Lawn grass seeds: mix, consumption
Today, lawn grass seeds can be found in any gardening store. Almost every owner of a summer cottage thought about decorating his territory with a practical green coating. It should be noted that this is not only easy, but also inexpensive. A little time spent will help not only save money, but also create a unique mixture, adjusted to the characteristics of your particular site.
A beautiful lawn can not only decorate, but also refresh the look of the site. To do this, you just need to select a site with the least number of trees and plant seeds. By the way, it is best to choose not one specific variety of lawn grass, but its mixture. This will have a positive effect not only on the appearance of the site, but also on resistance to frost and diseases. In addition, in this way it will be much easier to control weeds.
Lawn Grass Seeds Are Better To Use Mixed Than Separately
It is customary to calculate the consumption of grass seeds from accounting for 1 square meter. Only this norm was not always the same. As soon as lawns began to appear in our country, much more seed was required. It was not always used justifiably. In this regard, the norms have been constantly improved and have significantly decreased over time.
Common Lawn Grass Seeds: Estimated Consumption
When calculating seed consumption, first of all, such an indicator as germination is taken into account. After sowing a lawn has its main purpose to obtain a thick green grass carpet. If the germination rate is less than 75%, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to get a high-quality lawn.
Lawn grass seeds: how to combine
You can buy a ready-made herbal mixture and save yourself the hassle of choosing and combining. However, the finished mixture may not always meet the needs or requirements of a particular consumer. In this case, you can do everything yourself without losing quality. The main thing is knowledge of several basic rules and principles of combining seeds.
It is generally accepted that for a sports turf, the seeding rate is 5 kg of seed mixture per 100 square meters of area. If it is planned to create a regular or park lawn, then the rate can be reduced by 1 kg.
When composing a mixture of herbs, the germination time, plant life span, resistance to frost and pests should be taken into account. Also, it should be noted and the frequency of cutting, as well as the maximum growth of plants. It is with these factors in mind that you can create the perfect lawn that will delight you for more than one year.
As practice shows, it is the mixture of herbs that gives the best result and is able to make your dream come true.
The use of one variety has certain advantages and disadvantages. But the use of several varieties of grass at once negates the disadvantages. Also, this technique works well in the event that the seeds of one variety will not give good shoots. When using the mixture, your lawn will still look beautiful and well-groomed, and its color will be rich and eye-catching.