Late gestosis during pregnancy: symptoms
Late gestosis during pregnancy is a serious pathology that complicates the bearing of a child and childbirth. This ailment is treated, depending on the severity of the course, only under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist and therapist.
The main symptoms of gestosis during pregnancy: increased blood pressure, swelling, the presence of protein in the urine
Gestosis means late toxicosis of pregnant women, caused by disturbances in the functioning of the body due to bearing a child. Predisposed to preeclampsia are women suffering from kidney disease, high blood pressure.
Causes and symptoms of gestosis during pregnancy
In addition, late toxicosis can develop against the background of:
- Eating disorders: the use of smoked meats, baked goods, confectionery in large quantities;
- excessive fluid intake;
- preeclampsia transferred during a previous pregnancy;
- smoking and drinking alcohol;
- chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver;
- multiple pregnancy;
- obesity.
Gestosis during pregnancy can be asymptomatic, in this case it is determined only with regular weighing. Normally, a woman gains 12-15 kg during pregnancy, that is, about 400 grams per week. With an increase in this indicator, the doctor may suspect the formation of edema.
Urine tests also help determine the presence of an ailment. The diagnosis is confirmed if, after examination, the urine contains protein.
Gestosis develops due to the production of substances by the placenta that negatively affect the blood vessels. They become less durable, and the plasma protein flowing through them, together with the liquid, is poured into the tissues, provoking edema.
Symptoms of late gestosis:
- Puffiness;
- detection of protein in urine;
- high blood pressure;
- convulsions.
At the first stages of the disease, the edema remains hidden, while the uterus swells and the pressure on the fetus increases. They manifest themselves only in a sharp increase in weight.
The swelling begins in the legs and then rises through the body. Swelling of the hips, abdomen, arms and face. When pressed on the skin, pits and white dots are formed, which do not go away for a long time.
Edema is dangerous because it does not allow the child to develop normally, since the pressure of the walls of the uterus on it increases significantly, and the placenta swells. The baby begins to experience oxygen starvation.
For the mother, puffiness is dangerous because of the exacerbation of heart and kidney diseases.
Due to a decrease in the tone of the blood vessels and blood thickening, blood pressure rises. This poses a danger to the mother and fetus. High blood pressure provokes vasospasm and cerebral stroke, placental abruption.
Convulsions are the most dangerous symptom of gestosis. If it is detected, the pregnant woman requires urgent hospitalization and delivery, since the level of threat to the health of the child and mother is high. Convulsions or eclampsia are considered the last and most severe stage of gestosis.
If you find symptoms of late toxicosis, immediately consult a doctor. Not only your health depends on your actions, but also the life of the child.