Lavender in the fall: outdoor planting
Lavender is a perennial shrub that is not only a beautiful decoration in the garden, but also a good honey plant, a source of essential oil and a cosmetic product. This plant with delicate purple flowers and a pleasant smell will decorate the borders or alpine slides in the garden. But you need to know how and be able to take care of him.
Planting lavender outdoors in autumn
The planting time of this shrub depends on the region. For example, lavender is planted in autumn in the southern parts, and in the middle lane this process should be started in early spring, when frosts have passed.
Planting lavender in autumn is possible only in the southern parts of the world, otherwise there is a risk that the plant will not survive the winter.
But first you need to decide on the place, since this plant loves the sun, and due to excessive humidity it can die. Attention should also be paid to the soil. It should not be swampy or with adjacent groundwater.
If the selected site does not meet this requirement, you can artificially create the necessary conditions. For example, to build a hill, in the deepening of which to lay out a layer of drainage – sand with expanded clay
When planting lavender in the fall, you need to build an elevation of about 40 cm in the right place, in which to make holes 25 cm deep and at a distance from each other from 40 cm to a meter, depending on the type of plant. In this case, an hour before planting, you need to lower the roots into the water, and cut off the tops. Already during planting, mineral fertilizers can be added to the hole.
After planting lavender in open ground in the fall, you need to water it every two weeks to root the seedlings. After that, before the first frost, you need to build a shelter from coniferous branches. But this procedure is not necessary if the temperature in winter does not drop below –25 degrees.
You need to know that in the first year the plant will not bloom, but you also need to continue to take care of it properly.
In order for purple bushes to feel good and delight with beauty, you need to pay attention to some points.
- Watering. It is very important to follow it, as this flower does not like moisture. Watering is necessary as the soil dries up and it is better to make a mulch layer of foliage or multi-colored decorative stones.
- Fertilizers. Ready-made mineral complexes sold in stores are better suited. Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied only during the growing season, that is, growth, and is prohibited in the second half of summer, since the plant will not have time to prepare for winter.
- Pruning. To achieve beautiful and lush shrubs, this process should not be neglected. First you need to cut off wilted spikelets of flowers. Then shorten the shoots by no more than 2 cm.
This plant does not require special care, but it will delight all gardeners with its purple flowers and pleasant smell, who will make a little effort for the growth and health of this bush.