Laugh in bed

For me, sex is, first of all, the complete unity of two people, an exceptionally deep experience of human emotions. Many, however, forget to include… laughter among these emotions.

Why do we laugh in bed? Then, that laughter reveals a person, literally exposes him emotionally. Laughter leaves no room for anything external, it drives away fear and unnecessary self-affirmation, helps to throw off the mask and makes us free. Laughter weakens that oppressive self-control that usually only prevents us from understanding the essence of another person.

We can afford sincere fun only with those who are similar to us, who have the same internal principles as we do. We feel at one with such a partner and are open to seeing our loved one in a new way. Those who laugh are happy – here and now! Therefore, laughter can relieve us of both nostalgia for the past and preoccupation with the future. It keeps us in the present, allowing us to feel the moments of intimate joys in their entirety.

Sincere laughter is akin to orgasm: both produce in the body the same hormones of joy – endorphins

The relaxation that laughter brings to our body and mind is comparable to the relaxation that sex gives us. Sincere laughter is really akin to orgasm: both of them produce the same hormones of joy in our body – endorphins. It is at the moment of supreme sexual pleasure, as well as during sincere unbridled laughter, that we can forget about egocentrism, because the feeling of an insurmountable boundary between ourselves and others disappears.

But how to learn to laugh in bed? Words are not needed here. Just play like you are a child. You can fight with pillows, arrange hide and seek under the covers … However, you should know when to stop so as not to turn from loving people and sexual partners into just friends. By overdoing it, you risk killing both laughter and desire. Lightly spice up the passion of love with play, mystery and fun – and this will unite you with your loved one.

The ability to laugh seems important to me in order to continue to believe – both in life and in the opportunity to connect your life with the life of another person. This is one of the best preludes to sex. And if orgasm is a small death, then laughter allows us to always remain alive.

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