Laughter therapy: how does it work?

The average child laughs 300 to 400 times a day. The adult would only laugh 20 times a day. Studies show that people leave less and less room for laughter: 19 minutes in 1939, 6 minutes in 1983 and less than a minute today. Surprising figures especially when we know that 7% of French people claim not to laugh at all. The trend is the same globally. The reasons are difficult to explain even if the stressful rhythms of life and intransigent social conventions induce generalized social pressure (professional career, competitiveness, performance, etc.). According to doctors, 10 to 15 minutes of laughter a day would nevertheless allow you to maintain good health. Concretely, laughter has repercussions on:
- La pain. By distracting and reducing muscle tension, laughter can act on pain. It increases the production of catecholamines, anti-inflammatory drugs with antidepressant properties that act like natural morphine.
- La digestion. Laughter is a natural way to fight against constipation because it causes abdominal gymnastics which promotes good regulation of intestinal transit. The stomach and intestines contract, which improves the digestion process.
- Functional disturbances such as excess cholesterol, high blood pressure, asthma, pulmonary infections or even headaches, thanks to the oxygenation of the blood.
- Immune system. While laughing, the respiratory exchanges are 3 times more important than normal state. The body thus reconstitutes its oxygen reserves.
- Sleep: by relieving tension, laughter relaxes us and makes it easier to fall asleep. A good remedy for insomnia!
- The stress. The diaphragm is used and breathing is regulated when we laugh. Thus tensions can more easily be released. Laughter relaxes thanks to the feeling of conviviality and humor that it induces.
- THEenergy. Laughter influences mood, making us happy and energetic. This can have repercussions on our mental health. While laughing, the body releases endorphins which have an antidepressant and anxiolytic effect.