Latina dance training

If you are interested in learning Latin American dance (latina dance), it is advisable to attend group dance classes led by a professional trainer.

If you are interested in learning Latin American dance, it is advisable to attend group dance classes led by a professional instructor. Only in this case, the effectiveness of training will be maximum.

Latin American dances (latina dance) first appeared in the countries of Central and South America. They are characterized by quickstep, fast beats and sexually attractive movements that have absorbed the dance culture of several nations at once.

Latin American dances have several advantages. Movements, skills, and people to train with will help improve your life, restore your health, and make you more attractive to the opposite sex.

Important: physical training is a necessary element in the development of any dance. It increases endurance and specifically activates muscle memory, which has a noticeable effect when you hit the dance floor. See also: dance training choreography

Top Reasons to Start Latina Dance Training

The list of benefits of Latin American dances is endless. Let us dwell only on some of their advantages.

  1. Latin American dances, especially salsa dance, improve circulation, which helps burn calories and increase stamina. In general, it is believed that latina dance can help you burn 5 to 10 calories depending on intensity and speed.

  2. Latina dance classes have a positive effect on various muscle groups and ligaments, such as the calf muscles, hamstrings, etc. Consistent salsa movements help tone the muscles and maintain perfect posture.

  3. When it comes to Latin American dance, there is more to it than just following the rhythm. You will need to memorize the steps, which obviously improves memory.

  4. Latina dance helps control lipids and lowers cholesterol levels. Latin dances also improve blood sugar control, making them the best dances for people struggling with diabetes.

  5. Latin American dances prevent osteoporosis in both men and women. It is even more beneficial for women as it helps during the postmenopausal period when estrogen levels are low. Dancing works out the joints, which makes it possible to prevent arthritis.

Basic exercises in the Latina Dance program

The movements of Latin American dances are infinitely diverse and are comprehended only through learning from the pros. Therefore, we will focus on preparatory physical exercises.

  • Heel movement up and down – Exercise strengthens the ankles, feet and calves to improve the contours of the legs: keep your heels as high off the floor as possible; spine straight; straighten your knees; pause briefly when both heels are lifted.
  • Toe squats – Exercise develops the ability to keep balance, strengthens the pelvis and quadriceps for footwork: keep your heels as high as possible from the floor; do not stick out the buttocks; keep your tailbone pointing towards the floor; Don’t slouch, keep your spine straight.
  • Seated spin – Movement provides development of the chest and increase the flexibility of the back: sit on the edge of a chair with both feet firmly on the ground; keep your elbows straight; push your buttocks into the seat; Engage your abdominal and back muscles.

Latin American dancing is a type of active lifestyle that is healthy and recommended in a number of situations. Also Read: Salsa Solo Dance Workouts

Latina Dance Training Recommendations

  • When is training necessary? Latina dance will have a positive effect on physical inactivity, congestion in muscles and ligaments, overweight, as well as depression, stress and problems with socialization.
  • Contraindications to exercise – The main contraindications for practicing Latin American dances are pregnancy and recovery from severe physical injuries.

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