The text is presented for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor. Recommended reading: “Why not self-medicate?”. Laser treatment of cervical erosion is called an innovative technology that can restore a woman’s sexual health with minimal trauma. I am glad here is a rather short rehabilitation period, which should be accompanied by taking appropriate medications as instructed by the attending specialist.
According to official statistics, from 45% to 70% of the fairer sex suffer from various pathologies of the reproductive system. This is not only about oncological lesions of the female reproductive system. Increasingly, young girls are faced with ectopia or ectropion of the cervix.
They also have to fight against palylomatosis, leukoplakia, polyps, dysplasia. One of the most common deviations in this part is cervical erosion. Today, instead of monotherapy in the form of a pharmacological course of treatment, or electrocoagulation, doctors began to use radio wave irradiation and laser vaporization.
The latter, in conjunction with the drug approach, is designed to relieve the patient of problems associated with diseases of the cervix, vagina, and vulva as soon as possible. The laser scheme copes even with the healing of patients with benign neoplasms, therefore it is quite possible to overcome the erosion of innovative technology.
Benefits of using a laser
Literally, vaporization – a technique involving a laser as the main tool for getting rid of erosion, is translated as “evaporation”. The term really corresponds to the main mechanism of the method, since the device is designed to destroy the cells of living tissues. The basis is a focused light beam of increased power.
Some potential patients are scared away by the price of manipulation, which is an order of magnitude higher than alternative options offered. To accurately answer the question: how much does such a course of treatment cost, only a doctor can during the initial examination. In each clinic, the price list varies, so it is easier to first find out the cost in several medical institutions before making a final decision.
In addition to the price issue, you should definitely take into account the reviews of former clients not only of a certain clinic, but also of a single doctor. Experts recommend putting the aspect of the doctor’s competence, the reputation of his gynecological practice in the first place, and only then consider the price.
Compared to cheaper analogues, the laser measure has several practical advantages. The most important point of distinctive features is the ability of unusual technology to cope with tasks that are beyond the power of alternatives. We are talking about the ability to serve a large affected area, it cannot be said about cryodestruction.
Other positive features include:
- short procedure duration of about 20 minutes with high productivity;
- increased accuracy, made possible by a focused laser beam;
- reduction of postoperative edema, which is caused by the closure of lymph nodes damaged due to intervention;
- permission to use the method for nulliparous women.
The last point is especially important for young girls, because with the classical surgical path, extensive scars await them. Laser maintenance excludes such an outcome, which guarantees a healthy pregnancy and subsequent labor activity. Increased accuracy is achieved through the use of a special device – a video colposcope. The doctor directs him to the alleged lesion in order to perform the declared work as accurately as possible. The approach works even if necessary to block damaged tissues no more than half a centimeter in size.
A side effect of the “jewel work” is a reduction in soreness and general discomfort during rehabilitation. Also, the victims can be calm about the duration of healing with all the ensuing consequences. Even discharges typical of such a development of events will bother them much less often. The period of sexual abstinence is reduced, and some other restrictions inherent in traditional surgical intervention are removed.
The final positive aspect is the removal of damaged tissues along with coagulation of the border areas. In practice, this means that vaporization blocks small blood vessels.
Such scrupulousness perfectly protects against heavy bleeding both during the operation and after it in the first few days.
Medical indications
Usually, women call cervical erosion not only the disease itself, but also adjacent to it, or complex lesions. For the treatment of most of them, vaporization is suitable as nothing else is good. It is believed that the main indications for manipulation are:
- direct treatment of erosion along with dysplasia of the second or first degree;
- cicatricial formations;
- multiple cysts of the retention (Nabotov) type;
- endometriosis, polyps located in the lower third of the cervical canal.
When chronic cervicitis is diagnosed along with erosion of the standard type, the doctor can also redirect to the laser treatment room. This is explained by the fact that often such a disease cannot be completely cured by conservative measures.
Proper preparation
Despite the simplicity of the technique, it provides for a mandatory preliminary examination by the attending gynecologist. To confirm the diagnosis, you will need to involve video colposcopy, as well as the results of some other clinical studies.
Based on the information collected, it will be possible to confirm the verdict, as well as establish the exact location of the lesion, assess the degree of the inflammatory process and the ability to determine the area in need of treatment. Concomitant tests help determine the nature of the pathology, as well as identify latent contraindications or concomitant diseases in the initial phase of the course.
Preparation is not complete without a biopsy of the cervix. Due to it, it will be possible to detect morphological changes in the tissue structure, as well as to determine the features of the pathology. Sometimes, with her support, it turns out to refute a previously falsely established diagnosis, or to catch cancer at the initial stage of development.
The fundamental catalysts for the development of uterine erosion are human papillomavirus infection, which is simply reduced to the abbreviation PVI, herpes simplex virus and hormonal disruptions. If you do not get rid of the source of the problem before starting to use the laser, then a relapse will only be a matter of time. It is also necessary to take into account contraindications for the operation. Among them are:
- inflammatory processes with localization in the small pelvis;
- infectious lesions of the cervix;
- vaginal infections;
- TORCH-infections.
Moreover, it will still be possible to use a laser if, first, the victim successfully completes a course of therapy for infectious diseases found in her. Another point of preparation is to take into account the menstrual cycle for the convenience of manipulation. You need to make an appointment for 5-9 days of the monthly cycle.
Step by step treatment
In order for the removal of pathologically altered cells to be successful, it is necessary to follow the step-by-step instructions for vaporization. Any course begins with drug treatment in order to quickly rid the woman of the source that caused the erosion.
Even if you have to postpone the intervention for a month or more, it is forbidden to skip the first point of the program, so as not to face increased risks of relapse later.
Within twenty to thirty minutes, depending on the area of the lesion, the doctor will operate the laser to remove the affected tissue.
When the epithelium is neutralized, the erosive cells that are embedded in it are removed. After a while, the organ will again be covered with an identical layer, but only completely healthy.
After treatment with a laser beam, the tissues begin to be rejected. Due to the fact that the process also takes place on the territory of healthy tissues, regeneration occurs quite quickly.
The coagulation film also departs quickly, but without significant bleeding. Also, this speed guarantees minimal scarring, if any, and an almost zero chance of uterine stenosis.
On the fifth day, tissue rejection is completed, as evidenced by the cleaned postoperative surface. But until a full recovery will have to wait about a month and a half. To monitor the health of a woman during this important period, she is put on a dispensary record. During rehabilitation, you need to appear several times at the gynecologist’s appointment to exclude possible complications.
The most common complication after laser photocoagulation is spotting. After their discovery, you should immediately go for a consultation with the doctor, leaving all attempts at self-treatment.
In some cases, after laser intervention, a woman is sent home on the same day, prescribing bed rest. But it is better to spend the first time under the close supervision of medical personnel. This is especially important for those who were given general anesthesia.
Most patients get by with local anesthesia, which is less harmful to the cardiovascular system, but even such a sparing analogue has a significant drawback.
This is a possible allergic reaction. To protect yourself from the likelihood of anaphylactic shock, it is better to conduct an allergic test in advance.
Tips for Successful Rehab
For the treatment to really help, you need not only to find an experienced expert and a clinic with new certified equipment. It is important to follow all the points from the instructions for proper recovery.
It is worth preparing for the fact that after the operation you need to observe sexual rest for one month. In the second month, intimacy is allowed, but only with a condom. Details should be clarified with the attending physician in order to avoid getting the microflora of the sexual partner into the vagina.
You also need to limit active physical activity at first, taking care of refusing to carry weights. If you ignore this rule, you can provoke profuse bleeding.
Of the other mandatory tips, there is a refusal to drink alcoholic beverages. Instead of tampons, you should only use sanitary pads.
Instead of going to the sauna, swimming pool or swimming in open water, it is worth limiting yourself to a warm shower to minimize the introduction of pathogens.
The final stage is a visit to the gynecologist in order to receive evidence of successful completion of therapy and subsequent recommendations.