Laser vessel closure – indications and course of the procedure

Laser vessel closure is a procedure that allows the dilated blood vessel to be closed by irradiating it with a laser beam. Laser radiation causes the blood temperature in the capillary to rise rapidly, the capillary contracts and closes, and this change is permanent. The laser closing of the blood vessels should be done in such a way that the blood in the blood vessel is heated, and the skin only slightly. This requires the appropriate selection of the wavelength of the laser radiation.

What is laser closing of blood vessels?

Laser vessel closure it consists in heating the blood in an expanded vessel to a temperature that will cause its walls to contract and close. Such a treatment gives permanent results – the vessel is closed permanently. For optimal results laser closing of blood vessels should be repeated up to 3 times with an interval of several months.

It is worth using appropriate cosmetics for couperose skin. Reach for the Cream for couperose skin Jasmine Capillary Bioherba, which is available at a favorable price on the Medonet Market.

How is the laser closing of blood vessels?

Before executing laser closing of blood vessels the doctor assesses the discoloration visible through the epidermis. Their diameter, color and quantity are examined. The doctor enters this data into the computer, which selects the appropriate length of the laser beam for irradiation and the amount of energy, the type of filter, the number of pulses, the time interval between them and the duration of the pulse. Before executing laser vessel closure treatment perform a laser test, i.e. check whether the parameters selected by computer are optimal for a given patient.

The energy emitted by the laser radiation is absorbed by hemoglobin, i.e. the red blood pigment. The blood is heated in this way, destroying the inside of the blood vessel wall. This “burned” capillary is removed from the body after some time.

Laser vessel closure takes place in several stages. First, the doctor cleans the skin at the treatment site. This includes washing off your makeup and peeling to get rid of the layer of dead skin. For this purpose, it is worth using, for example, Bioherba Pumpkin Enzymatic Peeling for delicate and couperose skin. Then, special covers are put on the patient’s eyes to protect against laser radiation. The doctor places the head on the patient’s face and releases a laser beam (it gives the effect of a flash of white light).

For daily care of capillary skin, try the FLOSLEK body lotion for capillary skin care that improves skin firmness and elasticity, as well as the Red Syndrome FEEDSKIN Serum for capillaries, which can be ordered at Medonet Market at a promotional price.

Indications for laser vessel closure

Laser vessel closure it is needed when in the dermis there are clearly extended and permanently extended (they do not disappear as in the case of, for example, blushes) blood vessels visible through the epidermis. It happens when the skin is constantly exposed to UV radiation (sun exposure), a solarium is often used, the skin is exposed to unfavorable weather conditions such as wind, large temperature amplitudes (for example, the transition from cold air to a heated room) and when steroids are used for some reason. At first, redness and erythema appear, which will not disappear with time (the blood vessels do not constrict). Dilated capillaries can merge and form large structures, which looks unsightly. Sometimes dilated capillaries are visible from birth.

In such cases, especially when changes occur to the face, it is recommended laser closing of blood vessels.

A contraindication for the procedure is, among others pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If you do not qualify for the procedure, you can effectively care for your capillary skin. It is worth using appropriate cosmetics. For example, we recommend Soothing Day Fluid SPF 15 B-RESPECT Sensilis, which does not irritate, perfectly moisturizes and protects the skin, and also mattifies it. We also recommend a 20% arnica spray for dilated capillaries, redness and bruising FLOSLEK, which has a soothing and evening skin tone.

Principles of procedure after laser closing of blood vessels

After treatment laser closing of blood vessels face skin should not be exposed to UV rays for a minimum of 4 weeks. It is also not allowed to exercise intensively or use the sauna for a minimum of 5 days after the procedure (then, the blood vessels dilate). The skin at the treatment site should be moistened with cream 2-3 times a day, but it is not recommended to apply it to the place where the makeup vessels have been laser-sealed. In some cases, it is necessary to apply an antibiotic ointment to the skin at the treatment site.

After treatment laser closing of blood vessels do not peel, wash the skin with an alcohol-based tonic and use soap to wash the face. It is also not allowed to use for washing places after laser-closed vessels spirit.

The couperose skin is very sensitive, therefore it requires proper care. Order FLOSLEK cosmetics for couperose skin today. We recommend:

  1. Semi-rich cream for couperose skin FLOSLEK – strengthens the walls of blood vessels, soothes irritations, inhibits the formation of spider veins and skin aging processes,
  2. ECO semi-rich cream for couperose skin set – jar + replaceable FLOSLEK refill – replaceable cartridges and universal jars are a huge step forward in ecology,
  3. Cream-mask for capillary skin FLOSLEK – moisturizes, protects the skin against the harmful effects of free radicals.

Possible complications after laser vessel closure

After treatment laser closing of blood vessels may appear complications. They happen very rarely, but the continuity of the skin may be damaged – then blisters and scabs will appear at the treatment site, and the skin will heal for about 10 days. The skin may also turn blue at the irradiation site – these symptoms should disappear within 5-15 days. Sometimes (rarely) as a result laser closing of blood vessels the skin pigment changes, especially in tanned or darker-skinned people. Then, discoloration or discoloration appears on the skin at the treatment site, which should disappear after some time. The most serious complication after surgery laser closing of blood vessels there is a skin infection at the site closing the vessels. In such cases, an ointment with an antibiotic should be used.

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