Late pear varieties

Late pear varieties have their own characteristics. They are valued for their long shelf life. The following are photos and names of late pear varieties. Hybrids are designed for planting in temperate climates.

Pros and cons of late ripening pear varieties

Autumn and winter pear is characterized by later fruiting. The harvest is taken from September to October, when the fruits are not yet ripe. They usually have firm flesh and a greenish color. During storage, the fruits become softer and tastier, and the skin becomes yellowish. The storage period is from 110 to 150 days.

The main advantages of a late ripening pear: 

  • the ability to harvest when the main fruiting season is over;
  • long shelf life, including until the New Year;
  • good taste, which manifests itself within 1-2 months;
  • high transportability;
  • not prone to shedding;
  • universal purpose.

Disadvantages of late varieties: 

  • long period of ripening of the crop;
  • eat fruit at the stage of technical maturity;
  • providing conditions for ripening.
Advice! Late harvest kept in a cool dark place.

Late varieties of pears for the middle lane

The middle lane includes regions located in the Central European part of Our Country. Until recently, it was believed that the culture was not suitable for planting in such a climate. However, breeders managed to obtain varieties that are resistant to frost, high humidity and temperature fluctuations. 

Varieties of late pears photo with a name for the middle band:

  • Belarusian late.  The variety was bred by Belarusian breeders. A tree of moderate growth, with a thickened crown. Fruits of the correct form, reach 110 g. The skin is dry and rough, green in color with a pink blush. The pulp is oily, fine-grained, the taste is sweetish, refreshing well. The harvest is ready for harvest in the late period: in mid-September. The variety is productive, but prone to scab.

    Late pear varieties

  • Novella.  Late hybrid with a rare crown. The fruits are enlarged, even, weighing 180-260 g. The crop is tightly held on the branches until harvest. The main color is gray-green, when ripe it becomes yellow with reddish spots. The pulp is sweet with a sour taste, it releases a lot of juice. The variety is fast-growing, resistant to diseases and frost. The main disadvantage is the average yield.

    Late pear varieties

  • Otradnenskaya.  A tree of standard type with a spreading crown. Pear of medium size, yellowish color with a blurred blush. Otradnenskaya is resistant to sudden changes in the weather (cold snap, drought), not prone to scab and other diseases. The yield is high and stable. Otradnenskaya is used for processing, they are well stored and transported. The grade differs in winter hardiness and skoroplodnost. 

    Late pear varieties

  • Extravaganza.  A tree up to 3 m high. Late fruiting variety, bears fruit up to 200 g. Inside they are white, juicy, slightly dense. The taste is sweet, without tart or sour notes. The pear bears fruit for 5 years. The harvest is harvested from the second half of September. Fairy is resistant to diseases, rarely damaged by pests, endures extreme weather conditions. The purpose is universal.

    Late pear varieties

  • Yurievskaya. Refers to early winter hybrids. A vigorous tree with a pyramidal crown. Pear fruits weighing up to 130 g, shortened. The skin is green-yellow with a brown blush. The flesh is greenish, juicy, sweet and sour. Tasting properties are estimated at 4,5 points. Harvest from Yuryevskaya is ready for harvest in early October. Storage until the end of December.
    Advice! To extend the shelf life, the pear is kept in wooden boxes. Paper is laid between the fruits.

    Late pear varieties

  • Hera. Late variety with a compact sparse crown. The fruits grow up to 200 g. The skin is greenish, has reddish spots. Pulp with small grains, sweet with sour notes. Fruiting starts after 4 years. Resistance to diseases and frost is high. Technical maturity is at the end of September. Storage time – up to 5 months.

    Late pear varieties

  • Miraculous. Late fruiting variety. A tree with a spreading crown. Fruits weighing 130 g, slightly flattened. The color is green-yellow, there is a red blush. Inside the pear is tender, slightly granular, sweet and sour. Ripens at the end of September. Winter hardiness is increased, the tree is slightly susceptible to diseases and pests. Harvest is stored for 150 days.

    Late pear varieties

  • February souvenir. Vigorous pear of late fruiting. The fruits are large, reach 130-200 g, have the correct elongated shape. When ripe they turn yellow. The pulp is tender, releases a lot of juice, sour-sweet in taste. Harvested in the second decade of September. The storage period is up to 150 days. The variety is resistant to diseases, winter hardiness is average.

    Late pear varieties

Late varieties of pear for the Rostov region

The Rostov region occupies an intermediate position between the warm south and the middle zone. The region is distinguished by fertile soils, a warm climate, and an abundance of sunny days. This allows gardeners to grow different varieties of pears.  

The latest pears for cultivation in the Rostov region:  

  • Cure or Williams winter. Early winter hybrid of unknown origin. The tree is large and spreading. Pear weighing 200 g, sometimes grows up to 500 g. The flesh is white, sweet with a sour taste. As it matures, the skin changes color from green to light yellow. The pear is harvested for storage at the end of September. To increase winter hardiness, Cure cuttings are grafted onto a quince stock.

    Late pear varieties

  • Talgar Beauty.  A hybrid of Kazakhstani selection, has become widespread in the southern regions. Medium sized pear, pyramidal crown. Fruits weighing 170 g, leveled, with a smooth skin and a bright spot. The pulp is juicy, crispy, very sweet, has a table purpose. The harvest is ready for harvest at the end of September, after 1-2 months it reaches consumer maturity. The variety is early-growing, resistant to drought and winter cold, unpretentious in care. 

    Late pear varieties

  • Take .  Pear late ripening, has the appearance of a pyramidal tree. Fruits up to 160 g, conical shape. The color is golden yellow with a burgundy spot. The pulp is sour-sweet, the taste is rated 4,7 points. Fruiting begins at 7 years. The harvest reaches technical ripeness in mid-September and is stored for 3 months. Winter hardiness is average. It has high resistance to scab and powdery mildew.

    Late pear varieties

  • Honey. Late ripening pear. The tree grows up to 2 m, has a compact pyramidal crown. Ripening in mid-September. The pear is large, weighing from 300 to 500 g. The skin is smooth, thin, yellow-green in color. The pulp is very sweet and juicy. Taste is rated 5 points. Possesses partial self-fertility and high productivity. The pear tolerates severe frosts, does not crumble, begins to bear fruit for 2 years. 
    Important! The crop is harvested in dry weather, be sure to wear gloves.

    Late pear varieties

  • Saint-Germain. An old French hybrid. The tree is tall with a wide crown. The fruits are elongated, with a strong skin, yellow. The whitish pulp releases a lot of juice. Harvest begins to take off at the end of September. The storage period in cool conditions is until January. Fruiting is plentiful. Prefers fertile soil with good moisture. Requires constant spraying from scab.

    Late pear varieties

  • Verbena. A tree of standard type with a pyramidal crown. Fruits are one-dimensional, the correct form, lemon-yellow coloring. The pulp is sweet and sour, with a spicy aftertaste, fine-grained, medium juiciness. Fruiting is plentiful, the crop has marketable qualities. Verbena is resistant to fungal diseases, but has below average winter hardiness.

    Late pear varieties

Late pear varieties for the Voronezh region

The Voronezh region is located in the center of the European part of Our Country. More than 80% of the region’s territory is covered with chernozem soils, the most fertile on Earth. The sum of active temperatures reaches 2700-3000 C. This is enough for growing late varieties. 

For the Voronezh region, the following varieties are chosen:  

  • The memory of Zhegalov. The pear bears fruit in late autumn. The tree quickly grows its crown. Fruits weighing up to 140 g, have a thin skin and a uniform green or yellow color. The flesh is whitish, sweet and sour with a tart taste. The pear is harvested from the second half of September and stored for 4 months. Memory Zhegalov is valued for regular fruiting, resistance to scab and weather changes.

    Late pear varieties

  • Nika.  A variety of late fruiting, has the appearance of a medium-sized tree. Pear weighing from 135 to 200 g, the correct form. It is removed green, as it matures, it becomes yellow with a burgundy blush. The pulp is sweet and sour, with a nutmeg flavor. The pear begins to be harvested at the end of September. It has high frost resistance and quickly recovers when it freezes. The tree needs pruning, otherwise the fruits become smaller.

    Late pear varieties

  • Autumn Yakovleva.  Pear of late ripening, grows rapidly and forms a powerful crown. The pulp is dense, with nutmeg notes. Fruits weighing 150 g, coloring green-yellow tones. Taste qualities are estimated at 4,8 points. Harvest is in September. Fruiting is plentiful from year to year. Universal use: consumption of fresh fruits and processing. Winter hardiness is satisfactory.

    Late pear varieties

  • In memory of Yakovlev.  Low-growing late hybrid, grows up to 2 m. Golden-colored pear, weighing from 150 to 200 g. Tastes sweet, without tart notes. Fruiting at the end of September, they hang on the branches for a long time and do not crumble. The variety is self-fertile, serves as a good pollinator. Resistant to diseases and winter cold. The first harvest is taken at 3 years of age.

    Late pear varieties

  • Rossoshskaya beautiful.  The tree is medium-sized, bears late fruits weighing 160 g. The color is light yellow with a soft blush. Juicy and sweet inside. Harvest in early September. The purpose is universal. The yield is high, fruiting from 5 years. The pear has a high immunity to scab. 

    Late pear varieties

  • Kiffer. A hybrid of American selection, obtained at the end of the 19th century. The tree grows rapidly and forms a dense crown. The skin is dense, when ripe it becomes yellow-golden. The pulp is rough, juicy, tart-sweet taste. Fruits weighing 150 g, sometimes reaching 200 g. Fruiting is annual and plentiful. The Kieffer pear is harvested in the last days of October. It is unpretentious to growing conditions, but sensitive to severe frosts.

    Late pear varieties

Features of care for pears of late ripening

Late ripening pears provide regular care. The tree is watered before and after flowering, additional moisture is added to the drought. After watering, loosen the soil and mulch it with humus.

The culture is fed 3 times per season. In the spring, a solution of mullein or urea is used. Fertilizer is poured under the root. Nitrogen promotes the growth of new shoots and leaves. After flowering, they switch to top dressing with superphosphate and potassium sulfate. For 10 liters of water, 40 g of each substance is required. In late autumn, they dig up the soil and fertilize it with humus.

Advice! In spring or autumn, broken, frozen and diseased branches are removed from the tree. By trimming, a pyramidal shape is formed.

Preparation of the tree for winter begins in October-November after harvest. Most late varieties have good winter hardiness. The tree is watered and mulched with humus. To protect the trunk from mice and hares, it is wrapped with a metal mesh or casing.

Sprays are used to control diseases and pests. In early spring, treatment with Bordeaux liquid or Nitrafen is effective. Cleaning the leaves in the fall, whitewashing and stripping the trunk helps to avoid damage.


Photos and names of late pear varieties will help you choose the right option for planting. For the middle lane, hybrids are used that are adapted to the climate of the region. To obtain a high yield, the pear is provided with care.

Late varieties of pear Paten (Glubokskaya, Talgar beauty, Belarusian late)

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