Learning without torment: how to develop a child from 5 to 16 years old

It is much more important today to create conditions that will allow a child to grow up as a conscious, independent and kind person, striving for self-development, self-knowledge and realization of his natural potential. In every person, nature has inherent abilities that can be revealed and directed for the good of the entire planet. It is this vector that determines the direction of work of the friendly team of Skorodum Ability Development Centers in Nizhny Novgorod.

In the Skorodum centers, children 5-16 years old successfully develop the phenomenal abilities of the right hemisphere of the brain, namely:

– phenomenal memory;

– high-speed photographic reading;

– ability to master foreign languages;

– ability to solve non-standard tasks;

– imagination and imaginative thinking;

– creative potential.

In addition, thanks to innovative play techniques that are used in the classroom, children quickly develop a steady ability to concentrate and maintain attention, which is extremely important today – the information age. But the most important thing that happens to our young geniuses is the growth of awareness. It is the ability to see cause and effect relationships and be creative in solving any problem. All games are based on the training of connections between the cerebral hemispheres and the active use of the resources of both hemispheres.

Methods used in the work:

• mental arithmetic, which is used in more than 50 countries around the world, and in Japan and China is included in the compulsory school curriculum;

• hyper-reading and hyper-memory according to the development of the Skorodum team;

• TRIZ, ie the theory of inventive problem solving;

• early development program according to the method of Makoto Shichida.

Results of the course “Hyper Reading”:

– an increase in the speed of reading “to oneself” by three times and an improvement in the technique of reading aloud by 30% or more, which is important for increasing academic success;

– a high level of understanding both from electronic and paper media for better assimilation of information;

– development of fine motor skills and the ability to control your body to improve your psychophysical capabilities;

– improving diction and speech articulation to train the ability to speak in front of an audience;

– laying a linguistic foundation for learning any foreign languages;

– removal of fear from questions, tests and exams;

– the manifestation of the foundations of leadership qualities at an early age;

– an increase in the average score by at least 20-30%;

– formation of responsibility for their results in studies and life.

Results of the course “Hyper Memory”:

– not just the ability to quickly assimilate information, but also easily and for a long time to remember it;

– simultaneously solve several tasks or actions at once;

– “be in the resource”, using games and exercises to harmonize the cerebral hemispheres;

– an increase in personal efficiency and a tremendous speed of information processing;

– getting a winning strategy for memorizing information.

You can sign up for classes on the website https://skorodum.com or by phone (831) 424-38-39.

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