
Useful properties and use of lastoven

Description of the gusset

Lastoven – a unique perennial grass or shrub of small height. Its shoots are on top, often curling. The rhizome of the plant is short, horizontal. Brownish roots are attached to it. The erect stems grow no more than 120 cm, sometimes curl like shoots. Often the surface of the stem is covered with small hairs. The leaves of the lastoven are located opposite each other. They are ovoid in shape, sometimes oval, and sharpened at the top.

Small flowers have five petals each. Usually collected in inflorescences in the form of umbrellas of 6 pieces. The color of the petals can be white, pale yellow and even greenish. The fruit is a pod, which consists of two pubescent leaflets. The seeds have a silky tuft of long fibers.

Useful properties of lastoven

The roots of lastoven contain various acids, glycosides, systosterols. The plant is poisonous, the rhizome and seeds are especially dangerous. In ancient times, it was considered an antidote. The plant has a rather pronounced diuretic and diaphoretic effect, and also boasts laxative properties. It is known for its antitoxic and wound-healing effect. Swallow seeds are great for quick pain relief.

The use of gusset

Since ancient times, the presented plant has healed many wounds and extensive abscesses. For this, a special decoction was prepared, for which it was necessary to throw the leaves of lastoven into boiling water. After the water cooled down a little, the product was used for its intended purpose. With such a unique decoction, edema was removed and wounds were disinfected.

To date, the decoction is prepared as follows. It is necessary to pour 10 grams of plant leaves with one glass of boiling water, and then boil the whole mixture for 15 minutes. And after the product has cooled slightly, it can be filtered. Until now, with small wounds, in addition to the decoction, leaves are applied for their speedy healing.

Often the gusset is used for the bites of poisonous snakes and insects. Often the plant is used in homeopathy as an incomparable cure for diabetes, as well as serious respiratory diseases, often infectious.

Sweep root

An unsurpassed infusion of the roots is often used for palpitations, dropsy, and as an excellent laxative. You need to take 1 regular teaspoon of the root of the plant, after crushing it. Pour the root with two glasses of boiling water and let it brew for 40 minutes, then strain. It is necessary to take such a healing infusion in equal doses throughout the day.

You can also use this delicious healing liquid externally for lotions, washing ulcers and wounds. A special gospel powder is used to get rid of alcoholism fairly quickly. Within 5 days, use it at 0,5 grams. The powder is also suitable for the effective removal of toxins in case of poisoning and dangerous tick bites. It is worth taking it twice a day in an amount equal to 0,2 grams.

Types of gusset

Let’s take a look at some of the most common types of feathers. As a rule, swallowtails are often found in nature. The grass is found on the territory of Russia, in its European part, with the exception of the northern edges. Distributed in mixed forests and deciduous. Feels comfortable among other shrubs, grows well along the banks of rivers and lakes. Rhizomes and roots attached to them have healing properties.

The unpleasant gusset is very similar to the swallow’s gully. They differ only in height, because this plant does not grow more than 60 cm. Suitable conditions for the development of this type of grass are mountain and rocky slopes, broad-leaved or oak forests.

Also known are the Mongolian gusset, black gusset, Russian, spicy, croissant and Siberian gusset.

Lastoven acute. The plant grows in meadows, fields, feels comfortable in a dry, well-lit area. Rocky or brackish soils are not an obstacle to fruitful growth. Blooms acute in the period of July-August. It reproduces both vegetatively and by seeds. The sharp lastoven is considered a weed plant. It drains the soil and depletes it, and drowns out the crops. The plant is not eaten by livestock due to the presence of milky juice.

Lastoven Siberian. This plant also differs little from the above. True, it reaches only 20-30 cm in height. Glycosides found in the seeds and roots of the plant are useful components of the plant. Remedies derived from the stems, leaves, and flowers of the plant are effective against the polio virus. The plant is also used in folk medicine in the form of tincture, as an emetic and laxative.

For quick healing, you can use the leaves and roots of the gossamer by applying them to the wound. In homeopathy, the essence of fresh leaves is used. In Tibetan medicine, medicines containing the seeds of this plant are used as heart and stomach remedies. They are also used in Chinese traditional medicine.

Leaves need to be harvested in June or July, seeds – a little later, in August – September, and the roots are harvested the latest – in the period of September – October.

Lastoven curassavian. Perennial evergreen plant reaches a meter in height. It has a strong erect stem. The leaves are dark green above, and at the base acquire a grayish tint. The flowers of this species of plant are bright, orange-red. They bloom at the top of the stems, starting in spring, and fade in autumn. A poisonous milky sap is hidden inside the plant.

The gospel grows on various types of soils, because. undemanding to conditions. An open, sunny space with abundant watering is ideal for the plant. It easily tolerates the sun’s rays if the humidity level remains acceptable. If the soil dries out, the gully can drop most of the buds. The beneficial components contained in the plant are used in the treatment of uterine diseases. They also stimulate the work of internal organs.

Contraindications swallows

Despite all the advantages that this plant has, it is extremely dangerous. You should consult a specialist before using it or refuse to use it at all. It is necessary to apply the gospel very carefully, without violating the indicated dosages. Any, even the slightest, overdose leads to dangerous poisoning. First there is profuse salivation, then nausea and severe vomiting.

It can often come to the point that cramps of the extremities appear. At the first symptoms of poisoning, you should do a quick gastric lavage and consult a doctor without delay.

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