Laser vision correction is not an alternative, it’s “something” much better
Start Laser vision correction Laser correction of presbyopia
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– Our patients get to know the world anew and undergo amazing metamorphoses. It very often happens that one family member comes, followed by a whole string of relatives, friends and colleagues from work. With the ophthalmologist Dr. Jan Grzeszkowiak talks about laser vision correction.

Doctor, the number of myopic people is growing all over the world, there is even talk of an epidemic. Why is myopia so common these days?

I would not call the current situation an “epidemic”, it is rather a consequence of our lifestyle. We spend more and more time in front of the screens of laptops, tablets and smartphones, less and less often we look into the distance. Our eyes are constantly exposed only to images located at a distance of several or several dozen centimeters, adapting to new conditions. Metaphorically, this can be compared to a situation where earthquake-absorbing houses are built in areas affected by seismic activity, as is our visual system, which adapts to a changing environment.

Please note that because of the electronics that have entered our lives, even children do most of their activities up close. The muscles of the eyeballs, being “contracted” for a long time, lose their flexibility, which leads to the development of myopia. Of course, genetic predisposition is also important, but they have always existed, which is why it is primarily the more difficult environmental conditions for our optical system that is the main reason why myopia is so common nowadays.

Apparently, time outside may be a protective factor, is that true?

In fact, there is a body of research that confirms that people who spend at least one hour a day outdoors are less likely to develop myopia. Contrary to appearances, it is not only about focusing your eyesight at long distances, oxygenation of the body and physical activity are also important. Another protective factor is the right amount of sleep, as well as the quality of the lighting. Using a smartphone or laptop, or even reading a book in uncomfortable lighting conditions, can induce myopia.

Research shows that only 40 percent. short-sighted, the defect is corrected – what is the risk of neglecting myopia?

Worse vision, headaches or conjunctivitis. However, the worst possible scenario is that an uncorrected vision defect leads to amblyopia, i.e. a situation when the brain stops using the eye that is not fully corrected and develops poorer vision that cannot be corrected with glasses, contact lenses or laser in the future.

What are the risks of high myopia?

In people with high myopia, i.e. above -6D, the risk of other serious eye diseases increases: retinal detachment, cataracts, glaucoma or degenerative changes in the retina.

There are many treatments for myopia, which are effective?

Anything that corrects myopia works, but if we think about contact lenses or glasses, we have a situation in which we correct our vision, but we do not eliminate the problem.

Such “symptomatic treatment” …

Yes, it’s a bit like giving a cramp to a limping person instead of healing the leg. Therefore, many years ago, laser vision correction was introduced, as well as intraocular lens implants, which in fact rely on restoring the eye’s optical system to the correct condition, and thus eliminate the problem.

Who is the perfect candidate for laser vision correction?

Yes, there are really no strict criteria, we approach each patient individually. As a rule, these are people over the age of 18 – at this age, the visual impairment slowly stabilizes. Almost all vision defects are suitable for correction: myopia up to -10.0 diopters, hyperopia up to +6.00 diopters and astigmatism, i.e. cylinder also up to +6.00 diopter.

There are many LKW methods – what makes the Lentivu® method different?

It is a surgical method that has been packed with a whole range of extensive diagnostic tests, enabling very accurate and precise diagnosis of the optical system. If we were to compare the Lentivu® method to other methods of laser vision correction, we can refer to the times when the traditional gallbladder surgery was replaced by the endoscopic method.

So instead of using a much more extensive procedure, a much more delicate procedure was created for the eye. The scope of the laser’s operation is shorter, the procedure time is shorter, and its course and the postoperative period are completely painless. The Lentivu® method also enables patients to return to normal functioning much faster. For this reason, it is chosen by athletes, pilots, employees of uniformed services, professional drivers or simply people with an active professional life.

Does it mean that after a week I will be able to return to normal life?

Even earlier – most patients get roughly 80 percent. final effect the very next day. He can successfully use electronic devices or drive a car. Of course, we do not recommend spending twelve hours in front of the smartphone screen, but two / three hours in the first days after the procedure should not be a problem.

Many people are terrified by the prospect of a laser beam that shapes the cornea – is it safe?

Many myths have arisen around laser surgery, and as we know – myths most often come from ignorance. Therefore, our role, and especially of ophthalmologists dealing with LKW, is to refute false beliefs with reliable knowledge. I admit that many patients come to me with concerns you talk about. They ask about the safety of the procedure and the risk of complications. Let me emphasize once again: LKW is a safe, predictable and very precise procedure.

You can imagine that it takes several dozen laser pulses to cut a human hair with laser light – that’s its precision. LKW is a quick procedure, but it does not mean that we are acting hastily. We try to provide our patients with the greatest possible comfort and devote them as much time as they need. Very often, people who give up LKW are concerned about whether they will be able to withstand for so long with an open eye, but thanks to the very effective drops, we endure the feeling of pain and counteract the need to blink – if nothing stings or stings us, it is much easier for us to hold on. eye open.

In addition, we put a small support on the anesthetized eye so that it does not close on its own. And what is also important for patients who are afraid of “star wars” in front of their eyes, the laser light is invisible, regardless of which laser we use to correct the vision defect. Patients only see a green dot, the image blurry a little, improved a little, the laser hummed a little – and the whole thing takes only 20-30 seconds for each eye.

We often meet the opinions of patients who, fresh after the procedure, complain that they see worse: “halo effect”, starry flashes, glare. Should they be concerned or is it typical of the healing process?

When we talk about the fact that a patient can do basic things from the first days after surgery, it does not mean that we achieve the full operational effect. Regardless of which method we choose and which vision defect we have, the healing process takes almost a year. Corneal tissue is a tissue that takes a long time to heal, and until it is stable in shape, slight fluctuations in image sharpness may persist. The patient may also experience periodic dry eyes for several months after the procedure.

Very often patients also ask if the sight defect can come back? Does LKW really provide a permanent effect?

Thanks to laser correction, we change the shape of the cornea permanently, so anatomically it is impossible for the vision defect to return. However, especially in young people who have a very severe visual impairment, the risk of its progression is higher. That is why we try to perform procedures when the vision defect has been stable for at least a year. If, regardless of the procedure performed, the vision defect progresses somewhat in the future, it is sometimes possible to perform another procedure that enhances the effect of the first one.

Many patients who submitted to LKW regret that their decision was made so late. They say: I waited 25 years, and I could change my life in tens of seconds. How can we encourage those who are still hesitating?

I often reply to such patients: it is very good that you have waited 25 years – at the moment we have techniques that we could have previously dreamed of and we are able to provide you with incomparable comfort and precision. For those who still hesitate, I can tell you that the technique has been greatly improved since the first laser vision correction was performed several decades ago. It can be safely said that LKW is not an alternative to glasses or contact lenses, but “something” much better.

The more that more and more studies show how many side effects are associated with wearing contact lenses. I think that the best LKW advertisement are thousands of satisfied patients who get to know the world anew and undergo amazing metamorphoses. It very often happens that one family member comes, followed by a whole string of relatives, friends and colleagues from work. For me, as a surgeon, it is an incredible joy and satisfaction to be able to change the lives of others for the better.

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