Latest COVID-19 data in Europe. Poland is still a “green island”, but for how long?
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Where is the highest number of coronavirus infections in Europe? The latest ECDC map shows that the epidemiological situation in Poland is still good. However, it worsened in the regions of Germany bordering on us and in the Baltic states. Unfortunately, the green area in Europe is getting smaller.

  1. In Poland, compared to the European Union countries, the epidemiological situation is still good
  2. The wave of coronavirus, which is currently gaining momentum in our country, may, however, mean that we will soon cease to be a “green island”
  3. On the other hand, it is worst in one of the most popular regions in France, as well as in parts of Ireland and Slovenia
  4. At the same time, the number of infections in the western part of Europe is starting to decline
  5. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus in Europe – Latest Data

The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) publishes a map of coronavirus infections in European Union countries every Thursday. It is a reliable source of information about the pandemic situation in this part of Europe.

The ECDC map is based on data that EU countries report to the European Surveillance System (TESSy). The situation in individual countries, compared to others, is a guide for governments when deciding to introduce restrictions or quarantine rules for people crossing the border.

The epidemic situation in Europe is changing dynamically. The latest map, published on September 16, shows that the coronavirus is “sweeping” from western Europe to eastern Europe.

Coronavirus in Europe – Poland is still in the green zone

Still the best situation is in the central part of the continent, but the green, safest area is getting smaller. Poland is still «green», apart from our country there are also Hungary, the Czech Republic and the northern part of Denmark in this zone. Compared to last Thursday, part of Romania and part of Slovakia dropped out of the group of “safe” countries.

The situation with our neighbors worsened. All three Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia), as well as most of Germany bordering Poland, are in the red zone.

  1. The number of infections in Poland is growing dynamically. It’s already a red warning light

One may suspect that Poland will soon lose its green status. The number of daily coronavirus infections in our country is starting to grow rapidly. On September 16, the Ministry of Health announced 722 new cases of COVID-19. Last Thursday, 522 infections were reported, and two weeks earlier – 390. So you can see that in the last 14 days the number of new cases has almost doubled.

Coronavirus. ECDC map – what do the colors mean?

The ECDC map is prepared on the basis of data on COVID-19 infections from the last 14 days.

  1. In the countries marked in green in the last two weeks, fewer than 50 infections per 100 inhabitants with a simultaneous percentage of positive COVID-19 tests of less than 4 (or less than 75 infections per 100 thousand, but with less than 1% of positive COVID-19 tests).
  2. Orange color receive those regions where the number of infections exceeds 50 but is still less than 75 per 100. residents.
  3. The color is red countries where the number of new infections ranges from 200 to 500 per 100 are marked. residents or where it is greater than and less than 200, but at the same time the percentage of positive tests is over 4 percent.
  4. Dark red color marked where there is more than 500 cases per 100 thousand.

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COVID-19 in Europe. Which countries are the worst? Map of ECDC

According to the map of September 16, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Croatia, the Netherlands, Ireland and Slovenia are marked entirely in red, with part of the area in the latter two being dark red.

Red are also popular islands in the Mediterranean Sea: Greek Crete, Italian Sicily, French Corsica and the Spanish Balearic Islands.

  1. What awaits us in Israel? The number of infections in the vaccine leader continues to rise

Most of Germany, parts of Austria, Spain, Norway, France (Provence in dark red) and Belgium, as well as the two southern regions of Italy are also marked in red. It should be noted, however, that in the case of France and Spain, the area marked in red is smaller than a week ago.

Portugal and Iceland have also completely jumped from the red to the yellow zone.

Latest ECDC Map:

This was the situation the week before:

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Also read:

  1. This is how the coronavirus works on the intestines. Pocovid irritable bowel syndrome. Symptoms
  2. The doctor assesses the vaccination campaign in Poland: we have failed. And he gives two main reasons
  3. Vaccination against COVID-19 increases the risk of a heart attack. True or false?
  4. How much risk are the unvaccinated against COVID-19? The CDC is straightforward
  5. Disturbing symptoms in convalescents. What to pay attention to, what to do? Doctors created a guide

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