Learn relaxation to shed muscle armor

Why do we need to relax? After all, we have a lot to do, we need to deal with stress, be in good shape. Do we have enough motivation and energy in a relaxed state to cope with daily tasks?

One day I met a classmate whom I had not seen for a long time. She is the head of the tax office. Like many people who are financially responsible and lead people, that is, they do things that require a high level of control, she has developed bodily defenses.

As if an invisible shell covers the neck, shoulders, stomach, hips. The first thing she said when she saw me: “What a relaxed you are! How are you doing?”

Muscle clamp is a bodily defense that occurs as a result of psychological trauma. It means that in childhood we met with feelings that for some reason could not be openly lived – for example, anger, fear or love.

These feelings were held back and suppressed by certain bodily actions, such as tensing the abdominal muscles or holding the breath.

This blockage of energy in the body creates a permanent muscle clamp, or muscle shell.

It differs from normal muscle contraction in that it continues to exist long after the situation that provoked its appearance, and is difficult to consciously relax. It is constantly maintained through fears, inhibitions, anxiety, feelings of guilt and shame.

Especially such a shell is typical for those who experience constant tension, both muscular and emotional, who are focused on the result, and not on life in the present.

To maintain tension in the muscles, a lot of energy is required, so we do not fully control our body, we cannot use the energy blocked in the muscles. And even when we have the opportunity to relax, it does not work out and our body never fully rests.

Simple techniques for self-regulation and relaxation

Each exercise takes 3-5 minutes, you can perform them anywhere and at any time. The elements of the exercises are taken from the methods of the student of Sigmund Freud, the psychologist Wilhelm Reich1.

Grounding, breathing, centering

  • Grounding – you focus on all surfaces of your body that are grounded, that is, in contact with horizontal surfaces.
  • Breath – you focus on your breath, just observe it, follow the flow of air with your inner eye.
  • Centering – you focus your attention on your center (2 fingers below the navel, 6 centimeters deep into the abdomen), notice what sensation there is (warmth, energy, movement), and breathe into it, filling and expanding with your breath. It is good if you manage to fill your whole body with the sensation from the center.

Relaxation mask

We direct attention to the muscles of the face and gradually relax them, moving from top to bottom. We open our eyes wide several times. Then we relax the forehead, put the eyebrows in a neutral position. The upper eyelids gently fall down. The eyeballs are turned slightly upward, so that the inner gaze is directed to infinity in the region of the bridge of the nose.

To relax the jaw, first we make several intense movements with the lips in different directions. Then slightly open your mouth and relax your tongue. To do this, first we stick it out as much as possible. Then we place its tip at the roots of the upper teeth and relax it. The lower jaw is soft, sags, the teeth do not touch. Keep the mask of complete relaxation of the face for 3-5 minutes.

“Scanning” and relaxation of tense places in the body

We descend with our inner gaze down the body, starting from the crown, and “scan” it. We notice tense areas, fill them with attention and breathing.

You can imagine a flower with large petals in this place. So, when you inhale, the flower closes the petals and fills with your breath.

On exhalation, it opens the petals and releases the energy blocked in this place.

In general, any breathing exercises help to relieve muscle clamps, especially in the chest, diaphragm and abdomen.

Exercise for insomnia

We lay down on our backs. We close our eyes. Slowly twist the nose in large circles – four times clockwise and four times against.

Raise one leg up, toes towards you, then the other. Then we also raise one hand up, palm to the ceiling, then the second. We lower in the same order – we perform four times.

With our mind’s eye, we draw a circle clockwise, then a square, then counterclockwise – a circle, then a square. We repeat 4 times.

By relaxing your muscles, you will receive an influx of energy, feel light and be able to fully enjoy life, not being afraid to live and express emotions. Your relationships with people may also improve, as someone who knows how to relax attracts attention.

1 W. Reich “Character Analysis” (April Press, Eksmo-Press, 2000).

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