Learn from mistakes: Jeri Halliwell’s three tips for avoiding weight loss
Throughout her career – from performing as a member of the pop group Spice Girls to presenting a designer clothing collection – Jeri Halliwell has appeared in public with a different figure: with curvaceous and gaunt body; and with obvious extra pounds, and with relief muscles. But the girl still managed to find herself: she achieved perfect harmony. Woman’s Day studied all the methods of dealing with obesity that the star resorted to, and figured out what is worth repeating and what is not.
1. Weight loss mistake – refusal to eat.
Jeri Halliwell, 2005 and 2010
After leaving the popular pop group Spice Girls, Geri Halliwell set herself a goal that, according to the singer, could help her in her solo career: to urgently lose weight. “I have always been unhappy with my appearance,” said Jeri. “I didn’t like everything about myself: face, figure, height …” In order to change herself, the girl decided to turn to the simplest way – to limit herself to food. If she replaced her beloved, by her own admission, chips and chocolates with vegetables and fruits, it would be good. But Jeri decided to lose weight as soon as possible and for this she began to experiment with all kinds of express diets, and then gradually and completely refused to eat. As a result, she lost weight. It was simply impossible not to do this … But was the result worth such efforts? The girl looked very emaciated, which seriously scared fans and colleagues. Worse, in pursuit of excellence, she developed a terrible disease – bulimia.
It is not known how this story with weight loss would have ended if Jeri had not come to her senses in time. To begin with, on the advice of her friend, singer Robbie Williams, she went to a clinic for the treatment of eating disorders. After rehabilitation, she managed to find a balance in the diet. On the advice of well-known nutritionists, she is now trying to eat right: several times a day in small portions and, of course, does not go on any diets. “If I want to eat a cake, I’ll eat it,” says Jeri. – And at the same time I will not blame myself for it, as I did before. I’ll just watch my diet the next day. ”
2. The mistake of losing weight is daily grueling exercise.
In addition to losing weight, Jeri dreamed of a sculpted body like Madonna’s. And after a failed attempt to lose weight with diets, she decided to go in for sports. But again, it crossed a reasonable line. Halliwell started doing fitness every day, and in training, she tormented herself to exhaustion. The result of her labor can be seen in photographs from 2001 and 2002. This is not to say that the girl looked good or bad. Very pumped muscles are a matter of taste. The singer herself was unhappy with the changed figure. Jeri believed that with training, she lost her attractiveness and femininity. The girl again needed to find a balance. She found him in yoga. But this time Geri didn’t have fanaticism. “I don’t practice a particular type of yoga, such as kundalini or ashtanga,” says the singer. “I try to listen to my body, what asanas I need at the moment, and I do them.” In 2005, the star released a disc in two parts, where she clearly shows and tells how she practices yoga.
Jeri’s secret to slimness isn’t just yoga. She devotes time to walking every day, and sometimes runs in the park in the morning. But she alternates all these sports training with each other and once or twice a week gives the body a rest from exercise.
3. The mistake of losing weight is dissatisfaction with yourself.
Jeri Halliwell, 2012 and 2013
If you look at the photographs of Jeri Halliwell in the 90s and early 2000s (just at the time when she considered herself fat and ugly), you cannot call her unattractive. Of course, she was not as slim as her friend Victoria Beckham, but, as you can see from her mistakes, thinness did not suit her. Now Jeri, admitting his mistakes, gives advice to all girls: to love yourself for who you are. This is how, in her opinion, you can achieve harmony and self-confidence, and diets and a sports lifestyle will only become an application for attractiveness and health. And after the birth of her daughter, all the complexes about her figure disappeared from the singer. “With the birth of my daughter Bluebell, I felt very beautiful,” says Jeri. – My girl causes me so many positive emotions that I do not get after yoga classes, and after spending the whole day with her, I lose weight better than in the gym. Running after her is the best fitness! ”