Learning to Concentrate Like Buddhist Monks

The legendary state of flow, crazy efficiency, creative problem solving and the admiration of others. All this can become a reality in a couple of months if you start mastering the art of concentration. Time management expert Anna Vsekhsvyatskaya tells how to comprehend this skill.

What do I mean by concentration? For convenience, I propose to divide the term into 2 branches:

  1. Macro concentration is the global focus of your life.
  2. Micro-concentration is the ability to focus at a particular moment on the current task.

Traditionally, working with concentration means setting timers like Pomodoro, working in solitude, meditating, and so on. That’s all well and good, but I’m offering an alternative, deeper look at the question. I will show with examples what macroconcentration is.

Let’s start with an anti-example. Often girls come to me who rush from project to project, not succeeding in any of them. Let’s conditionally imagine a young girl who wants to become a business woman. She thinks about one startup, then switches to another, then gets married and decides she wants a quiet family life. Sets a new task number 1 — to become a supermom. But the routine is boring, and she wants to spend more time on herself (training, care, health, development). Then she again seeks to realize herself, finds a job, as a result, she does not have enough time for her family, for herself. And so in a circle.

Macro-concentration — a conscious choice of several general directions

This is some kind of eternal tornado of desires imposed from the outside (it is fashionable to be an entrepreneur), obligations (a woman should be an ideal mother) and personal values ​​(I want to be a healthy and developed person).

Macro-concentration lies in the fact that we are able to consciously choose several general directions that are important, systematically adhere to and implement them until they fully satisfy us.

With the help of our conditional heroine, let’s look at a good example. She consciously makes a choice that for the next 3 years the main directions in her life are the creation of her own business / career, development and freedom. When she focuses on specific tasks, sets goals, paints a plan and follows it, she comes to 100% success in these areas.

After 2-3 years, he compares values ​​​​and understands that now he wants to start a family. Reduces the intensity of the career race / automates business processes and sets new goals. For example, find a young man, equip a house. Focuses on this area. This does not mean that while he builds a career, she does not go on dates! Of course, we always strive for balance and a fulfilling life. But the chip is in focus and priorities.

So, a short checklist of what we are working on to achieve macro concentration:

  1. Understanding true (not imposed) values.
  2. Proper prioritization.
  3. Plans clearly tied to goals and priorities.

Few people think about global concentration, because it will take a little more work to achieve it. It is not enough just to press the timer button. However, if you manage to master the big focus of life, focusing on small tasks will come easier.


To achieve it, you need to follow very simple and obvious rules. Turn off distracting incoming signals (calls, music, conversations). Eliminate all noise as much as possible. I understand that in an office environment this is almost impossible, but try as much as possible (up to the headphones).

Remove the background — stop being distracted by social networks, YouTube videos, games. Set app limits: on iOS, using the Screen Time settings; on Android, using the RealizD app.

Remember that at one point in time, attention should be directed to one task. Multitasking is the anti-trend for a woman who wants to get things done quickly. Multitasking can only be good in solving everyday routine, everything else is best done in turn.

The brain needs a break, it can not focus as much as possible for 10 hours in a row

It will be easier to concentrate if a complex task is divided into stages and there are some blanks for each (templates, examples, checklists, instructions).

The brain needs a break, it cannot focus as much as possible for 10 hours in a row. The ideal timing for many is 20 minutes of work, 5 minutes of rest, 20 minutes of work again, 5 minutes of rest, 20 minutes of work and another 10 minutes of rest. Depending on your field of activity and concentration possibilities, the intervals can vary from 15 to 60 minutes. You can use an alarm clock to keep track of them, but it’s more convenient to install timer apps. The most famous is Pomodoro.

Success always comes when you move from the general to the specific, so my advice is to start with macro concentration. In a couple of months, I guarantee, your head will become clear and serene, almost like a Buddhist monk.

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