Lateral curvature of the spine

Significant deformation of the spine indicates a dysfunction of the entire organism. Curvature is associated with the deformation of the chest, shortage of growth, reduced respiratory and circulatory capacity, and in adulthood with degenerative changes and pain resistant to treatment.

In 2-3% of children there is a lateral curvature of the spine with an angle exceeding 10 degrees. Only in every fourth case the cause of the deformity can be found, such as congenital bone defect, neurological dysfunction causing muscle tension disorders, systemic disease, vision defect, asymmetry in the length and axis of the limbs, previous trauma, surgery or radiotherapy.

The earlier the deformity appears, the faster it grows and the more difficult it is to treat. Scoliosis starting between 6 months and 3 years of age has the worst prognosis.

How to recognize scoliosis

If you see an asymmetry in the position of the shoulder blades in a child, lowering one shoulder relative to the opposite one, asymmetry of the waist notches, a difference in the length of the lower limbs, the squeezed or arched course of the child’s spine when viewed from behind, or the oblique position of the pelvis while standing, consult a specialist.

Rapid accumulation of scoliosis is observed during growth spikes, and therefore it is recommended that children have periodic posture checks during these periods.

The physician conducting the clinical evaluation decides whether additional tests are appropriate for the diagnosis of the cause and monitoring of the disease course. For specific indications, an overview radiograph, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and spirometry are performed in children with scoliosis. During developmental age, exposure to X-rays should be limited. An interesting alternative to radiography is the use of photogrammetric body assessment methods in the observation of the course of the disease. However, these methods are not sufficiently standardized and are not widely used.

Can you prevent scoliosis?

Despite many years of research, the cause of scoliosis has not been discovered. A sedentary lifestyle, lack of movement and habits of incorrect asymmetric posture (e.g. when writing), although they are not the primary cause of scoliosis, can significantly aggravate existing distortions. That is why it is worth taking care of the correct posture from an early age. The Curble corrective seats help to maintain the correct sitting posture. You can buy them at

How to heal?

Treatment of scoliosis takes many years and requires regular functional monitoring. Due to the complexity of medical and social problems in advanced spinal curvatures, therapy should be carried out by an experienced team of specialists including a doctor, physiotherapist, orthopedic supply technician, as well as a psychologist and educator.

The basis of conservative treatment are exercises individually tailored to the needs of the child. They consist, among other things, in stretching the contracted and strengthening weakened muscle groups, mobilization of the spine and chest, and self-correction of posture. Such treatment for advanced scoliosis is usually started in a hospital, followed by an exercise program at home.

Orthopedic corsets are usually used in children growing with a curvature angle of 20-40 degrees and with an annual increase in curvature of more than 5 degrees. The selection and individual adjustment of the appropriate corset requires a lot of experience of the doctor. In children with scoliosis without permanent deformities, electric stimulation of the paravertebral muscles on the convex side of the curvature is sometimes used.

More severe cases of scoliosis require surgery. The operation consists in stiffening the spine with metal implants and bone grafts. The procedure results in segmental correction and stabilization of the spine, but also limitation of its mobility and growth possibilities, which may deteriorate the mobility of the torso and lead to pain and overload syndromes. Surgery in scoliosis is one of the treatment stages that must be followed by comprehensive rehabilitation treatment.

Text: Piotr Tederko

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