Late blight of tomatoes: treatment
Late blight of tomatoes can destroy not only tomatoes in the greenhouse, but also nightshade growing nearby in the open field. Early prevention can prevent infection.
How to deal with late blight of tomatoes before the onset of the disease
Late blight is a fungal disease of nightshade crops. It can be transmitted from potatoes or diseased tomatoes. Spores of the fungus winter well in the soil in order to get to a fresh planting in the summer. The disease is so dangerous that even the tops of healthy plants should not be composted. And some of the diseased tomatoes must be taken out of the site and destroyed.
Late blight of tomatoes forms brown spots on the leaves and fruits
Particular attention should be paid to measures to prevent the disease. As a rule, the plants begin to ache after June 20th. Before that, it is necessary to start treating the plants with “phytosporin”. This biological product contains a culture of a fungus that inhibits the causative agent of late blight.
Additional plant protection measures – the right conditions for growing tomatoes:
- choose varieties that are resistant to late blight, these are mainly early ripening crops;
- plant plants in a sunny area;
- do not allow the soil to become waterlogged;
- do not apply fresh manure and humus under tomatoes in the spring, an excess of nitrogen is favorable for the disease;
- place the seedling bushes at a great distance from each other so that the tomatoes receive enough light;
- remove the lower leaves before the first ovary, they have the first blow;
- do not allow any parts of the plant to lie on the ground;
- if the leaves of the tomatoes dry, remove them and take them outside the area.
The fungus loves moisture and develops already at a temperature of 10 ° C. Cool and rainy summers provoke illness.
Treatment of late blight of tomatoes
In addition to preventive measures, tomatoes should be examined regularly. The disease begins with a whitish coating on the underside of the leaf. Treatment of tomatoes – treatment with fungicides and removal of damaged parts of the plant.
Of the chemicals, you can use “barrier”, “barrier” and “ridomil gold”. When using fungicides, it is necessary to maintain the processing time before harvest. There are folk remedies for the treatment of late blight, for example, liquid fermented milk products:
- Well-aged kefir or peroxidized whey must be added to the water at the rate of 2 liters per 10 liters of water.
- Pour 10-15 drops of iodine or brilliant green there and mix thoroughly.
- Spray whole plants once a week.
Lactic acid bacteria form a protective film on the leaves, stem and fruits. It looks and smells not very pleasant, but it helps to protect tomatoes.
To protect tomatoes, it is necessary to create the right conditions for them and start prophylaxis without waiting for the first signs of the disease to appear. The diseased parts of the plants must be taken out of the site and destroyed.