings can also suffer and even die.

Important! The leaves may also begin to dry out due to too tight planting combined with excess moisture. At the initial stage, the seeds are sown at intervals of 3-5 cm, and after picking, the seedlings are grown in separate containers.
Leaves dry at eggplant seedlings on the windowsill: how to treat

Due to irregular watering, the seedlings will dry out and weaken.

Sun exposure

Seedlings need good lighting. But if the seedlings are under the scorching sun for several days in a row, the foliage may begin to dry. This phenomenon is often associated with the following reasons:

  • grow crops on the south side;
  • during watering, water is poured directly over the leaves during the day (it is better to do this in the evening or early morning);
  • plants are placed under a phytolamp, without the penetration of the sun, and then abruptly planted under the sun’s rays in open ground.

Defeat by diseases

The foliage of eggplant seedlings begins to dry even when affected by diseases. Fusarium is often the cause. The spores of the fungus come from the soil and infect weak senets. The main symptoms are:

  • lag in development;
  • the roots turn pink;
  • a brown coating appears on the stems;
  • the foliage of eggplant seedlings dries around the edges and turns yellow;
  • cotyledonous (first two) sheets are twisted into tubules.

Another possible reason is late blight. Because of it, the seedlings will dry, and brown spots appear on the foliage. The disease affects the lower parts of the eggplant, but then the whole plant begins to hurt. If left untreated, it will quickly turn black and die.

Also, the seedlings will dry out due to verticillium. This is a fungal infection that causes yellowing of the veins and the appearance of variegated spots. The eggplant will dry out, the foliage will begin to curl, and the stem will turn brown when cut.

Early planting in the soil

In the case of early transplantation into open ground, eggplant seedlings can also dry. This is a reaction to stress associated with a sharp temperature drop. Plants are sensitive, they develop normally at a temperature of 22-27 degrees.

Attention! If the indicator drops to +15 and below, growth may stop.

Therefore, transplanting seedlings should be planned no earlier than mid-May. Moreover, in the Urals, in Siberia and the northern regions, it can only be grown in greenhouses.

If the lower leaves dry up

If the lower foliage begins to dry and turn yellow, this indicates a lack of nutrients. At first, nitrogen compounds are especially important for plants. Therefore, they need to be given urea, or better, a complex fertilizer. Even if the yellow foliage flies around, the seedlings will subsequently grow normally.

Leaves dry at eggplant seedlings on the windowsill: how to treat

If the lower leaves dry and turn yellow, the reason is due to a lack of nitrogen.

If the soil is fertile, and top dressing is applied regularly, it is necessary to feel the surface layer of the soil. If it is almost dry, the reason is probably due to a lack of moisture. Then the foliage will wither, and lose elasticity, but without yellowing.

If the top leaves dry

If the top leaves of eggplant seedlings begin to dry, the reason is most often associated with a lack of nitrogen. This can be determined by a number of external signs:

  • weakening of growth or a complete stop in development;
  • foliage and stems of small size;
  • leaves are pale, lose their luster;
  • green color changes to yellow and lighter.

In this case, it is required to add ammonium nitrate or urea. If the signs are too pronounced, foliar top dressing with these nitrogen fertilizers is carried out.

If the leaves dry up and deform

If the seedlings begin to dry and deform, this may be due to the same reasons as described above. Often a similar phenomenon is observed due to a lack of light.

Plant seeds are sown in February when there is not enough natural light. Even if you put containers on the southern windows, you will need to use fluorescent lamps or fitolamps. Light sources must be hung at a height of 50-60 cm. The backlight is turned on daily in the morning and in the evening – only 4-5 hours.

Deformation can also be associated with the invasion of pests. If eggplant seedlings begin to dry, it is important to carefully inspect it with a flashlight. If a cobweb is found on the underside of the leaves, these are signs of the appearance of a spider mite. Also, an accumulation of aphids can be detected on the shoots. In both cases, it is necessary to treat with folk remedies or insecticides.

What to do if eggplant seedlings dry

So that the seedlings do not begin to dry, it is necessary to provide it with proper care. One of the important rules is timely watering. During the first month, water is given three times a week in the “day after day” mode. So that not only the soil, but also the air is sufficiently moist, the containers are covered with glass or a film with holes. Shelter should be cleaned regularly for ventilation.

Leaves dry at eggplant seedlings on the windowsill: how to treat

Before transplanting into the ground, seedlings are fed three times.

To prevent the plants from drying out, they must be fertilized regularly. You can use the following dressings:

  • infusion of mullein or chicken manure;
  • complex composition, for example, “Ideal”;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • superphosphate;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • urea.

Fertilizers for eggplants are applied several times. Before the start of the picking, they are watered with infusion of mullein, diluted 10 times, or chicken manure (20 times). Instead of organics, you can feed ammonium nitrate (5 g per 10 l), superphosphate (15 g) and potassium sulfate (20 g).

After the picking, when the eggplant seedlings give 2-3 leaves, a complex composition is introduced, for example, “Crystal”. A few days before transfer to open ground, mineral fertilizers are again used – potassium salt (30 g per 10 l) and superphosphate (50 g per 10 l). To prevent eggplant seedlings from drying out, all preparations are given exactly according to the instructions, since overfeeding will lead to a deterioration in the composition and structure of the soil.

A few days after the transfer to the greenhouse or to the beds, preventive treatment with fungicides is carried out. To prevent the foliage from drying out, use such preparations:

  • “Fitosporin”;
  • “Bordeaux liquid”;
  • “Score”;
  • “Maksim”.

If insects are found, they are treated with insecticides:

  • “Aktara”;
  • “Karate”;
  • “Fufanon”;
  • Biotlin.

preventive measures

So that the seedlings do not start to dry, it is necessary to create normal growing conditions, as well as ensure the correct planting dates. Seeds are sown 80 days before being transferred to the ground. In most regions, work should begin in the last decade of February or early March. As for transplanting to the beds, it is planned for the middle – the second half of May. You can transfer to the greenhouse a week earlier.

Leaves dry at eggplant seedlings on the windowsill: how to treat

Seedlings are transplanted into open ground in the second half of May or early June

Eggplants will not dry out if the soil is properly prepared. The soil can be purchased at the store or made independently on the basis of soddy soil, compost, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1. The mixture is pre-disinfected with potassium permanganate (1 g per 1 liter) or kept in the freezer for several days.

During the cultivation of seedlings, regular watering and a consistently high temperature in the range of 24-27 degrees are provided. You will need to organize good lighting and fertilize at least three times before transplanting into the ground.


The leaves of eggplant seedlings dry, as a rule, due to a violation of the rules of cultivation. Seedlings grow well at a temperature of 23-27 degrees, in conditions of high humidity and sufficient lighting. It is important to take into account the timing of sowing seeds and transplanting into open ground. Two weeks before this, it is important to harden the seedlings. Thanks to this, it will not dry out, and will also become immune to temperature extremes.

Why eggplant leaves wither Eggplant diseases

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