Leave no chance for a sore throat
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How to prevent colds and cure a sore throat with one remedy? We provide emergency assistance to innate immunity.
Wonderful winter days: mischievous children play snowballs, ride down ice slides and make funny snowmen. And now there are paper boats in the streams, large spring puddles, in which you just want to tinker, and hats with scarves, “accidentally” forgotten at home. Unsurprisingly, the changing seasons are often accompanied by a sore throat, home regimen, and treatment. Add to this that in the winter-spring period, and sometimes in the summer, flu and SARS epidemics often occur, one after the other. Is it really the only way to avoid a sore throat is to spend the winter in warm countries? Do not exaggerate. The main thing is to know your enemy by sight and understand in what ways to deal with him.
Immunity is of two types: congenital and acquired. People with weak innate immunity get sick more often. It is clear that acquired immunity develops throughout life. As they grow up, children face new infections and develop a protective response to them. Since the immune system of babies is still being formed, they get sick much more often than adolescents and adults.
Discovery of “miraculous” cells
Not so long ago, scientists made a major discovery. Under all the mucous membranes of a person are cells of the congenital immunity – macrophages and dendritic cells, on the surface of which toll-like receptors live. “Tall” in translation from German means “wonderful”, “fantastic”. The magic lies in the fact that these receptors are the first to react to hostile invasions of viruses and bacteria, and then mobilize the entire body and direct its forces to fight the infection.
How can we help wonderful cells?
Can you help these invisible brave warriors? To strengthen the immune system, the use of immunomodulatory drugs has become common in recent years. But, as you know, not all of them are equally effective. So, there are means for maintaining immunity based on artificial, synthetic interferon, and there are those that, instead of ready, introduced, foreign interferon, only encourage the body to develop its own. One of the representatives of immunomodulators that activate the activity of toll-receptors and stimulate the body’s production of its own interferon is Derinat spray– an immunomodulator with antiviral activity and a unique ability to restore the functioning of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. This very important property of Derinat helps to strengthen the main protective barrier of immunity – the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, and therefore, to strengthen its protective functions.
Prevention is better than cure
There are a few simple steps you can take to prevent a sore throat in both children and adults. First, ventilate the area regularly. It is not so difficult to do, but it is very effective. Secondly, during the active heating season, monitor the humidity in the room, especially in the children’s room. Dry air is a direct way to weaken the protective properties of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and easy penetration of harmful viruses through it. Finally, purchase Derinat spray and make it a rule to use it regularly during dangerous periods, as well as at the first sign of a sore throat. Derinat spray has a protective effect and not only helps to strengthen the immune system, but also has a beneficial effect on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. It promotes faster and easier recovery without complications.
Correct treatment – quick recovery
If preventive measures did not help, and a wave of colds and flu still covered your child, do not despair. Derinat spray is equally effective at all stages of the disease. Taking it in the first days of malaise helps to cut off a cold and avoid not only a protracted illness, but also unwanted complications. The product has a neutral color, smell and taste, so even babies will like it. Often, ARVI and especially influenza cause bacterial complications, including pneumonia. It is very important that due to its properties Derinat helps to avoid the attachment of a secondary infection. Derinat spray is the right treatment for sore throat for babies and mothers!