A big event is approaching – an important party, a wedding, a trip to a warm place or another important occasion during which you want to feel attractive. Despite the perfect hairstyle, make-up and nails, perfectly matched clothes, you still have a few extra pounds that you would like to get rid of. Time is short, chances seem slim. Are you sure? We have 6 simple tricks for you that will help you get rid of unnecessary fat in an express way!
- Choose healthy fit snacks – it is known that busy people (and who is not busy today?) feel the urge to eat a quick snack when they are hungry. Vending machines with candy bars, salty chips and sticks are tempting, and candy bars are hidden in a drawer at work. Such snacking is the fastest way to overweight. Of course, nutritionists recommend eating at least 5 meals a day, but their form and caloric content are also important. When you get hungry, always have protein-rich foods with you, which makes you feel full faster. Instead of bars, cookies and chips, choose yogurts, fruits and vegetables. Even if you complain about the lack of time to prepare them, there are more and more places in Poland where you can buy fresh and ready-made products such as salads, sandwiches and bio yoghurts. Always carry a pack of nuts in your purse to replenish your energy reserves. If you have a problem with evening snacking, make hummus and eat it with peppers and carrots.
- Avoid drinks – although certainly after a day full of emotions, many of us from time to time feel like relaxing with a glass of wine or a drink in hand, it will certainly not benefit the diet. Alcohol contains a lot of empty calories that easily turn into fat. In addition, it has no nutritional value and fuels the appetite. So if you want to lose weight fast, give up alcohol for a while. If you do not want to give it up completely, choose a less caloric one, e.g. white wine.
- plan it – A good way is to write down what you ate. Planning and controlling meals allows you to have a better idea of what we actually eat each day. If you know you’ll be spending most of the day away from home, pack some healthy snacks in your bag. Currently, there are even special phone applications in which you can enter your daily meals and calculate their caloric content.
- Rely on vegetables – your diet during this period should be based on vegetables that have a lot of vitamins, antioxidants and fiber, and at the same time are low in calories. Eat as much of them as possible, add them to juices and smoothies, and you will certainly lose weight.
- Train harder – in addition to increased effort during exercise, try to move more during the day. Replace the car ride with a walk, take the stairs instead of the elevator, go on a bike trip at the weekend.
- Cleanse your body – try detox. However, you must not overdo it and absolutely avoid starving yourself! Fasting is the biggest enemy of a nice figure, because after its end you will quickly have a yo-yo effect. Instead, drink plenty of green teas, herbal infusions and mineral water. Bet on a completely healthy diet during this period.