Gynecologists are sounding the alarm, our women have succumbed to the influence of the West and postpone the birth of children until later.
Previously, the stigma “old-born” was given to any lady in a position if she was over 25 years old. Gradually, the framework moved apart. Now he has reached the age of 28, and the term obstetricians began to use extremely rarely, so as not to offend future mothers. Moreover, the average age of a Russian woman who decides to give birth to a child, even if not the first, is inexorably approaching this figure.
According to statistics, the oldest mothers in Russia live in St. Petersburg. In the city on the Neva, the average age at which children are born has reached 30 years. And, according to doctors, this is not a “big picture”.
– 30 years, as they say, the average temperature in the hospital. We also register women who have come from other regions of Russia to work or study, most often they are younger than women in St. Petersburg and “correct” the statistics. I would say that mothers in St. Petersburg become after 32 years, – explained the woman’s Day gynecologist Anna Kondratyeva.
Moreover, this rule applies to Moscow and other cities with a population of over one million, where people most often come to work and study.
– Delayed birth has many factors, – the prenatal psychologist Lada Korneeva is sure. – Study, career, desire to get on your feet, buy an apartment, a car and the notorious Iphone. The credit burden also plays a role, many simply do not have any other way to acquire these “benefits of civilization”. The decree would be almost a financial ruin for the family. Residents of St. Petersburg are much more likely to travel to Europe, weekends in Finland and Estonia, and inexpensive flights from these countries. And now you are already observing that no one abroad is in a hurry to acquire children.
Indeed, if you look at the statistics for European countries, the average age of motherhood in many has exceeded 30 years. The oldest mothers live in Spain – 31.9 years, followed by Switzerland and 31.8 years, followed by Italy – 31.7. The youngest mothers live in Bulgaria and Romania – 27,4 and 27,7, respectively.
– Another problem for women in big cities is the difficulty of finding a partner. There are exaggerated demands and leisure opportunities that are not available in the provinces. As a result, the number of single women and men is growing every year. And without a partner, giving birth to a child, as you understand, is much more difficult, – Lada Korneeva is sure.
Indeed, in small Russian cities and villages, by the age of 25, women most often have or had a husband, as well as several children.
– What else to do there? – a friend who moved to the capital from Izhevsk smiled sadly.
– After thirty years, a woman, even in a big city, begins to feel the approach of old age, this feeling grows after 35 years, priorities change, ladies think about procreation. And a small child psychologically makes the fairer sex younger. As if it brings it back 10-15 years ago.
At what age did you first become or plan to become a mother?
Before 20 years
At 20-25 years old
At 26-30 years old
At 31-35 years old
At 36-40 years old
After 40 years
- Dutch researchers have found that if you want to have three children, you must give birth to the first child no later than 23 years old. If you have two babies in your plans, do not postpone your first pregnancy later than 27 years old. You can give birth to an only child at 32 and even a little later.
- The number of newborns in Russia in the first half of the year has become noticeably smaller compared to the same period in 2016. Then 762 thousand 500 babies were born, now – only 679 thousand 200.