Layout rules: common mistakes when choosing furniture

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How to furnish an apartment to live comfortably and beautifully.

Own house or apartment is not only “my fortress”, but also a place where a modern person spends a significant part of his life. And the right furniture makes life easier and more comfortable.

But often we approach the arrangement of the interior, whether it is a change of decor in an old apartment or arrangement in a new one, we go through our sleeves. But it would seem that it could be easier. I came, I saw, I bought it. Fortunately, now the choice of furniture is so great that only his financial capabilities can limit the buyer’s fantasies.

And now an expensive sofa, which looks so natural in the interior of a furniture store, takes up almost the entire room, causing only irritation. Several lonely travel trinkets are gathering dust on bookshelves under the ceiling. And the carved sideboard, worthy of a royal dining room, looks out of place against the background of a high-tech table and chairs.

Determine what kind of furniture you need… Estimate how much storage space you need. If, for example, you are a supporter of minimalism, then you can limit yourself to a wardrobe in the hallway. Otherwise, you should think about buying an additional wardrobe, a pair of dressers, or even arranging a dressing room in the bedroom. If guests often stay in the house with an overnight stay, you will need an extra bed – folding sofa or chair-bed… Consider the size of the apartment as well. If you are not the owner of a royal choir, it is better to opt for multifunctional furniture: a sofa that easily converts into a double bed, a table-book, a wardrobe-bed.

Create an apartment plan… For a start, you can just walk around the apartment, mentally wondering where and what you will put. If the room is free of furniture, you can draw the outlines of cabinets, shelves, a sofa and beds on the walls and floor using chalk or with masking tape. And remember: the roulette wheel is your irreplaceable assistant. After all, this is the case when size matters! It is worth making a mistake by just a couple of centimeters, and the wall cabinets of the new modular kitchen will not fit into the space allotted for them.

A housing plan can be created on paper, and then cut out, adhering to the selected scale, images of the necessary pieces of furniture. Choose a not too small scale to make everything more clear. Move the furniture images around the plan until you create the ideal furniture arrangement.

You can also use modern computer programs. This will allow you to get as close to reality as possible and assess whether this stunning king-size bed with a four-poster will really look organically in a 15 sq. m.

Ordering a design project will save you from solving most of these issues. But the pleasure is not cheap.

Don’t be led by family traditions… Your new apartment will be truly beautiful and comfortable only if the interior is redesigned. If your parents have been collecting a home library all their lives, and you have long ago switched to the format of e-books, you should not spend money on buying huge, under the ceiling, book shelves.

Luxurious dark polished furniture is also not the best choice, unless you plan to hire a servant or are ready to polish the smooth surface yourself every day. After all, furniture should not only please the eye, but also be easy to use, comfortable and hygienic.

Assess your financial capabilities… This will allow you to outline the search circle, as well as determine the material. Furniture made of solid wood or exotic woods, created to order, moreover, in a single copy, is a priori expensive. But if the budget is limited, no one forbids finding similar copies, but from the available materials. Modern technologies make it possible to create furniture from chipboard and MDF of a fairly high quality.

Choose the most popular room in the house… Since it makes sense to spend the lion’s share of the budget on the furnishings of this room. If the center of attraction for both family and friends is кухня, you will have to foresee a lot: the materials of the facades and countertops, and the quality and durability of chairs and tables, and the convenience of kitchen fittings.

Decide on the style of the interior… Eclecticism, of course, is interesting, but without a sense of style and knowledge of how to combine the incongruous, you can achieve the effect of disorder. An old English style sofa with shabby leather upholstery will look odd in a Provencal interior. And the shelves, as if created from plumbing pipes and roughly hewn boards, are unlikely to be appropriate for the classics or baroque. In this case, the chair should not be the same as the sofa, and the table may differ from the chairs.

It is good if in the catalogs of a furniture store or center it is already indicated in which particular style a particular set is sustained. If not, you can print a few photos with the pieces of furniture you like and ask the consultant in the store to choose something in a similar style.

Color matters too… There are several options here. You can choose furniture in the same color scheme as the finish. Then the interior will turn out to be calm, restrained. Yes, a little boring, but it will not annoy anyone. Or you can play on the contrast, making the furniture a bright accent color.

Ideally, first of all, you need to choose exactly the furniture, and already make repairs for it – select flooring, paint for walls or wallpaper, arrange lights and sockets. After all, furniture is produced in basic sizes and popular colors, while the choice of materials for decoration is almost limitless.

When choosing upholstered furniture, pay attention to the upholstery… Flock is considered the easiest to care for and the easiest to clean. But the jacquard upholstery threatens to turn a sofa or chair into a museum piece that no one uses due to its vulnerability to dirt. Filler and transformation mechanism are no less important criteria when choosing. When buying cabinet furniture, pay attention to fittings… Expensive and high-quality handles, legs, hinges, guides are not just a whim, they significantly extend the life of the furniture.

Photo Shoot:
Svetlana Karpova / AKVILON-IT.RU

You can find the perfect set for your home in the furniture center “Bogatyr”, where a wide selection of furniture for every taste is presented. On September 14, “Bogatyr” celebrates its first birthday, and on this occasion, from 13:00 to 18:00, a big celebration will take place here with performances of artists, master classes, photo zones and prize draws. Details on the website

Address: Bogatyrsky prospect, 18/2. Free delivery by branded minibuses from the station. m. “Komendantsky prospect” and “Pionerskaya”. The interval of movement is 30 minutes.

Opening hours: daily, 11: 00-21: 00.

Phone.+7 (812) 596-34-76.

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