Learn for a century: how to integrate learning into workdays

Finding good courses is not easy. Even harder is to fit them into your schedule. But what if study coincides with work? How to build a process of continuous learning – in the material

One of the main trends in education is lifelong learning. With the advent of technology, professions are constantly transforming, and in order to keep up with the changing market, you need to keep your finger on the pulse: take advanced training courses, trainings, and attend professional conferences. Following the principle of lifelong learning will help you stay successful throughout your life and get rid of the fear that your profession will someday become irrelevant.

Irina Novikova, Head of Algoritmika Coding Bootcamp:

“We live in a very rapidly developing world, where new technologies, tools, management models, etc. are constantly emerging. Therefore, it is necessary to study, first of all, in order to maintain the relevance of your knowledge.

Secondly, you must constantly expand your areas of expertise if you want to grow and move up the career ladder. You cannot grow by doing the same job without taking on more responsibility and expanding your area of ​​authority. The most effective way to broaden your area of ​​expertise is additional training in the skills you lack.

Thirdly, learning simply expands your horizons. When you choose to study a new area for yourself, you have new interests, the circle of your professional communication grows. You are in constant motion and keep your mind alive.”

How to motivate yourself to study

In adulthood, when school and university are long gone, it can be difficult to force yourself to return to study. To motivate yourself to study, you need to choose a course that will interest you. You can focus both on the topic of the course and on the result that you will get at the end. For example, you will have new skills that will lead to career growth. This goal will keep you motivated.

When choosing a course, be guided by its format. Decide what is more convenient for you: attend physical classes or study online. Study in groups on a schedule or independently get acquainted with the material at any convenient time. If learning fits comfortably into your life, you will be more willing to attend classes.

Irina Novikova:

“Adults don’t have enough time. As a rule, they already have a rather serious, intensive work, a family, children and a large number of obligations.

Therefore, in order to keep yourself motivated to study, you need to very clearly choose the subject of the course, understand what specific skills you will have after completion, and how you can apply them in work or life. Ideally, if the knowledge gained is useful even in the learning process, in this case your motivation will only grow, not fade away.

How to find time to study

To take courses, you need not only motivation, but also free time. It may seem to you that due to blockages at work and household chores, it is almost impossible to find it. Before looking for courses, determine how much effort you are willing to devote to learning. Do not overestimate your abilities: if you take a course that takes too much time and completely excludes leisure, there is a chance that you will abandon everything or fail the final exam. Keep in mind that many courses include independent work outside of class, and this also takes time.

It will be useful to get a calendar and write down all the deadlines and goals there. When training is added to your work, it will be difficult to keep track of current tasks. A clear schedule will help you not to forget anything and complete tasks on time. The main thing is not only to write down, but also to stick to the schedule. So you will not find yourself in a blockage, and your training will take place at a measured pace.

According to Novikova from Algoritmika Coding Bootcamp, there are two main criteria for effective learning, which are especially relevant for courses that are not tied to specific hours:

should study regularly;

training should be carried out in short periods of time.

“It will be much more productive to work out for 20 minutes every day than eight hours, but once a week. This is due to the assimilation of knowledge by our brain, there are many studies about this. Psychologically, it is much easier for us to allocate 20-30 minutes in our schedule five days a week than, for example, all day on a weekend. It is also important to observe yourself and understand at what time of the day you are more comfortable studying, when you perceive new information better and fill in these slots in the calendar.

How to negotiate with the head of the courses 

Refresher courses can take place on weekends, in the evening, or be open to the public with the ability to study at any time. And they can coincide with working hours. If you are faced with the latter option, you will have to talk with the manager and ask to let you go for training. Many companies are interested in ensuring that their employees always have up-to-date knowledge. Courses are an easy way to get them. If you approach your boss with a direct question, chances are he will quickly agree. Such a request will show you as an enterprising employee, which will also add advantages.

A few tips on how to argue your request:

  • Explain that some of the required skills are difficult to acquire on the job as technology changes rapidly. After the course, you will be up to date with the latest industry developments and help the company stay ahead of the competition.
  • Learning with other professionals is beneficial. Courses will most likely be held with workshops or discussion topics with participants. You will be able to talk to people from your industry and find out how their companies are doing: what challenges they face, how they solve them, and what technologies they use. In the future, you can apply their experience in your company.
  • After the course, you will be able to take on more responsibilities. For example, become a coach for other employees and pass on the knowledge they have learned. You will also be able to bring new ideas for development and perhaps start a new project or direction.

How to ask a company to pay for training 

If you choose a course to increase your horizons, and it is not directly related to work duties, you should not ask the company to pay for it. In all other cases, such a request has a chance of success. What you need to do to convince your boss:

  • Conduct a qualitative analysis: find out how much your courses will cost, how long and at what time they will take place. Your boss will ask you these questions, and it’s best to know the answers ahead of time. Be prepared to describe the course program and the skills you will gain. 
  • Pick up a few alternative courses. Check out the prices and benefits of each. Perhaps the goals of your company are at odds with your ideas about them. This way, management can see which option is the most appropriate for the firm.
  • Examine your company’s policy: has anyone been sent to courses before you, and is the firm financially capable of doing so. In search of information, you can turn to the corporate website, documents for employees, or interview colleagues. If you are not the first person with such a request, this may become your argument.
  • Prepare for possible questions. Think about how you will combine courses and work, whether this will affect your productivity. If you have started projects, can you complete them on time or is it better to choose a better time to study. Anticipate questions that might arise and try to find answers to them. The manager will see that you are thoroughly prepared and really interested in learning. This can play into your hands and help convince.
  • Tell us how your courses will benefit the company. If a firm spends money on your training, it must get something in return. This issue should be given special attention. Describe how you are going to apply what you have learned in practice, and give specific examples related to the company’s current business challenges.
  • In case your boss is interested in the program, check if the course offers a group discount. Perhaps the company will send not only you, but also your colleagues for training.

Useful Tips

How to include training in workdays:

  • Decide on your goals. Answer the question: what do you want from training
  • Figure out how many hours you’re willing to spend studying
  • Choose a convenient format: online or offline
  • Find courses that suit your needs
  • Schedule classes on your calendar, including time for seminar preparation and homework

If classes take place during business hours:

  • Formulate arguments that will reveal the benefits of your training
  • Explore the course program
  • Find value for your company
  • Prepare a presentation for management (written or oral)
  • Prepare for possible questions
  • Talk to the leader

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