Sinusitis is a fairly common ailment, which, although it does not entail dangerous effects, can be troublesome for us. Headache resulting from clogged sinuses in combination with thick nasal secretion are most often the consequences of an untreated runny nose.
We are able to deal with sinusitis with home remedies, but if the symptoms worsen or persist for more than three months, you should visit an ENT specialist.
Fighting sinusitis
- The most commonly used solution in the case of sinusitis are inhalations, valued by our grandmothers. In the simplest way, it is enough to spread 7 tablespoons of table salt in hot water, over which you should bend over to breathe the resulting steam, covering your head with a towel. It is advisable to close your eyes to prevent them from being burned by the hot steam. Inhalations are recommended for five consecutive days.
- You can also try essential oils such as lavender, marjoram, camphor and eucalyptus. In order to prepare the inhalation, it is enough to apply a few drops to a bowl of hot water. Inhalations are inhaled in the same way as in the previous method.
- For herbal inhalations, use herbs with diastolic properties, such as horsetail, peppermint, sage, marjoram and chamomile, also valued for their anti-inflammatory effects, or thyme, which facilitates expectoration. Inhalations based on herbs are prepared by brewing 50 g in a liter of water for ten minutes if they are to be used by adults, and about five minutes if they are to be used by children. For the safety of children, it is worth cooling the infusion beforehand.
- Moisturizing the nasal mucosa will support the treatment of clogged sinuses, which will strengthen its protection against microorganisms. It will be helpful to drink up to three liters a day, especially dried raspberry infusion, which affects the dilution of secretion, linden or water.
- For this purpose, it is also worth humidifying the room in which we are staying, by spreading wet towels on radiators, or using a special humidifier. The humidity level in the interior should not be lower than 30%. In the autumn and winter, it is worth dressing warmer, instead of overheating the apartment, which unfortunately leads to excessive drying of the air.
- Relief can also be provided by compresses made of a few tablespoons of peas poured into a sock or a fabric bag, which should be heated in the oven at 60 degrees Celsius.
- When struggling with sinusitis, it is recommended to drink ginger and cinnamon tea, which, thanks to their warming properties, clear the upper respiratory tract.
- It is advisable to rinse the throat with a solution of lukewarm water and salt, because it will allow expectoration of secretions.
- Fatty foods contribute to the symptoms of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, so it is worth avoiding them.