Laying roll lawn: laying technology
Lawn laying is not cheap. That is why many owners of suburban areas or private houses prefer to do it on their own. The procedure is very simple, but you should not keep the finished material folded for a long time. As soon as he got into your possession – start laying.
Laying a roll lawn: tips and tricks
If you firmly decided to cover a certain area of your site with a roll lawn, then first of all the question arises: how much material should you buy? You don’t have to make complicated mathematical calculations. You just need to multiply the area of land that is planned to be allocated for the lawn by a factor of 1,67. Only the number of rolls received will not be final. We’ll have to stock up on another 5-10%.
Laying a roll lawn allows you to quickly transform your garden plot and avoid a long wait for the emergence of lawn grass shoots
Before making direct installation, the area should be prepared. The preparatory work includes:
- cleaning the territory from garbage;
- weeding the site;
- treatment with fungicides and weed control agents.
Clay soils must be pre-drained. Fertile soils do not need preliminary fertilization, but depleted soils, on the contrary, require enrichment with nutrients.
Before laying the lawn, the area intended for this purpose is carefully leveled. In this case, a certain bias must also be taken into account. Excess water should drain through it. The paths must be level with the lawn. In this regard, the area under the canvas should be located somewhat lower. The difference is calculated after the soil is rolled with a hand roller.
Step-by-step lawn technology
It is best to lay a rolled lawn in spring or autumn, when there is no extreme heat. Spread the rolls from the part of the territory where they were folded. This will help to avoid unnecessary transfers, as a result of which plant roots are destroyed and soil crumbles.
It is necessary to spread the roll from the corner of the site. Spin it in a straight line. We must try to lay the outermost roll very evenly. If a flower bed gets in its way, then the material is spread right along it, and then the excess is cut off with a knife. This procedure is carried out very carefully and carefully, since the excess material will come in handy when decorating the territory.
Laying the lawn is only part of the job. Further, the plants require some maintenance. First of all, you will need to ensure that the soil does not dry out. It is very good to use automatic irrigation systems in this regard. Also, in the first month, you need to try to walk less on the grass, since dents can still form on it.
It will be useful to apply some fertilizers, in particular nitrogen fertilizers – in the spring, and phosphorus-potassium – in the fall. This will make it possible not only to improve the appearance of the green cover, but also to prepare well for the winter cold.
Lawn grass is very beautiful and stylish. The process of growing it takes some time. But there is an opportunity to speed up the process of landscaping the site. To do this, you can buy a ready-made roll lawn and lay it out on a previously prepared area. This procedure is not complicated, but the result will delight the owners after a short period of time.
The first mowing of the lawn is carried out about a month after laying. During this time, the plants will have time to root well, the boundaries of the rolls will no longer be distinguishable. In addition, the first haircut stimulates the growth of new stems well, helps to strengthen the root system.