
Useful properties and application of laurel

Description of laurel


Laurus is a small deciduous shrub. It is densely covered with rich green leaves, which have a shiny surface and a peculiar aroma. Laurel blooms with inconspicuous yellow flowers. This wonderful plant often grows in the southern territories – in the Caucasus and in the Crimea. It belongs to the popular Laurel family, loves bright light, but can do without it. In height, this shrub sometimes reaches 6 meters, and indoor view – up to 2 meters.

Laurel is familiar to everyone as a culinary seasoning. But this plant can, and even needs to be grown at home, because the leaves contain substances that destroy bacteria. It will be able to adapt to any conditions, but the most optimal temperature for its content is 20 ° C. In summer, it is better to take it out to the balcony. Laurel prefers moderate humidity. But in winter it is better to reduce the number of waterings, and it is necessary to feed it only in summer. The type of plant propagation is cuttings.

Useful properties of laurel

Laurel has a lot of advantages. It improves appetite, normalizes digestion. Its leaves secrete phytoncides, it is believed that these substances are detrimental to tubercle bacilli. With the help of leaves, you can treat severe inflammation of the oral cavity, cure colds, sore throats.

A unique essential oil, which is easily obtained from laurel, has many beneficial properties. It is an effective antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. This makes the oil a universal drug used for medical purposes.

The laurel also contains terpenoids, which allows the use of laurel medicines for improper metabolism, rheumatism. Certain positive results of the use of laurel have been seen in the treatment of the circulatory system and in diseases of the stomach.

The use of laurel

Laurel has found wide application in modern medicine for the treatment of many diseases. Laurel has a large spectrum of action: diuretic, expectorant, antiviral and antiseptic. Preparations containing bay leaf have long been effectively used in folk medicine in many developed countries of the world.

A small bay leaf will perfectly calm the nervous system, relieve tension, relieve insomnia, activate the protective functions of the body, help to cope with depression, overwork. For this, aromatherapy is carried out, it can be carried out at home and in medical institutions. Add 4 drops of laurel essential oil to the incense burner and inhale its aroma. At the same time, the steam of this oil is an antiseptic that purifies the air in the room.

For special protection against infection, a medallion is worn, to which a few drops of oil are added, and a bay leaf can also be put in a pocket. In order to significantly reduce inflammation in the joints, increase blood flow, relieve pain, essential oil is recommended to be rubbed into the skin. In diseases of the respiratory tract, acute respiratory viral infection, they rub their back and chest.

Laurel oil can be made at home. To do this, take 20-30 grams of chopped bay leaf, you can take fresh or dried. The mixture is poured into a glass of high-quality olive oil and allowed to infuse in a dark place for at least a week. Apply this oil tincture after meals for 10 days. The oil extract helps with painful conditions of the respiratory tract, diseases of the spine, and with neurotic conditions.

To strengthen the immune system several times a year, you need to take the following decoction. It is necessary to take a handful of dry bay leaves and pour 500 ml of boiling water into them, boil for 5 minutes on low heat, then let it brew for 4 hours. For best results, this decoction should be drunk several times a day in a tablespoon. It is recommended to rinse your hair with this product. This will prevent their fragility, help in the prevention of various diseases of the scalp, increased dandruff formation.

In case of inflammation of the skin, bay leaves are moistened in warm water and applied to the skin. They are fixed with a bandage and kept for at least one hour.

When coughing, the leaves soaked in warm water are used as mustard plasters – they are applied between the shoulder blades or on the chest.

With serious sleep disorders, bay leaf has also found its use. Before going to bed, bay leaves must be dipped in water and then applied to the forehead and back of the head, put on the head, tied with a scarf and left for an hour.

Also, with the addition of bay leaf, you can prepare a miraculous ointment. It will help with parasitic skin diseases – dermatitis, eczema, scabies, joint diseases, it can be rubbed with severe bruises and sprains. The ointment is made as follows: crushed powder from bay leaves, crushed juniper needles and butter in the same way are thoroughly mixed and applied to the affected areas of the body. The number of components is taken in the ratio 6:1:12.

Bay leaf baths are very useful. They are recommended to be taken for sleep disorders, nervous conditions, inflammation of the bladder, for the prevention of colds. First, a decoction of bay leaves is boiled, then it is infused for about half an hour and poured into the bath along with the leaves. Laurel baths with the addition of citrus fruits and pine needles are especially useful. Such aromatic baths are recommended to be taken at a temperature not exceeding 37 ° C for approximately 20 minutes. The course of application is 2 weeks.

Regular addition of bay leaf to food improves kidney function. Also, the simplest procedure, like chopping leaves and chewing them, will strengthen the body’s defenses and prevent colds.

Excellent drugs with laurel bark are used to maintain the functions of the biliary organs, to treat cholecystitis. The aroma of laurel will get rid of insect pests that live at home – moths, flies, cockroaches.

Laurel essential oil can also be found in pharmacies. It disinfects, cleanses and soothes the affected areas of the skin. The oil is very effective for cosmetic purposes. It is useful to use it with high skin sensitivity, skin peeling, helps to cope with furunculosis, increased acne formation, and produces a lifting effect.

Bay leaf can help in the treatment of many diseases, provided that its use is competent and moderate.

Laurel leaf


Laurel leaf is useful in that it releases incomparable phytoncides. These are such unique substances that are detrimental to pathogens. The effect of these substances is manifested in the purification of indoor air. For diseases of the oral cavity, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and sore throat, chewing the leaves will help relieve pain. And bay leaves soaked in warm water will help better than mustard plasters in the treatment of cough.

An amazing decoction of the leaves will help with appetite disorders, easily restore digestion processes, and also help cure kidney stones.

In medicine, fresh laurel leaves and dried ones are also used, since they do not reduce the content of healing properties.

Bay leaf is also valued as a spice for various dishes – broths, soups, borscht, salads, meat – lamb, pork, beef, fish, as well as vegetable dishes. This seasoning gives dishes a rich, spicy taste.

Laurel flowers

Laurel blooms in spring, flowers appear on it, located in the axils of the leaves. The inflorescences are shaped like an umbrella. They have a very modest appearance – small, soft colors – white, cream, yellowish. Fruits are also formed on female plants – berries, dark blue in color, closer to a black tint. They ripen in late autumn. And these berries are inedible.

Laurel room

Laurel can decorate not only gardens, but also be grown in ordinary home conditions. For the first time in Europe, laurel began to be used as a houseplant. At home, you can grow several varieties of this plant – noble laurel and Kamara laurel.

Laurel is very much appreciated for its appearance – it looks very elegant, and unpretentiousness, for cleansing the air in the room. The best place for growing it is the kitchen, laurel leaves can be added to food.

Laurel can adapt to any conditions, of course, in order for it to grow better, it needs enough light and air. In summer, it must be taken out to the balcony. But laurel can easily tolerate dry indoor air, drafts, and low temperatures. But it is necessary to spray it regularly from a spray bottle, thereby increasing the intensity of its growth.

Growing laurel

Laurel grows quite slowly, so it absolutely does not need tedious frequent transplants. It is better to plant it in a small flower pot and increase the size as needed. It is better to choose the land for planting a plant rich in humus, sand, lime. In summer, it must be fertilized with slurry, it will be enough once every 1 weeks.

At home, it can grow to a height of up to 2 meters, so it is recommended to trim the laurel crown regularly. Thus, the laurel can be given various forms. In room conditions, laurel never blooms. Flower growers propagate this plant by seeds and cuttings. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the leaves – the plant is susceptible to attack by parasites.

Laurel contraindications

Laurel is contraindicated during pregnancy, as it can cause miscarriage, as well as for lactating women. You can not give it to children under 5 years of age and with individual intolerance. When consumed in large quantities, laurel can cause poisoning. In this case, you should always immediately go to the hospital.

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