Late pear varieties: an overview of the best autumn and winter species + photos and reviews 2022

Late pear varieties: an overview of the best autumn and winter species + photos and reviews 2022

Late pear varieties: an overview of the best autumn and winter species + photos and reviews 2022

Every gardener wants to have a variety of fruit crops in his garden. The garden looks wonderful in spring when the trees are in bloom. But the main thing is the fruits. Today we will talk about which late pear varieties should be planted in the garden.

Features of late pears

Late pear varieties: an overview of the best autumn and winter species + photos and reviews 2022

Fruits in late varieties are the last to ripen. Surprisingly, they ripen right on the tree. You need to be very careful, because you should not remove the pears unripe, while ripe fruits can crumble. Trees of late varieties have dark red bark and are demanding on the landing site.

Video “Instructions for planting a pear”

From this video you will learn how to properly plant a pear tree in the garden.

Pear. Landing instructions. GardenDiy

Main advantages

The main advantage of late varieties is that fruits can be stored for a very long time. This allows you to eat delicious pears even in April. The main thing is to store it correctly.

Store fruits at low temperatures in well-ventilated areas. Hard fruits are removed from the trees at harvest time. However, do not worry, because during storage they acquire their maturity and unsurpassed taste.

One of the important advantages is excellent transportability. This makes late-ripening domestic pear varieties attractive for industrial cultivation. The advantages include frost resistance and versatility of use. The fruits make excellent preparations for the winter. Compotes and dried fruits replenish the vitamin supply in winter.

According to gardeners, the only drawback of late varieties is that you will have to wait a long time for fruit.

Features of agricultural technology

Autumn and winter pear varieties are demanding on planting sites and soil. You can not plant this fruit crop in places where the wind blows. Cold winds lead to the fact that the kidneys freeze and the harvest will be poor. Pears ripen well on trees planted in places where there is an abundance of sun.

You should also check the level of groundwater. If they are located close to the surface, then in winter the trees can freeze out, and in the spring they can be flooded. So that the root system does not rot, it is necessary to equip the landing pit with drainage.

Autumn varieties

Velesa is a variety that tops the list of the best. Fruits ripen in early September. After planting, the fruit crop begins to bear fruit after 5–7 years. About 100 kg of crop can be harvested from one tree. Large pears with excellent taste can be eaten directly from the branch. They can be stored at low temperatures until the New Year holidays. You should not keep the fruits on the tree until they are fully ripe, as they become very attractive to wasps and unsuitable for storage. The fruit crop is resistant to frost and various diseases. The disadvantage of the variety is a decrease in the size of pears with a rich harvest.

Late pear varieties: an overview of the best autumn and winter species + photos and reviews 2022

The variety Thumbelina also ripens in September. Fruiting begins after 6-7 years. Up to 90 kg are harvested from one tree. Under favorable conditions, the shelf life can reach up to six months. The fruits are yellowish-brown, juicy and sweet. One of the disadvantages of the variety is small pears, but this disadvantage is compensated by excellent taste.

Late pear varieties: an overview of the best autumn and winter species + photos and reviews 2022

Saratovka is a fruit tree of medium height. The first pears appear in the fifth year. Collect greenish-yellow fruits in the last days of September. During storage, they gain flavor and acquire a golden color. Fruits weighing up to 150 g have a tender and juicy pulp, almost melt in your mouth. The culture is winter-hardy, fruits are stored in cellars for up to 5 months.

Late pear varieties: an overview of the best autumn and winter species + photos and reviews 2022

The Red-sided pear has fruits covered with an oily skin. They are yellow-green in color with bright crimson sides. The fruit culture perfectly tolerates cold and is immune to disease. Fruit should be harvested at the end of September, delay will result in the harvest crumbling.

Late pear varieties: an overview of the best autumn and winter species + photos and reviews 2022

Bere Bosk pear has large fruits weighing up to 180 g, although pears weighing 250 g are often found. They have a bottle, slightly elongated shape. Yellowish brown pears are very juicy and have a sweet flavor with an almond and spicy aftertaste.

Late pear varieties: an overview of the best autumn and winter species + photos and reviews 2022

Winter varieties

Pear Bere Ardanpon also has large fruits. Greenish bell-shaped pears are located in a dense pyramidal crown. As they ripen, the pears become yellow with ruddy barrels and decorated with brown “freckles”. Tender and juicy white inside has a sweet taste, spiced with a little sourness. The tree is planted in places where groundwater is quite deep.

Late pear varieties: an overview of the best autumn and winter species + photos and reviews 2022

The late Kuban pear is a low tree with an “irregular” crown. Medium-sized fruits have the correct shape with tubercles. Greenish fruits appear on the tree, which the sun has “kissed” on the barrel. When ripe, the pears acquire a yellow color, sweet and sour taste with a pleasant taste.

Late pear varieties: an overview of the best autumn and winter species + photos and reviews 2022

Pervomaiskaya ripens in the last days of September. Seedlings are resistant to low temperatures and require minimal maintenance. Large yellow fruits with bright and ruddy sides have an oily skin with a thin wax coating. The taste is multifaceted and harmonious. Pleasant sweetness is refreshed by sourness and slight astringency.

Late pear varieties: an overview of the best autumn and winter species + photos and reviews 2022

Malyaevskaya late – a tall tree with a lush crown. The fruits are yellow, most of which are covered with a blush. The juicy creamy inside of the fruit is characterized by a coarse-grained structure and has a sweet astringent taste and pronounced sourness.

Late pear varieties: an overview of the best autumn and winter species + photos and reviews 2022

Nika pear has medium-sized fruits, but there are trees that grow pears weighing 200 g. They are covered with an oily skin. During the harvest, greenish fruits are removed from the trees. After they lie down for a while, the pears turn yellow with ruddy flanks. They have an excellent taste with a nutmeg aroma. The variety is winter-hardy. Fruits in fruit storages can retain their appearance and palatability for up to 4 months.

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