Late varieties of sweet pepper

For a vegetable grower, growing sweet peppers is not only difficult, but also an interesting activity. After all, this culture has so many varieties that I want to try each of them. Peppers are red, green, white, yellow, even purple.

Late varieties of sweet pepper

The thickness of the pulp is fleshy and thin-walled, and there are, in general, many forms: cone-shaped, barrel-shaped, cuboid, with a truncated or sharp end, etc. Most gardeners are used to growing only early or mid-early crops. However, if the climate allows, why not try planting late varieties of pepper and get fresh fruits until late autumn.

What is special about late varieties

The principle of the popularity of early and mid-early ripening peppers is clear. Each owner wants to get fresh vegetables to the table as soon as possible. But behind such a limited choice lies a catch. Early culture will quickly give fruit and depart. Here the question arises, what to do in the fall, because it is unreasonable to get canned peppers from the cellar if you can still eat fresh vegetables at this time of the year. This is where late varieties of peppers come to the rescue, bearing fruit until mid-autumn.

It makes no sense to plant late-ripening crops in Siberia or the Urals. Due to the short summer, the fruits simply do not have time to ripen. Such varieties are more suitable for warm regions. The culture of late ripening is more resistant to heat, is not afraid of drought, bears fruit before the onset of severe cold.

Before moving on to a general overview of late varieties, let’s find out what gardeners love:

  • Cold resistant variety “Bell” undemanding to the abundance of moisture and special care. However, at the same time it brings very juicy fruits with fragrant pulp.
  • late pepper “Karenovsky” bears fruit to the minimum marks of external air temperature. The fruits are large with excellent taste and characteristic aroma.
  • Lovers of small peppers will be pleased with the variety “Liza”. The first crop ripens by mid-summer, after which the plant bears fruit while warm autumn days are outside.
  • Undemanding to care “Maksim” resistant to heat, cold and many diseases. The culture brings large juicy fruits.
  • Variety name “Tenderness” confirmed by the tender pulp of small and very juicy fruits. Culture for the season must be fed with fertilizer 1 time.

Although the description of many late varieties says that they are resistant to almost all adversities and undemanding, there are still growing features. For example, in order not to transplant seedlings several times, seeds can be sown in open ground in early spring with the onset of the first heat. The soil must be fertilized, and a film cover should be made over the bed. It is useful for sheltering seedlings on cold nights until stable heat sets in.

As for regular watering and fertilizing, many late-ripening crops are undemanding to this, however, if you are not lazy and provide the plant with such a service, it will thank you with a generous harvest.

The best peppers for canning

Housewives who like to stock up on preservation for the winter should pay attention to late-ripening peppers. It is the fruits of these crops that are best suited for winter harvesting. First of all, the fruits should have juicy pulp, saturated with sugar. It is advisable to use large peppers, they are tastier. You can pay attention to aesthetics. Multi-colored peppercorns in a jar look beautiful and appetizing.

Let’s find out the seeds, which late-ripening peppers are recommended to be purchased by housewives so that the fruits are ideal for conservation:

  • For fresh and canned salads, an excellent choice is the variety “Ruby”. The culture brings juicy fruits of large size. The plant is unpretentious in care.

    Late varieties of sweet pepper

  • Pepper fruits “Nugget” medium in size, but have thick walls. The flesh saturated with juice has a sweetish aftertaste.

    Late varieties of sweet pepper

  • Grade “Firefly” bears medium-sized fruits. Despite the fact that the vegetable has thin walls, the flesh is very juicy. Housewives preserve such peppercorns whole so that they can be stuffed in winter.
  • sweet peppers “Purple Haze” suitable for growing on an amateur. The fact is that the fruits have a purple color. From the aesthetic side, not every housewife will like this coloring, but the vegetable is very tasty.

    Late varieties of sweet pepper

  • Known variety “Topolin” brings juicy peppers of large size. The vegetable can be yellow and red, which allows you to roll multi-colored peppercorns of the same variety into jars.

    Late varieties of sweet pepper

There are a lot of varieties of the late fruiting period and almost all of them bear fruits suitable for winter harvesting. Having planted as many different varieties as possible in several bushes on the garden bed, it will be easier to choose empirically ideal peppers for yourself.

Overview of sweet pepper varieties of late ripening

Typically, late crops mature 130 days after seedling germination. However, there are very late fruits, gaining full ripeness no earlier than 150 days. These peppers are ideal for growing in southern regions with long warm summers. For the Non-Black Earth zone, late varieties are recommended for indoor cultivation.


Late varieties of sweet pepper

The plant grows well in open beds and under film cover. Low-growing bushes with a maximum height of 55 cm are easy to cover from the night cold. The vegetable is considered a salad destination, but can be used universally. Cuboid peppercorns weigh about 157 g. The pulp is juicy, up to 7 mm thick. As they mature, the walls change color from green to red.

Important! The plant is resistant to rot, which allows you to get good yields even in rainy summers.

yellow bell

Late varieties of sweet pepper

The plant feels good in closed and open beds. Bushes of medium height grow up to a maximum of 75 cm in height. Cuboid peppers turn from green to deep yellow as they ripen. The pulp saturated with juice has a thickness of about 9 mm. All fruits on the bush are almost the same size with a diameter of about 11 cm. The plant is resistant to viral diseases.


Culture is not for lazy gardeners. The plant thrives best in clear film tunnels or under agrofibre cover. Bushes of medium height most often do not require a garter of branches. Cone-shaped peppers with a rounded top weigh a maximum of 167 g. The juicy flesh is distinguished by excellent taste and mild aroma. As it ripens, the flesh changes color from green to red. According to its intended purpose, the vegetable is more suitable for conservation.

Advice! With good care from a plot of 100 m2, you can get 400 kg of crop.

yellow elephant

Late varieties of sweet pepper

The plant is medium tall with large leaves. Peppercorns hang drooping from the bush. Rounded fruit forms 3-4 chambers. The vegetable weighs a maximum of 150 g with a pulp thickness of 6 mm. Peppers change from green to orange as they ripen. The purpose of the fruit is universal with the preservation of excellent taste even in canned form. From 1 m2 you can harvest 7,2 kg of crop.


Late varieties of sweet pepper

The plant has a powerful bush structure with spreading branches. The maximum stem length is 80 cm, although crops 50 cm tall are more common. Cone-shaped fruits with an average pulp thickness of 5 mm weigh 150–200 g. As the vegetable ripens, it changes from green to red. The ripening period of peppers is from 120 to 140 days. From 1 m2 you can harvest 4-8 kg of crop.

The culture grows well in closed and open beds. The advantage of the variety is the presence of immunity to rot and viral diseases. The purpose of the fruit is universal. Peppers perfectly tolerate transportation, storage, without losing their excellent taste. The usefulness of the pulp lies in the large accumulation of ascorbic acid.

California miracle

Late varieties of sweet pepper

The culture belongs to high-yielding varieties. The plant has a powerful spreading bush with large leaves. Cone-shaped peppers on the branches ripen large, weighing 200 g. The variety is suitable for growing in any conditions of open, closed ground or simply under film cover. As it ripens, the flesh changes from green to red. The walls saturated with juice have a maximum thickness of 8 mm. From 1 m2 You can harvest up to 10 kg of crop. The purpose of peppers is universal.

The first harvest from the bush can be removed after 100 days, but ripening can take up to 150 days. The plant is immune to viral diseases. Peppers tolerate long-term transportation well without changing their taste.


Late varieties of sweet pepper

Another high-yielding variety that produces peppers of different colors. In the initial stage, the fruits are green, and as they ripen, they become yellow, red or orange. The plant is very sensitive grows only on warm soil. The soil should always be moist, but not muddy. The first harvest can be removed from the bushes after 138 days. The plant grows to a maximum of 60 cm in height. Peppercorns have a round, slightly flattened shape. With a pulp thickness of 10 mm, the fruit weighs a maximum of 150 g. From 1 m2 you can harvest about 5 kg of crop. The vegetable is considered to be of universal purpose, it tolerates transportation and storage well, without losing its presentation.

Rating of the best late-ripening varieties

Each vegetable grower selects for himself the best varieties of pepper, primarily for their intended purpose and yield. Those who are lazier try to find pepper seeds that require minimal care, although with this attitude the crop will not bring a good harvest. We tried to rank the best peppers of the late ripening period, which included not only varieties, but also hybrids.

Paris F1

Late varieties of sweet pepper

The first harvest can be obtained in about 135 days. The plant has a medium growth compact bush. As the peppercorns ripen, they turn from green to red. Tender pulp 7 mm thick is saturated with sweet juice. Cuboid fruits of the hybrid are more suitable for conservation.


Late varieties of sweet pepper

A plant of medium height grows to a maximum of 60 cm in height. The slightly spreading bush bears green fruits, which become rich red as they ripen. With a pulp thickness of 7 mm, peppers weigh about 160 g. A vegetable is used for winter preparations, but it is also tasty fresh.


Late varieties of sweet pepper

The full ripening of the first peppers occurs 145 days after the germination of seedlings. The curved fruits change from red to purple as they ripen. The height of the bush is large up to 1,5 m, which requires a garter to the trellis. Fleshy peppers with a maximum wall thickness of 7 mm. The variety is considered salad and is recommended for growing in greenhouses.

Aristotle F1

Late varieties of sweet pepper

A vegetable is considered mature after 135 days from the moment the seedlings germinate. The bush is tall, not sprawling, grows strictly straight without curvature. Inside the cube-shaped fruits, 4 seed chambers are formed. Peppers with thick juicy pulp weigh a maximum of 200 g. A high-yielding hybrid is endowed with immunity from many diseases. The purpose of the vegetable is universal.

Hottabych F1

Late varieties of sweet pepper

Very late hybrid brings the first crop in 170 days from the moment of germination of seeds. Long peppercorns of a slightly curved shape with a pulp thickness of 6 mm weigh only 100 g. As the walls ripen, the fruits change from green to red. Despite the average wall thickness, the pulp is still tender and richly saturated with juice. Due to their excellent taste, peppercorns are consumed fresh. The hybrid is adapted for cultivation in greenhouses.

black cardinal

Late varieties of sweet pepper

The culture was bred by Italian breeders. The first harvest can be obtained after at least 120 days from the moment the seedlings germinate. The plant has an average bush height, a maximum of 60 cm in height. As it ripens, the color of the vegetable changes from red to black. The pyramidal shape of the fruit has a truncated edge. Peppers have a very dense pulp with excellent taste, which makes them a universal destination. High yield is 10 kg per 1 m2.

Capro F1

A hybrid that brings high yields has a tall bush up to 1 m. Fruit ripening occurs 130 days after seedling germination. Elongated fruits with fleshy walls weigh about 130 g. As they ripen, the peppers turn from green to red. The hybrid can be grown in open beds and in film greenhouses. The purpose of peppers is universal.


The video shows new varieties of sweet peppers:

Sweet pepper varieties

The presented review of late varieties of pepper is far from complete. There are many more cultures of this ripening period. Each variety of late peppers will surely find its admirer and become the best in someone’s garden.

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