Learn Nordic Walking

All over the world, its popularity is growing: combining the effect of gymnastics, swimming and cross-country skiing, it is available to everyone – just the right weather and two special sticks are enough.

In parks, on the embankments, outside the city, on dry pavement and on snow, on the plain and on mountain paths … Surely, many of us have met these funny skiers without skis – in ordinary sneakers, but with ski poles in their hands. Once upon a time, such an original way of transportation was invented to train “real” skiers in the summer, when there is no snow, but it is still necessary to maintain professional loads. And about a quarter of a century ago, not only members of the winter sports teams began to walk with sticks, but also those who simply found a sports activity for themselves in this walking to their liking. Now in Finland, Sweden, Germany and other European countries it is as popular as traditional jogging or cycling.

“During Nordic walking, along with sticks, we actually get a second pair of limbs that are actively involved in the movement,” explains trainer Ivan Minaev. An enthusiastic fan of Nordic walking, he began to popularize it in Russia five years ago and now arranges free demonstration classes in the parks of the capital once a week for everyone who wants to get acquainted with it. “We begin to work the muscles not only of the lower body, but also of the upper body, so walking like this has little in common with a regular walk or run. It gives a full-fledged aerobic exercise, improves muscle elasticity and tone, restores mobility to the joints. And this is a comfortable, fairly simple sport that does not require stress, like running, for example. But, despite this comfort, it is very effective. Thanks to Nordic walking, I once lost 20 kilograms in six months – however, I worked out for an hour every day.

What is needed for this

  • Poles: Folding poles, aluminum poles, or regular ski poles will not work, as they do not absorb shock, which can injure the joints and spine. Special sticks for Nordic walking are made of strong, flexible and lightweight material, and their tip is made of a wear-resistant alloy. It comes with a replaceable rubber head for walking on dry pavement. To pick up the sticks of the desired length, you need to multiply your height in centimeters by 0,66.
  • Sneakers for jogging or walking – with good cushioning and non-slip outsole; from the “breathing” materials and waterproof; with a low top that does not fix the ankle.
  • Clothing: Loose, breathable.

If we don’t have a task of this magnitude, one or two workouts a week for 30-40 minutes will be enough to keep ourselves in shape. Three – to tighten muscles, part with a few kilograms and improve body proportions. The intensity can be adjusted as you wish: changing the speed and style of walking, choosing different types of terrain, as well as the degree of load on the hands. You can learn this quickly by attending one or two classes to master the technique that will allow you to make classes truly athletic. There are practically no contraindications – on the contrary, Nordic walking is used in rehabilitation programs, including for those who have problems with the articular apparatus or the spine: it allows you to reduce the load on the knees and hip joints and organically engage the muscles of the shoulder girdle. However, it is important to follow the usual precautions if health requires it: for example, do not burden your sore knees up and down. And of course, before starting classes, it does not hurt to consult with your doctor.

A special kind of communication

“Walking is a natural movement for us, its physiology is intuitive for everyone,” continues Ivan Minaev. – And this is a democratic sport: there is no need to be tied to an instructor, a fitness club, a season. You can walk on asphalt, on the ground and on snow. In some countries, Nordic walking enthusiasts even walk with sticks to work!”

It is also an opportunity to spend time in the fresh air, without wasting internal efforts to force and overcome oneself in some way. Breathing while walking remains free, does not go astray, does not interfere with conversation, and this makes it a truly “social” sport. Walking is good in a company, with friends – and even finding new ones at joint starts and marathons, which are organized by lovers of Nordic walking. Meet in parks or travel out of town, discovering unfamiliar neighborhoods and returning to favorite places.

It’s not a fact that Nordic walking will appeal to everyone who loves running: there is little speed in it and there is absolutely no need to test yourself for strength, testing the endurance of the body. But lovers of hiking or skiing, most likely, will be able to appreciate it: with sticks you can walk a dozen kilometers without even noticing the distance, and get not only pleasure, but also a full-fledged workout for the whole body.

Benefits for the whole body

At first, it is better to walk with sticks slowly in order to be able to follow your technique. When it is mastered at an automatic level, you can go faster (and even switch to sliding movements and jogging), alternate ups and downs, turn the body with each step to engage all the muscles of the shoulder girdle and abs.

  • Balance: Sticks give us the ability to make many destabilizing movements while maintaining both balance and a sense of security. You can even walk along icy or snow-covered paths in the park: the tip of the stick securely fixes it.
  • Heart: Oxygen consumption increases by 20% compared to normal walking*. Thanks to a good average speed, efforts are comparable to the load when jogging, so Nordic walking has a beneficial effect on the heart.
  • Muscles: Regular walking or running works mostly the lower body. It is worth using sticks, as the upper part of it, as well as the press, is included in the training. At the same time, the muscles of the buttocks and legs also work – as a result, 90% of our entire muscles are used.
  • Silhouette: Nordic walking allows you to burn about 400 kcal per hour (as opposed to 280 kcal with normal walking).
  • Joints: The weight of the body is transferred to the poles and this reduces the impact load on the hips, knees and ankles by about 30%.
  • Posture: The natural range of motion includes the muscles of the back, chest and shoulders. To maintain this amplitude, it is better to bend and unbend your arms not at the elbow, but to actively act with the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

My first exit

Intrigued by the possibilities of Nordic walking, I also joined a dozen of those who wanted to get to know it in one of the Moscow parks. 20 minutes of instruction; 10 minutes of the first attempts to walk with sticks “according to science”, 20 minutes of a full walk. First, we simply fasten the stick straps on our wrists and take a few steps, pulling them along so that the body “remembers” the movements when walking. After a few meters, I let my arms move, as in normal walking, in counterstep: left leg – right arm … And then I start working with sticks, like on cross-country skis. The sensations are very non-trivial: I do not suffocate, as usual when running; I keep up a conversation with my classmates and share my impressions – and despite this, I feel how the muscles of the body are actively working, including (which is especially important for me) the muscles of the back and chest.

The instructor reminds that sticks should be placed a little behind you, at an angle of 45 degrees to the ground: then they turn into a reliable support on which you can transfer your body weight. And it is better not to squeeze the handle in a fist, but simply hold it with two fingers. As soon as I think about it, I lose my rhythm and “forget” how to walk. Then I again take the first steps without the participation of sticks, and then return to the usual walking pattern: right hand forward – left foot back … I find my pace – and again lose it when the tip of the stick hits a pebble. But after ten minutes, neither pebbles, nor puddles, nor transitions from the ground to the asphalt and back no longer prevent me from walking smoothly.

Joy of movement


I try to understand what exactly these movements remind me of … and I come to the conclusion that Nordic walking is like a ski trip – even though I do not slide on smooth snow, but walk on the ground. I also transfer the weight of the body to the sticks – either on the left or on the right hand, push off and smoothly move forward. And besides, my movements are somewhat reminiscent of swimming: only in the water can I move so gently and measuredly, as if the body itself is leading me. I don’t feel any discomfort in my joints or spine, and I don’t really think about the process. All sensations are now focused on the work of the legs and arms, on a uniform movement forward. It’s like I’m leaving my problems behind with every move of the sticks.

Unable to resist, I switch to a very fast walk with a wide “gliding” step – and I am filled with a joyful feeling of flight. And at the end of the session, I feel as if freed from all worries, with a refreshed head and a flexible body, to which vigor has returned.

Where to start?

  • In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Nordic Fit clubs conduct free lessons for beginners (sticks are provided). If you like, you can buy sticks according to your size right at the lesson. tel. (495) 504 6221, www.nordicwalker.ru
  • In sanatoriums and rest houses, where there are instructors and equipment for Nordic walking. For example, in the sanatorium “Nadezhda”, Anapa. t. (613) 330 037.

* According to research by the American Cooper Institute (The Cooper Institute). For more information see www.cooperinstitute.org

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