Latest beverage trend: what is Moon Milk?

Latest beverage trend: what is Moon Milk?

The classic glass of hot milk has been modernized and has given way to an increasingly acclaimed trend: the Moon Milk. Find out more about this drink!

As we are used to, social networks are responsible for the resurrection of various methods traditional medicinal, usually from far East, with which we intend to cure the problems of our body, mind and spirit. The last thing flooding the pages of Pinterest and Instagram is the Moon Milk.

If you hear people talk about how good the Moon Milk or how good it felt to have a glass of Moon Milk  Before bed, do not be alarmed, they are not talking about the limestone rivers that flow in the caves. The Moon Milk it is not more than hot milk mixed with spices. But don’t be fooled by this, as the combination of both ingredients can lead to very colorful and beneficial mixtures for us.

Moon Milk: a lifelong remedy that has become a trend

La Moon Milk It is part of the current of traditional Indian medicine called Ayurveda which, explained without going into too much detail, is a medicinal formula that divides people into three categories or doshas: cotton wool (air), which designates people who are thin or easily lose weight; pitta (bile), which designates people with a normal complexion, with ease both in gaining and losing weight; Y kapha (phlegm), which designates those with a thicker complexion and who have a knack for gaining weight.

The success of this phenomenon lies in the combination of exoticism and mystery of the medicinal techniques of ancient India with the explosion of colors and shapes that can arise from the combination of hot milk with numerous spices. This, added to the extravagance of the cup that you select and the minimal decoration that you add to your photographic composition, results in a product that goes viral and that has conquered the internet with autumn and very soon the cold winter.

What are the benefits of taking Moon Milk?

“Have a glass of milk before you go to sleep!” Does it sound familiar to you? This phrase that we have heard so much in the mouth of our families makes much more sense than we may think. The truth is that a glass of milk before going to sleep helps you, indeed, to sleep, since the tryptophan of the Dairy promotes the release of serotonin in the brain and facilitates the succession of phases REM.

Also, depending on the spices you use, the effects it can have on your body vary widely. Here are some ideas:

  • Turmeric: helps reduce heartburn
  • Basil: contains anti-inflammatory properties
  • Cinnamon: improves circulation and helps maintain glucose levels
  • Ginger: prevents flu and colds
  • Cilantro: fights cholesterol

Now you only have to select the spice that you like the most or that helps you with your problem, choose a colorful cup, prepare a delicious one Moon Milk and to enjoy! Oh, and don’t forget to share it on your social networks with your followers.

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