Of Latin origin, the word laziness It comes from ‘pigritia’ which means lazy, with the suffix –itia, which expresses quality. Along with lust, anger, greed, pride, envy and gluttony, laziness is considered by Christian morality as one of the seven deadly sins, that is, as the source of many other vices and sins. However, all of us have irretrievably succumbed to it on more than one occasion.
Laziness is defined as lack of desire to work or from doing things and weakness or slowness in movement. A lack of willingness to perform certain tasks or activities that usually go linked to lack of motivation, to the lack of clarity in the objectives or the lack of results. Hence, routine tasks, those that require great effort or those that are scheduled for the long term are some of the most lazy.
However, despite its bad reputation, laziness hides little-known positives for the general public. Laziness seems to be related to the lack of activity of certain genes that are related to muscle strength and the control of the enzyme complex. In studies done on laziness, it seems that lazing around and taking long breaks optimizes growth hormone, especially during adolescence.
But beyond that specific stage, lazy people tend to be highly efficient Since by not wanting to do difficult jobs, they tend to find faster and more efficient ways to complete these tasks.
In various studies also laziness has been linked to intelligence and creativity Since people with higher IQs can spend more time rambling without worry, which encourages creativity. In short, a long rest can help refresh ideas while reducing stress, favoring retention capacity.
However, it must be recognized that laziness can also be a major impediment to achieve your goals, so the ideal is to maintain balance knowing how to put it aside whenever necessary.
Keys to overcoming laziness
- Goals: Stay aligned with your goals. Don’t lose sight of them.
- Make it easy: If something is difficult for you, have everything prepared in advance to make it easier for you to get started.
- Do not think: If you turn it around, you will surely find a million perfect excuses.
- Rest: It is important to have enough energy to undertake that task that gives you so much laziness.
- Healthy living: A healthy diet and the practice of exercise promote good disposition and energy.
- Virtuous circle: Record the small victories, recognize your achievements and appreciate your effort.
Reasons for laziness
- Lack of motivation
- Feeling of helplessness
- Conflict between the urgent and the important