Learn to look… natural

Not everything is beautiful that paints our faces in bright shades … Natural freshness and the charm of health – this is the desired effect that nude makeup promises. But how much skill does it take to create a “natural” look?

Nudity today is not customary to hide. On the contrary, it is shown everywhere, with its help trying to attract us to television screens, billboards and pages of fashion magazines. With the onset of the first truly warm days, women willingly bare their arms and shoulders, put on dresses with a decollete … Slender legs and flat bellies also do not hide from prying eyes. What could be more pleasant and natural! There is only one “but”: if the skin of the models in the photo always seems smooth, velvety and radiant, does it always look like this on our own, in our real life?

The answer is easy to guess. This is the paradox: we want to see our body natural … but at the same time perfect, and absolutely – from head to toe. Face, belly, hips, buttocks, as well as nails, hair, eyelashes – we want everything to be well-groomed and at the same time have a natural look. Catching a new trend, modern cosmetologists have developed a rich palette of products that give birth to this enchanting impression of naturalness. Emulsions with special pigments that give the face freshness and create the effect of undisguised beautiful skin; invisible and weightless vibes that give the lightest blush; transparent correctors; colorless nail polishes; invisible powders and foundations, both liquid and compact; oils that bring out the natural shine of the hair, lifting creams that instantly give the face a rested look…

More natural than nature itself


In recent years, nude makeup has not gone out of fashion (from the English “naked”): imperceptible, it only presents us in a slightly improved, winning light, while not radically changing our features. And this is a good compromise between the ideal of our own appearance, which is in the minds of each of us, and what we have by nature. This “natural” makeup is not as obliging as bright shadows, blush, rich lipstick color. It simply emphasizes our natural data and creates the impression of natural, and not artificially “composed” beauty. peach complexion; barely noticeable, as if from embarrassment, a blush on the cheeks; lips without a trace of lipstick, but fresh, bright … Make-up with which you can look good – and as if without makeup at all. This subtle flattery (we’re not hiding anything!) benefits not only our external data, but also our self-esteem: nude fulfills the desire of many to be beautiful without tricks and embellishments. “Such make-up seems to become a natural extension of the skin,” says Roman Aleksandrov, Dior’s leading make-up artist in Russia. – He decorates, but at the same time does not betray his presence. Today it is more popular than ever: many celebrities appear at premieres with an almost “clean” face, as if completely without makeup – although this is the result of the painstaking work of makeup artists.

So, we continue to dream about our perfect and absolutely natural beauty, and cutting-edge technologies for the production of cosmetics are becoming more and more complex … There is another unconditional paradox in this: the more complex the formula of the active ingredient of powder, foundation or blush, the less noticeable, which means , such a remedy becomes more “natural”. Innovative cosmetics also use the laws of optics: dense “powder” pigments of the past generation give way to others that reflect, refract and scatter light. The result is a healthy glow of invisibly “dressed” skin.

And by the way, about skin health: cosmetics manufacturers responded to our request. In our time, first-class makeup does not mean war paint, but above all effective facial skin care products. “So, the Teint Miracle Lancome foundation is 40% purified water,” Alexei Molchanov, a leading makeup artist for the Lancome brand in Russia, gives an example. “Thanks to this, the tool not only creates a weightless radiant veil on the skin, but also moisturizes it, and the rose oil included in the composition soothes and softens.” If the foundation creams of the past generation included no more than 10% of moisturizing, nourishing and regenerating components, today the share of these components in the formula can reach 50%!

“Pure” art


Satiny glow, mother-of-pearl glow, amber reflection, a hint of tone… Today, makeup artists offer to apply fundamentally new, lightest, transparent products to the skin to give it a healthy shade: devoid of the density of tonal creams, they do not camouflage, but seem to illuminate the face with a semblance of a tan. The art of dressing leather begins with light textures, liquid or gel-like, those that contain a lot of water. Their transparency naturally merges with the natural skin tone, only slightly leveling it, erasing imperfections. If there is a need to smooth the surface of the skin or get rid of excessive shine, you can use leveling or matting bases.

And in order to better correct redness, it would be appropriate to add a drop of foundation.

“Powder should not be applied all over the face,” continues Roman Aleksandrov, “it is enough to limit yourself to the cheekbones and forehead. And to give your face more freshness, lightly touch the wings of the nose, earlobes and chin with blush. A cool pink shade is the best suited for fair skin, and coral or plum looks good on dark skin. On the lips, you can limit yourself to a transparent gloss, and the desire to give them brightness is easy to realize with the help of lipsticks, glosses and lipsticks, balms, which create a natural juicy color. Such makeup is suitable not only for young girls, the make-up artist is sure: “On the contrary, without weighing down or emphasizing features, he is able to make any face truly fresh.”

Alena Polosukhina

New game rules

You can dress in nude style not only your face, but also your body: for this there is a tinted milk, a cream with a golden hue, gentle serums and “dry” oils … They glide over the skin like silk underwear, caring, “dressing”, but not hiding nudity. In order not to emphasize the pallor of skin that has survived a long winter, it is better to give preference not to transparent, but toned oils. And if you want to give it a light shade of tan, just mix self-tanning in the palm of your hand in equal proportions with oil or cream, and then apply this mixture evenly and thoroughly. The natural beauty of the body is emphasized by products with a pearly sheen, they look especially good on fair skin, on the shoulders and décolleté. For hair that lacks volume, masks and serums that give shine will come to the rescue: they visually make hair more voluminous, especially dark ones. And to revive the natural color, you can use tinting shampoos, which, together with the shade, return shine to the hair.

On the one hand, we are impressed by the fantastic possibilities of new technologies, on the other hand, we want to learn and express a little more truth about ourselves. Beauty in nude style draws inspiration from this deep contradiction of ours. After all, the creation of beautiful “nudity” is the result of difficult, skillful work, and there is little left of naturalness here. But is there a problem here? If for some of us the need to be constantly fresh and “naturally” beautiful becomes an additional burden, then for others it is just a game, an easy, non-binding pleasure. What can we win in this game? Let’s play and see!

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