A sore throat is an unpleasant but relatively easy to treat condition. Of course, in a situation where we are not dealing with more serious diseases (such as angina), but with ordinary pain or hoarseness that accompany infections and colds. Autumn, rainy weather is conducive to this type of diseases. They can be alleviated using many methods: compresses, lozenges or rinses. Until the symptoms worsen and are not accompanied by other disturbing symptoms, you can try to deal with the pain without the help of a doctor.
A sore throat is often accompanied by hoarseness, which is the result of irritation of the larynx. Sometimes it is so strong that it makes it difficult to speak. Consistency and regularity are important in treating a sore throat with home remedies. The sooner we act, the better!
Remember to moisturize
When combating this ailment, it is very important to moisten both the air in the rooms where the sick person is and the throat itself. In the place where the patient is staying, you can put a wet towel on the radiator or use a special air humidifier. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids, which will relieve pain and help clear the throat.
In addition to pure, unsweetened water (which should be drunk in quantities of up to 2,5 liters a day during illness) or tea, honey and olive oil have a moisturizing effect. A plate of warm, homemade broth will also be warming and soothing.
Try grandma’s recipes
One of the oldest methods is the use of a potato poultice. For this purpose, boil the potatoes, and then (still hot) crush them into a mush and wrap it in a linen cloth. Place the compress prepared in this way around the throat and wrap it with a scarf, waiting for the potatoes to cool down.
Another natural remedy for a sore throat, used by our grandmothers, is to drink warm milk with garlic. It is a natural antibiotic that is an excellent weapon in the fight against infections, because it has antibacterial and antiviral properties. 1-2 cloves in a glass of milk a day are enough.
Honey also has a soothing effect, which works both when we add it to tea with lemon and when we enjoy a teaspoon of honey alone (dissolving slowly in the mouth, it will work similarly to lozenges). This golden delicacy has antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties.
Rinse away the pain and hoarseness
Use gargles for a sore throat. One way is to rinse with soda, which reduces swelling and soothes inflammation. For best results, do this 3-4 times a day, dissolving a teaspoon of baking soda in half a cup of warm water. In addition to soda, herbal rinses also work well: with chamomile, thyme or sage, which have anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing effects.